Sabba – Germany is a 100% occupied territory, a country with no constitution (like Israel…), a country with zero sovereignty. Germans and most people are fooled by the economic success of Germany, fooled by their high standard of living, fooled by their passport which gives them the illusion of independence.
Germany has been rebuilt by the Anglo-Saxon/Judeo-protestant powers because they needed her to further their plan of world domination. They wanted her to be the driving force behind a united continental Europe, a united Europe built on the German model (Länder) but with Anglo-Saxon/Judeo-protestants rules and principles. Many see Germany as THE pillar of the EU, and she is, but she is not its brain. She is only the second in command, taking orders from her masters who take their orders from International Jewish Power.
They are getting Germany to do their dirty work in the destruction of European nation states and in the implementation of the Trans-Atlantic treaty, so that all the fingers point to her, so that all anger is directed against her – again – while they remain in the shadows, pulling the strings.
Germany will always do as she is told and when she appears not to go along the US agenda, it is only theatrics. She may have declined to join the US coalition against Iraq on Purim day 2003, but it was her spies who did all the preparation work to allow for the invasion, by providing the US with all the maps with location of all the targets to be hit etc.
And if she ever dares to show only signs of rebellion, they already have all the pawns needed to destroy her from within and without.