3 thoughts on “Going Beyond the Propaganda–Nuclear Conflict: Deception or Real Threat?”
  1. Very solid piece. I still have this nagging fear, though, that if/when Aleppo is completely free of rats, the US (under rabid Jewish control), will, still, try the unthinkable. After all, the Jewish state sees itself, in its messianic delusion, of being the ultimate winner in a nuclear conflict between the USA and Russia; they WANT it to happen. The analysis is in the article is superb; but it does NOT take into account the madness of Judaism. There is no way to “logically” analyze it. It’s a messianic delusion, and should be understood as such. There is no way to “reason” with or about it.

  2. Israel and its supporters are nothing short of crazy. Christian zionism is as dangerous as judaism. The line is drawn in the sand with whether one believes the jewish tribal deity is God or Christ is God. If you choose the jewish tribal deity then you are a jew practicing judaism in the name of Jesus. Pretty simple stuff actually but they do not see it. Nothing more than tools of judaism.

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