“How can it be that so many people react positively to Hitler, accept him?”
BERLIN – A German actor who dressed up as Adolf Hitler and traveled through the country for four weeks chatting to smiling voters and stroking their pets for a film that opens this week says he was shocked by the warm welcome he received.
The film “Look Who’s Back” is an adaptation of a satirical novel by Timur Vermes which has sold over a million copies. In it, Hitler wakes up in modern times, becomes a celebrity and enters politics again.
Vermes has said he wrote the book to lambast what he calls Germans’ complacency about the Nazis and highlight his belief that Hitler would have a chance to succeed today, even though the modern German state is constructed to ensure that Nazi tyranny can never return.
The film’s director and lead actor said that the time spent touring Germany, shooting footage that has been incorporated into the movie, had opened their eyes and that they had witnessed a shift to the right in attitudes.
“How can it be that so many people react positively to Hitler, accept him?” director David Wnendt told Germany’s ARD television.
The film shows actor Oliver Masucci, complete with Hitler’s trademark mustache, mingling among crowds of smiling people, shaking their hands, posing for photos with firemen and even tickling pet dogs and goats.
“People quickly forgot that the cameras were rolling and started talking to the man, to open up to him,” said Masucci.
Filming took place shortly before the emergence of the grassroots anti-Islam PEGIDA movement, centered in the eastern city of Dresden, which drew tens of thousands of supporters to its rallies earlier this year.
“It didn’t surprise us that they took to the streets. This middle class that’s shifting to the right – we’d got it all on camera,” said Masucci.
The success of the book and media interest in the film reflect a fascination among Germans with the darkest chapter of their history even 70 years after the end of World War Two and the Holocaust.
Documentaries regularly run on television and in the last decade or so some taboos about Hitler have also been broken with films such as “Downfall” which chronicled the dictator’s last days.
The new film also comes at a time when Germans are being scrutinized for their attitudes towards foreigners, with many Germans worried about the cost and social impact of the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees this year alone.
The striking posters for the film, a plain white background with only Hitler’s black hair with a side parting and the title of the film (“Er ist wieder da”) compressed into a square mustache, are adorning Berlin billboards.
I wish his view of Germans attitudes towards Hitler were true. Unfortunately, I think his view is completely wrong and I think he knows it. They are as ignorant and stupid as the rest of the world about Hitler and about their own history. Hitler’s primary ambition was to free German lands occupied by newly created countries after WW I (Czechoslovakia and Poland) and at the end of WW II, after even more land was stolen from Germany, the country was 2/3 its former size in 1914 and at least fourteen million Germans were ethnically cleansed from German lands, causing the biggest mass migration of people in history. Today’s Germans are completely ignorant of these German cities they lost and completely ignorant of what was done to their people. You mention the city Breslau or Memel and they look you blankly in the face. The only thing they know about their history are the lies the allies have forced down their throats.
That is why they are destroying themselves. They are full of self hate. The Jews and the countries they rule (Britain, France, USA, USSR) have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. I only hope it all blows up in their faces someday.
But thank very much for this website. It makes me think there is a chance things can change.
Adolf Hitler’s unparalleled charisma came from having the confidence of truth within him,and the courage to act on it.
Neither was he,” Right Wing”, or ” Left Wing”. We march against reaction ( right), and Reds ( left). Horst Wessel lied.
Hitler,and the NSDAP, was all about breaking the artificial Liberal /Conservative ,Judaic trap.
By doing this the Jews leverage ,and ability to manipulate was destroyed .
It became Gentile V Jew and the Jews lost do to the National Unity thus created.
The power of Adolf Hitler was that he walked in truth.
Despite 70 years of Anti NSDAP laws, snd harassment 24/7.Threats of fines ,,and imprisonment, this power still can ignite in Germany !
I must add the party Pegeda ,has nothing to do with real NS, but is a stupid Kosher approved Nationalism.
For more,see great books,David Irving Action Report Com.
See,The Greatest Story Never Told .Com.
I consider this report to be a big – jewish- lie! The germans will never show these feelings in public. If some hold warm feelings to Hitler they would only dare to whisper in privat.
Freedom of expression is gone in Germany.Today most of the people in Germany I know are against more immigrants , but you are vilified by the government and the media for these ideas.
I think the author Timor Vernes is spreading jewish lies to smear Germany again and ongoing.
Nice picture. Hitler was clearly an animal lover. Here are two more photos, providing a glimpse at Goebbels and German soldiers meeting, talking and greeting famous Japanese violinist Nejiko Suwa. None of this fits in with the image the Jews want present of the “NAZIS” – Germans.
According to the kikes, those soldiers with Miss Suwa were all racists.
Some day, the Truth will prevail and all world be free, the heroic, now enslaved german people will realize about the truth and will recognize to the mortal enemy, the damn and fu…g yid, and the amazing figure of the fuhrer will como back at all splendor. Long live forever Adolf, Hail, Sieg hail!!!
Long before WWII started we were bombarded with lies from the MASTERS OF DECEPTION, THE JEWS. All we knew about Germany and Hitler were nothing but lies. However the real criminals were never exposed and those real criminals were Roosevelt, (Rosenfelt), Stalin, Churchil, Eisenhower. Those “liberators” angels from heaven murdered more than 100 million people during WWII.
“Some day, the Truth will prevail and all world be free, the heroic, now enslaved german people will realize about the truth and will recognize to the mortal enemy, the damn and fu…g yid, and the amazing figure of the fuhrer will como back at all splendor.”
If Adolf Hitler reincarnate with his previous charisma, previous courage, and the PREVIOUS BRAINS – we can not have any hope, alas…
Greetings all,
“How can it be that so many people react positively to Hitler, accept him?”
Perhaps because People are finally waking up to THE BIG LIES of the Jews???
Here is the latest from Shiksa Goddess:
“Gassed No Jews- ‘I’m With You’ by Avril Lavigne Parody ”
– bb0
I wish his view of Germans attitudes towards Hitler were true. Unfortunately, I think his view is completely wrong and I think he knows it. They are as ignorant and stupid as the rest of the world about Hitler and about their own history. Hitler’s primary ambition was to free German lands occupied by newly created countries after WW I (Czechoslovakia and Poland) and at the end of WW II, after even more land was stolen from Germany, the country was 2/3 its former size in 1914 and at least fourteen million Germans were ethnically cleansed from German lands, causing the biggest mass migration of people in history. Today’s Germans are completely ignorant of these German cities they lost and completely ignorant of what was done to their people. You mention the city Breslau or Memel and they look you blankly in the face. The only thing they know about their history are the lies the allies have forced down their throats.
That is why they are destroying themselves. They are full of self hate. The Jews and the countries they rule (Britain, France, USA, USSR) have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. I only hope it all blows up in their faces someday.
But thank very much for this website. It makes me think there is a chance things can change.
Adolf Hitler’s unparalleled charisma came from having the confidence of truth within him,and the courage to act on it.
Neither was he,” Right Wing”, or ” Left Wing”. We march against reaction ( right), and Reds ( left). Horst Wessel lied.
Hitler,and the NSDAP, was all about breaking the artificial Liberal /Conservative ,Judaic trap.
By doing this the Jews leverage ,and ability to manipulate was destroyed .
It became Gentile V Jew and the Jews lost do to the National Unity thus created.
The power of Adolf Hitler was that he walked in truth.
Despite 70 years of Anti NSDAP laws, snd harassment 24/7.Threats of fines ,,and imprisonment, this power still can ignite in Germany !
I must add the party Pegeda ,has nothing to do with real NS, but is a stupid Kosher approved Nationalism.
For more,see great books,David Irving Action Report Com.
See,The Greatest Story Never Told .Com.
I consider this report to be a big – jewish- lie! The germans will never show these feelings in public. If some hold warm feelings to Hitler they would only dare to whisper in privat.
Freedom of expression is gone in Germany.Today most of the people in Germany I know are against more immigrants , but you are vilified by the government and the media for these ideas.
I think the author Timor Vernes is spreading jewish lies to smear Germany again and ongoing.
Nice picture. Hitler was clearly an animal lover. Here are two more photos, providing a glimpse at Goebbels and German soldiers meeting, talking and greeting famous Japanese violinist Nejiko Suwa. None of this fits in with the image the Jews want present of the “NAZIS” – Germans.
According to the kikes, those soldiers with Miss Suwa were all racists.
Some day, the Truth will prevail and all world be free, the heroic, now enslaved german people will realize about the truth and will recognize to the mortal enemy, the damn and fu…g yid, and the amazing figure of the fuhrer will como back at all splendor. Long live forever Adolf, Hail, Sieg hail!!!
Long before WWII started we were bombarded with lies from the MASTERS OF DECEPTION, THE JEWS. All we knew about Germany and Hitler were nothing but lies. However the real criminals were never exposed and those real criminals were Roosevelt, (Rosenfelt), Stalin, Churchil, Eisenhower. Those “liberators” angels from heaven murdered more than 100 million people during WWII.
“Some day, the Truth will prevail and all world be free, the heroic, now enslaved german people will realize about the truth and will recognize to the mortal enemy, the damn and fu…g yid, and the amazing figure of the fuhrer will como back at all splendor.”
If Adolf Hitler reincarnate with his previous charisma, previous courage, and the PREVIOUS BRAINS – we can not have any hope, alas…