2 thoughts on “GOP prostitutes ‘dance to the Jew’s tune’ in DC”
  1. Take a good look .
    This is how the Jews do it.This is how they have had power for eons.
    They understand that money is the key.
    ” On Israel is so small”.
    ” Oh there are so few Jews”.
    Wrong ,Jews dont care about their population numbers. They care about their money numbers.

    ” The active minority will always control the enert masses “. Napoleon Bonaparte .

    The Republican Party ,born in 1856 was traditionally the more Gentile of the two.
    It mostly represented Industry ,and traditional Constitutional power.
    It stood for tariffs to protect US industrial power ,mostly against whom ?
    The world British Empire.
    It did not like foreign intervention.

    Within its ranks where true ” Progressives” ,as well.

    Teddy Roosevelt sold out to the Jews in 1912, and became a controversial warmonger against Germany for International Jew interests later.

    Bit by bit the ” Eastern Establishment ” Republicans where pushed into a Globalist Anglo philic
    The mid Western Republicans held onto the traditional.

    The later out with Tafts defeat in 52.

    Than guess what….the Jews took over ” Conservatism”.
    Bill Buckley ( CIA), Leo Strauss , Neoconservative ,Trotskyites ,John Birch Society false flag.
    Born 1958.

    Barry Goldwater fronted for them.
    His stupid remark,” The Munich of the Republican Party ” , said it all.
    He was referring to the meeting between Nixon ,and Rockefeller in 58.

    Nothing wrong with it…Rockefeller was a power .
    It’s normal politics.

    But the part Jew Goldwater was being tutored by the Kosher crowd.

    By the 90 s the GOP was full Jew.
    The Neoconservative /Fundamentalist Coalition.

    Don’t look to the actors in this….look to the producers. Jews !

    I must say ,I like Trumps comments on this .

  2. Quite a competition for the next sock puppet for the Jews. Protect Israel? LOL! They wouldn’t need protection had they not chosen to steal land in the Mideast! They already have a home; the JAO; Jewish Autonomous Oblast.

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