
“German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said the US president-elect needs to understand NATO is more about values than business-like behavior.” 


2 thoughts on “GERMANY – Defense Minister warns Donald Trump to stay away from Russia and commit full to NATO”
  1. She is a psychopath like Killary, icecold and willing to sacrifice a lot of young Germans for her ambitions. When asked in an interview if her 6 children would go on an ” out of area mission” she laughed and said: of course not.
    The German politicians nowadays are a bunch of insane warmongers.

  2. “Whether he is on the side of the law, peaceful order and democracy ”
    Maidan, Aleppo, Cairo, Tbilisi, are these people knowingly lying or just insane?
    Every colour revolution has been fomented and paid for by NATO governments.
    “I just think if we got along with Russia that’s not a bad thing.”
    But the US and the EU MIC would then have to find constructive products that people actually want, rather than bombs and weapons (F45, Abrams et al.) that eat up billions in resources but don’t work.
    Oh yes, and the “defence” ministers would be less important than the Post Master. As Donald says ‘that’s not a bad thing.’

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