One thought on “GOP’s anti-Arab bigotry seen as having little cost”
The Republican Party base has been realigned from what it was in the past.
It’s funding stream different.
The industrialists gone….German American,old Yankee replaced by Jews .
It’s Gentile media taken. over by Jews.
Mainline Churches goers replaced by Evangelicals.
Southern Rednecks, and rural uneducated the base along with more moderate upscale ,and older in denial about how extreme their party is… ..but they want ” a tax cut”…. Funny how since I’m a kid every politician on ” the Right” wanted” tax cuts” and despite plenty of electioral power ,still high ! Lol
FOX News,and TV Preachers are their big brother.
When you talk to a ” Republican” today ( not an edifying experience) one hears the most nastiest ,insane, cruel nonsense “” Muslims” the foundation….if not them, a totally skewed view of the poor.
Not one voice of moderation, or decency is in the GOP today.
It’s wholly a JEW Party. If you digress in the least from the party line you are out of the cult.
But of course this is how religious fanatics, and ex Trotskyites are !
Take note ….” Evangelicals want Missionaries in the Middle East”.
They is/ was a Christain position in the Middle East until Israel ,and the US attacked Saddam Quadaffi ,Palastine, and Syria.
But the stupid Bybull Belt Tea Party Trash cheered that.
The Republican Party base has been realigned from what it was in the past.
It’s funding stream different.
The industrialists gone….German American,old Yankee replaced by Jews .
It’s Gentile media taken. over by Jews.
Mainline Churches goers replaced by Evangelicals.
Southern Rednecks, and rural uneducated the base along with more moderate upscale ,and older in denial about how extreme their party is… ..but they want ” a tax cut”…. Funny how since I’m a kid every politician on ” the Right” wanted” tax cuts” and despite plenty of electioral power ,still high ! Lol
FOX News,and TV Preachers are their big brother.
When you talk to a ” Republican” today ( not an edifying experience) one hears the most nastiest ,insane, cruel nonsense “” Muslims” the foundation….if not them, a totally skewed view of the poor.
Not one voice of moderation, or decency is in the GOP today.
It’s wholly a JEW Party. If you digress in the least from the party line you are out of the cult.
But of course this is how religious fanatics, and ex Trotskyites are !
Take note ….” Evangelicals want Missionaries in the Middle East”.
They is/ was a Christain position in the Middle East until Israel ,and the US attacked Saddam Quadaffi ,Palastine, and Syria.
But the stupid Bybull Belt Tea Party Trash cheered that.