ed note–but remember, those words pic’d above from the Torah commanding GAAAAWD’S chosenoids to kill every living thing in sight had NOTHINGWHATSOFREAKINGEVER to do with this execution, nor with the incessant bloodbath that as has taken place ever since this pack of maurading hyenas moved into the region, and if you doubt this for a moment, you’re a filthy anti-Shemite.
Reblogged this on Direktdemokrati Halmstad and commented:
According to Judaism The Non-Jew is an animal in human shape, if he is not a servant of the Jews he has no right to exist.
There is no penalty for murdering a Non-Jew in a Beith-Dinh
The Non-Jew is not supposed to be saved from death
When she said that his tummy had been open and that he was so swollen… just wondering if they were not already taking his organs out for their organs’ harvests…
Exactly what I was going to say. That’s the only reason they took him to hospital in the first place.