
WSWS – Germany plans an unprecedented military buildup. This was clear from the speech given by Chancellor Angela Merkel to the Business Forum of the CDU in Berlin on Tuesday night. “We confront asymmetric conflicts, of hitherto unknown proportions,” Merkel told German business leaders. “The defence capability of the European Union,” however, is “still not geared up to ensure security even in our own territory.”

The conclusion of the chancellor: “There has to be convergence between a country like Germany that today spends 1.2 percent of gross domestic product for defence and a country like the United States of America, which outlays 3.4 percent of gross domestic product on defence.”


2 thoughts on “GERMANY – Merkel announces massive military buildup; Calls (again) for a United European Army”
  1. Interesting there is no note made of the multiple military and naval “gifts” given to Israel by Germany over the years. For example, at least a half dozen Dolphin Subs with nuclear capacity roam the oceans threatening various nations on behalf of Israel ~ courtesy of German generosity. Where does that fit into the calculations?

    Frau Merckel now resembles the devil she so assiduously serves.

  2. Yes. she is the devil incarnated. she is a shill, a troll, a stooge, a marionette of the Judaic criminal mafia. The devil have been busy making wars and killing hundreds of millions of innocent people for long time. Every thing has a limit and nothing is forever. Something big might happen.
    Russia is not afraid and the officials look confident. They might have another surprise under the sleeve for the Zionist puppets.

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