Berlin (AFP) – A leading member of German right-wing populist party AfD sparked an outcry Wednesday by criticising the Holocaust memorial in Berlin and calling for the country to stop atoning for its Nazi past.
Bjoern Hoecke’s comments also exposed a damaging split in the anti-immigration party, just months before Germany heads to the polls.
Perhaps this fellow should beef up his security….
This B/S ‘holocaust’ guilt trip is and was nothing but another way for the sycophant Talmudic Zionists to acquire and maintain control of peoples minds and maintain their submission.
I for one am sick and tired of all this ‘holo-hoax’ garbage because that’s exactly what it is. The truth is coming out though, slowly but surely, and the a-holes who are trying to keep a grip on their victims, namely the beautiful German people, don’t know how to do anything but react to any situation they’re confronted with, which in the end will be part of they’re undoing.
Stay strong Bjorn. Their house of cards is beginning to fall.
We will have to distinct between National Socialism > Hitler and Follwers And NAZI-(onist)s crypto and real openly jews who undermined German Society. As always Jews accused others for the crimes they committed. It is always the others. Some 271000 died in the labour camps, due to desease, famine and age. Compare with the Rhine Meadow Camps, where millions of Germans were killed in varios ways, by the “good”Jewish general Eisenhower, who singlehanded concluded all POW’s were in fact Warcriminals.whereas they themself were the crooks. It’s time to end their sick plays and send them to the only place where they belong; HELL.
A well-known German author said: Germany went from nationalsocialism directly to NATIONALMASOCHISM.- Holocaust is shoved down our throats daily from birth to grave by reeducation, education, ” history lessons” and endless propaganda.Many people are tired of this.
The aim is to keep Germany down as George Freedman from Stratfor said.
It’s about time a German said something like that. It’s time for Germany to go Nazi without the ovens.
i know next to nothing of german politics but who benefits from this?
I saw the Berlin war memorial, then common sense kicked in when reading that the holocaust accounts for all 6 million dead or missing in the war. Either way, the Jewish community has benefitted from the recourse and should be appreciative. But they annex Palestine and treat them worse than insects. The world is waking up. There is room for everybody. Forgiveness of the past should include forgiveness of lies. These lies must come to light before the reconciliation can begin. Pray for the continual evolution of consciousness and more truth preachers. <3
I sent this to [email protected]
Hello at Central Council of Jews,
You jabber on endlessly about your mythical 6,000,000, when the reality is that your war instigated against the German people cost 22,000,000 innocents they’re lives.
Not only that, you want to now utterly destroy the remainder with millions of European hating Muslims who rape and murder the women of Germany.
With apologies to the Palestinians, go to Israel and stay there.
Michael Mazur
Victoria Australia
I’m half Jewish, but mom is Christian, and I follow that religion. I believe some Jews died, but so did a hell of a lot of other people in the Second World War. It’s utterly ridiculous to me that Jews keep milking the Germans for reparations. Yeah I lost some people on my dad’s side to Nazism, but it’s absurd to keep blaming Germany for what happened over 70 years ago. Most of the perpetrators are gone anyway. Jews strike me as the most vindicative and unforgiving people in the world.
The Nazis only copied what the Jews keep on saying that they happend to be the Master Race over all other races.Therefore the so called Holocaust in question was about finding out who is the better Master Race so to speak.It was a human war about who was right or not??One talks about 6 millions being killed in the camps??When Germany and Austria had to pay the so called Wiedergutmachung for their crimes they had eventually to find out the hard way they paying compensation for Jews who actually did not exist.That fraud could be done because all ID paper did not any longer exist for anyone claiming compensation.After the discovery being defrauded by thousand or even in question of not ever having been in camps both countries started eventually a new version regarding paying out compensation that one has to come up with proof of existence in order to claim compensation.Therefore the amount of six millions hangs in the air of existence so to speak if one includes the fraud of existence!!The same was done byEastern countries after the war.They too were claiming for things they never ever had.Both countries payed dearly for their crimes so to speak and certain Jews never ever had to pay tax till they die.In plain English Jews were looked after very well after WWII and therefore I cannot see any reason carrying the guilt trip regarding my past forever due to having been born after the war.Would any families feel guilty forever if one of their family member becomes a murderer??I don’t think so especially when Germany and Austria supplying weapons to Israel!!In plain English Israel profiting from WWII not as it wants to make out being still the victim after almost 73 years.
It’s a lot worse than even that. The Talmudic Zionists sacrificed the ‘lower class Jews’ to the work camps of Hitler. There was no holocaust. What there was is the biggest lie, manipulation and exploitation that mankind has ever seen. Hitler was battling these demons, and when the German army was defeated, the ‘allies’ bombed German cities and unleashed a terror on German women that is unparalleled in history.
Look at a documentary called ‘Hellstorm’. If you really want to dig deep, watch ‘The Greatest Story Never Told.
Welcome to the rabbit hole.
We’re ALL Germans now. Indeed, we are all ‘goyim’ in the eyes of their Chosenesses. ALL guilty of the same sin … not adoring them as much as they adore themselves. Instead, pestiferous Christianity chose to adore a child in a manger, symbol of the sanctity of life, no matter how humble its origins. We should, instead, be glorifying the Pharisees for their infinite morality and wisdom, and their marvelously ‘moral’ co-tribalists.
The Germans came under particular attack by WWI because Germany was eclipsing Britain in the race for industrial progress. This is because Germany, at the time, was NOT crippled by usury under Rotshite domination, as was Britain. Britain instituted state-sanctioned usury, aka ‘finance capitalism’, with the incorporation of the Bank of England in 1694. The immediate effects were explosive. Britain led the way in industrialization and grotesque exploitation of its workforce. By the end of the 1800s, however, they were crippled by usurious debt to the Jews. Germany had to be destroyed. As did Russia.
All the holohoax bullshit and guilt-tripping of formerly Christian Europe is just a smokescreen to deflect attention from Jewish Usury and its cardinal role in fomenting and sponsoring two ruinous wars and a ruinous Rusklandian revolution. And the destruction of millions of white Christian Europeans with consequences that are still being felt powerfully today.
STRATEGY JEW a conspiracy is staged and never known how absurd claims are believed and trusted a short time was needed until the first misinterpretation of improvement of mind-set as the exodus a movement of people, documentation began never to cease.
The Germans a European culture and abused by a previous conspiracy were presented as being the slaves of exodus from the philosophical Egypt then feared as Pharaoh the king and perpetrator and was not clear of whom. When the production began of Holocaust as a reality accurate documentation was set that would not end and overwhelmed the producers having them lose control; which followed eastern Europeans imposed immigration on an area they marked as Israel advertised a country declared an independent Jewish State by the immigrants who were invading themselves and all silent to the reality that none were Jews, a falsehood they maintained to one another.
“The Holocaust”
A production referred in the Hebrew as “Shoah” was actual pronunciation from show and never occurred Jews as social groups are lawful and not a people within a people and were not in Europe it blossomed from the absurdity that it was documented accurately in awareness. The humor that Jews were used for soap was a result of frustration of the inability to function by the priesthood who train endlessly not to err, sodium acetate that is used by sorcerers for “ketoret” was believed needed for producing soap and that Jews were allied to Freemasons the fraternity as a compound of lime is also required. The term holocaust was from the cause of a hologram and the parchment written Torah finally understood as the reason of the final solution of sorcerers with crazed indoctrinations they cannot escape in sanctifying ills on life and society in a world they created idolizing the Torah that consecrated their dissolution without their awareness. Jew was in place of Jehovah a spirit of a mind with instructions heard prescribed. Ketoret was the dream design drug and responsible for all the falsehoods.