
David Rothkopf of Foreign Policy has done a very interesting interview with Jeffrey Goldberg about Goldberg’s interview with President Obama about Israel/Jews 2 weeks ago. And if that sounds inside-Jewish-baseball, well it is. Which is one of the takeaways from the exchange.

Here is the main quote. Israel is destroying itself, Obama isn’t destroying it, Goldberg says:

I probably share a lot of [Obama’s] analysis of Israel’s core dilemmas. To put it crudely, the basic split on Obama is this: Is he destroying Israel, or is Israel destroying Israel? I go more with the latter than the former at the moment. If you believe the former, you despise him. If you believe the latter, you can’t quite believe that a) Israel’s government is carrying out policies that will eventually lead to the country’s dissolution, or wholesale isolation; and b) that more Israelis don’t understand that an African-American president who speaks feelingly about the moral necessity of Zionism is a friend, not a foe.

The idea that Obama might be destroying Israel! And Rothkopf doesn’t challenge him on that point.

There is a lot of Jewish narcissism in the interview. Like this part:

I’ve argued that Obama is in many ways the most Jewish president we’ve ever had. I don’t want to rehearse all of my proofs right now, but in essence, no president has been shaped to the degree that Obama has been shaped by exposure to Jewish mentors, Jewish teachers, Jewish fellow community-organizers, Jewish advisers, Jewish political supporters, Jewish writers, and Jewish thought. On the Jewish right, of course, Obama is thought of as something approaching an anti-Semite. He’s not, of course. What he is, is a philo-Semite. And this comes with its own set of problems and challenges. If you read between the lines, you’ll see that Obama is asking Israel (pleading with Israel, in fact) to be — not to put too fine a point on it — more Jewish, to live up to what he understands to be Jewish values. Obama’s impatience with Israel, and his dislike of Netanyahu, is rooted in the fact that he is a very specific kind of Jew – an intellectual, Upper West Side, social action-oriented, anguished-about-Israel liberal values Jew. This happens to be a common American Jewish archetype, more common, in fact, than the Sheldon Adelson archetype.

As a person who so closely identifies with this Jewish archetype, Obama sometimes forgets that he is not, in fact, Jewish. It is remarkable, the degree to which he holds Israel to standards he doesn’t apply to other American allies. Doing this isn’t particularly fair, but it is particularly Jewish. You and I both know the argument — the Jewish people didn’t wait 2,000 years for a country so that it could be better than Syria. Obama holds Israel to high standards in part because he’s learned from [those] Jews who hold Israel to hold standards.

That’s an absurd analysis. Obama came into office hammer-and-tongs on the Palestinian question not because he believes he’s Jewish or holds Israel to a higher standard, but because the settlements are illegal and the colonization project and special relationship are hurting the United States across the Middle East. It has nothing to do with Jewish values. Obama by inclination respects universal human rights; he gave his first interview to an Arab news organization and five months into his presidency spoke to an Arab audience about the “daily humiliations –large and small — that come with occupation.” He soon learned to shut up about that.

More happy horseshit about Jewish values:

What drives [Obama’s] passion is, as I’ve mentioned, a deep-seated belief that Israel should be better than it is.

My theory of the Netanyahu-Obama relationship is that Obama looks at Netanyahu and asks himself, “What kind of Jew is this?” He’s accustomed to liberal American Jews, the anguished, over-intellectual types. For his part, Netanyahu looks at Obama and see.… I don’t know. Eldridge Cleaver? Jimmy Carter? Is the belief that Israel should be better, and more refined, than its enemies, given that it is a Jewish state, unrealistic and unfair, given both the neighborhood and the nature of Israel’s enemies? Maybe. Is it also a feeling that many American Jews share? Yes. You can see that in the reaction to his [May 22] speech at [Washington synagogue] Adas Israel, which, by the way, is not some Birkenstock-y, Woodstock-y counterculture outpost. Adas Israel is mainstream and establishment, and some of the president’s biggest applause lines last Friday had to do with the necessity of a two-state solution and the moral case for Palestinian independence.

Good; let’s stop talking about the president’s mind and talk about Jews. Goldberg is spot-on here:

If current trends continue, a civil war is coming. It will be a very civil, civil war, but it will be a civil war nonetheless, between an American Jewry that has been nurtured on the values of the Civil Rights Movement, and an Israeli Jewry that has been taught, harshly, that the Middle East is not a place of mercy. Many American Jews are probably too rosy in their understanding of the possibilities of peace and reconciliation; many Israelis, particularly those who believe that the settlement project on the West Bank is a moral success, rather than a disaster of epic proportions, don’t understand that their country is slowly growing unrecognizable to American Jews, and to would-be members of the tribe — including the one in the Oval Office — as well.

But why will it be a civil civil war? I am afraid it won’t be. The precedents in history for this sort of untethering of interests– Algeria, Ireland, the Civil War — suggest violent not peaceful reactions. Look what the revisionist Zionists did to Arlosoroff when he was going off the reservation. Look what happened to Rabin.

Goldberg says the two-state solution can be achieved, with Israel setting the terms; but Israel is getting the reputation as an apartheid state.

What Obama sees — and what frustrates him (and a large number of American Jews) — is an Israel that is burying its head in the sand. There is still time to arrange the birth of a Palestinian state in an orderly fashion, in a manner that allows the Israelis to set many of the security terms of this new state’s creation. No good can come of this continued waiting. There is a tipping point ahead — one day soon, Israel will be defined across most of the world as an apartheid state, unless it steps away from the status quo. So, to the question of whether Obama doesn’t understand Middle East reality, I would answer that, in the case of Israel, he is grappling with some of the core challenges to its existence, challenges Netanyahu is avoiding.

That’s an excellent answer. And by the way, Israel has done nothing to step away from the status quo. It is only solidifying the status quo.

The answer is of a piece with Goldberg’s observation four years ago, that the left doesn’t have an idealistic view of Israel, and the left is winning.

Now the right, of course, believes that settlements are an expression, not a corruption, of [the righteous Zionist] cause. The left, on the other hand, believes that settlements are a manifestation of Zionism’s true nature. I disagree with that argument strenuously. But I will say this, though: The left position on this question has the wind at its back.

Again, that was four years ago. A lifetime in politics. The left has taken giant steps since then, tragically aided by another Israeli massacre in Gaza, which goes unmentioned in the Rothkopf Goldberg exchange.

I wish Rothkopf had been more assertive, had expressed his view that Zionism is “exactly the wrong” response to history. Is he also destroying Israel? But Rothkopf seems a bit overawed by the glib Goldberg (who moved to Israel because of his fears of anti-semitism in the U.S. and served in the Israeli army before coming back here to prosecute his career).

Lastly, Goldberg should pay for this comment. He says “we tend to forget” that Americans die in wars for which “we” craft the policy.

Something that is not happening in the Middle East right now is that American soldiers are not dying. For the American people, this is of paramount importance, and this should count as an important Obama success. We tend to forget about this one when we discuss American policy in the Middle East. The American voter seems to be exhausted by the Middle East and its unsolvable problems, and Obama is under virtually no pressure domestically to dive further in to the mess.

I never forget this, and neither do people I know. And a lot of Iraqis died too, in the war that Goldberg pushed.

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0 thoughts on “Goldberg predicts ‘civil war’ between American and Israeli Jews as Israel is ‘defined as an apartheid state’”
  1. Yeah – before WWII the assimilated Jews in Germany (professionals – doctors, lawyers, etc.) begged world Jewry to leave the country alone. They had lived there peacefully for many years and did not consider Hitler a threat. But, of course, the tribe had to ratchet world events into a crisis with their “GERMANY MUST PERISH” campaign. Churchill was even quoted as saying, “if ever Britain was in such a fix as Germany had been after WWI he hoped that a leader like Hitler would save her.” He got into monetary troubles, almost went bankrupt, and came close to losing Chartwell, the family home. Guess who lent him money and made him change his rhetoric. All of a sudden Hitler was a “threat to world peace”, Never forget that Churchill was Jewish on his mother’s (Jenny Jerome) side. She and her two sisters came over to England and all three married into the British aristocracy. Just like America is riddled with Jews in high places so was/is the U.K. The same tattered, hoary script is being handed to us – mirroring the lies and slander of 70 years ago. I think some of the Jews are against it. They know they have a good life in America, but they also must know that once the machinery has been set in motion nothing can stop the Zionist destruction of a country. And, as the little girl in Poltergeist said “they’re here.

  2. I don’t buy it. All 4,000 Jews on 9/11 of all possible denominations and persuasions all stayed away from work in the WTC that day and condemned not only 3,000 Gentile workmates to death, but also several million people in the Middle East to die in wars that occurred on the back of that false flag by Israel and their donmeh crypto Jewish allies in Saudi Arabia and the traitorous crypto Jews and Jews in the American administration who arranged the whole thing. They did all that for the benefit of Eretz Israel and world domination by the Jews, so are they heck going to fight each other over an apartheid state in Israel.

    American Jews are patriotic only to Israel, proven beynd all shadow of a doubt on 9/11, no if’s or buts about it.

    Not one of those Jews has ever stepped forward even to this day to expose their Jewish fellow traitors and mass murderers.

    Jews fight each other to protect the rights of Gentiles? You have to be joking, they would all slit your throats in your sleep and laugh about it. Their religions states “Even the best of Gentiles should all be killed” so why would any Jew kill another Jew over the rights of any Gentile, when their very religion says to kill them all.

    The official UN figure of the war dead in just Iraq for instance is vastly greater than the mere 100,000 often printed by the mainstream media who try to whitewash the whole thing. The real figure includes 500,000 children who died during the sanctions, and then plenty more outside that age group, then all the soldiers who died, then the vastly greater number of Iraqi civilians who died, and then those who continue to die from cancer caused by DU, and from birth defects making them non-viable, or making Iraqis just sterile, thus killing them off that way. Anyway, The UN stated years ago that 4.4 million total died in Iraq even back then, so God knows how many are dead now.

  3. Pretty well everything here sums up the intertribal gang war that we have been discussing at TUT for some time now.

    I may not quite agree with things completely, how could I? A Jew wrote it, but it does lay things out on the table very succinctly.

    Obama was raised by Jews yes. But he was also raised by Communists. Same thing but that distinction has not been made here.


    “The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” ~ Rabbi Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and Humanity, p. 143-144

    Some call it Marxism ~ I call it Judaism.” ~ Rabbi S. Wise, The American Bulletin, May 5, 1935

    Spoken by a communist in 1992: “Yes, it is true. This is not some idle talk. He is already born, and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. You will be impressed to know that he has gone to the best schools of presidents. He is what you call ‘Ivy League.’ You don’t believe me, but he is real and I even know his name. His name is Barack. His mother is white and American and his father is black from Africa. That’s right, a chocolate baby! And he’s going to be your president.”

    Just tossing that into the equation.

  4. Great article and analysis, everything said is true,all those Jewish intellectuals who shaped that ultra liberal war criminal Obama,yes i see he was not only a philo semite but very much a crypto jew,Obama well known for his love of Drone warfare and slaying all enemies of Israel,most of em people of colour ,whether Arab,African ,Pakistani or Muslim, he even got to kill a few Russians in Ukraine, yes Obama was good for the Zionists cause..

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