“In Madrid’s Puerta del Sol square, a small group of Spaniards waved the flag of Novorossiya, the territory once ruled by the Russian empire that encompasses swathes of modern day Ukraine (…) They denounced the arrest of eight Spanish nationals for fighting with the pro-Russia militia force the International Brigades of Donbass.”

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0 thoughts on “GOYIM OF THE WORLD UNITE!”
  1. If the pro-Russia militia would drop their kosher communism, red flags they would get tons of volunteers. But this wont happen as they are a reflection of Russia

  2. This is most fascinateing. Spain ,has many people,very well versed on the Jews. During WW2,they provided the vaunted Spainish Blue Division, to the Eastern Front,forces of the AXIS. see:HITLER SPEAKS ABOUT BOLSHEVISOM ,1942- YOU TUBE,and LEON DEGRELLE , THE EPIC STORY OF THE WAFFEN SS, YOU TUBE. I wonder if these volunteers ,would of been fighting for the Jewish Ukrainian Regime,they would face arrest?

  3. I am reminded of the Spanish Civil War. After Lenin and his Jewish Bolsheviks took over Russia and murdered the royal family they looked around Europe for the next weakest country to attack and picked Spain. The media always paints this as some kind of ‘enigma wrapped up in a riddle that can’t be unraveled’ – well buy a score card – it aint’ that hard to figure out. The NATIONALISTS (Franco and the Catholic church) defeated the REPUBLICANS (the Communists). Hordes of Jews from NYC formed the Lincoln Brigade sailed to Spain and joined their Russian comrades to fight on the Republican side. Hitler and Mussolini were on the Nationalist side. They bombed Guernica and of course were accused of “trying to take over Europe.” Picasso painted that god-awful painting and America sold arms to the Republicans. Franco was forever referred to as a dictator and I read a few years ago that the last statue of him in Spain was quietly taken down.

    So these young Spaniards are not allowed to follow their conscience? They are just supposed to stay home?. Or, would it have been more politically correct to have gone and fought on the newly installed politically approved Kiev government of the U.S.A.?

  4. Greetings, dear Ostmann! How much time passed since our latest dispute?

    Ok. Let`s go.

    1. “pro-Russia militia would drop their kosher communism”: generalization and oversimplification here, because NATIONAL Communists [as opposed to kosher INTERNATIONAL Communists] are in the obvious minority among the Novorossiyan servicemen [I have first-hand knowledge, contrary to you].

    2. Concerning your hate of these “dirty stinking Commies” [Barukk Nemtsov, let him burn in hell, hated “the Russian dirty Commies” as well]. Please consider L.-F. Celine` point:

    “The only thing Jews really fear is Communism without Jews”

    And Celine wasn`t Communist, or Zionist, or Freemason, or Jew, or Illuminati, or Putinist Historical distortion office` member as you thought I had been an active member.

    3. “they would get tons of volunteers” – we don`t need TONS, koz this is our Patriotic NATIONAL War. BUT: we`re glad and happy koz we have ENOUGH foreign volunteers right now, be them far left [even your hero Hitler had Swedish Communists on his side:,_1929%29

    and far right, like, say, Polish Falangists.
    Besides, if you`d like to take part in the Struggle – for ex., financially, or, say, humanitarian aid – ask me – I`ll provide you contacts. Would be great!

    4. “they are a reflection of Russia” – you mean, Putinist Russia is Communist Nation, taking into cons., Putin is from KGB, was [so far secretly?] CPSU member [or even may be Jew Shalomov, Shelomov whoever]? No. You`re mistaken. Our political landscape is mainly conservative [United Russia` Party]. As for more left Just Russia Party of Mironov – they are JOBBIK` friends – so, hardly Commies. And Zhirinovsky` LDPR is far right, European polit. standards. As for our “dirty bloody Commies” – they are NATIONAL-Communists – Kerry Bolton wrote good essay onthem

    All the best,

  5. Ostman has it correct. The Slavic Mindset just cannot get over the “Nationalism”, rapped in Communsism motif,for fear of not being able to fight:” Fascists “,and being “Anti Semitic”. This keeps one arm tied behind their backs ! Just like most of the Wests;’Right – Wing”, they survive on Jewish Propagnada regarding WW2. This.along with some Arabs :”Zio Nazi,Hitler was a Jew “, nonsense,keeps them running in a Jew circle. Not being able to break out into the light of truth; the Jewish Matrix keeps them trapped.

  6. Alex, Leon Degrelle had it correct seventy years ago as he has it correct today: Marxism, which has been injected into Russia since the end of ww1, along with the ‘Great Patriotic War’ circus IS the Russian higher ideal, even watered down, without which that society would crumble. It can be compared to the American (actually non-existant) ideal of “Freedom”. One should add here that communism is a jewish creature dividing society into “Classes” and then enabling one of them, the workers, as the dominant rulers (right below the jewish kommissars). A “National Communism without jews” is really meaning less as society is still slave to the jewish materialistic spectrum of production and consumption for production and consumptions sake, represented by stock market capitalism and Marxism. Compare this to the complete ideology of National Socialism in which the slavemaster is disabled, societies different professions and income levels have real equality, all contribution is valued, coming together under Aryan higher ideals of nobility leaving behind their ignoble traits. As long as Mr. Putin surrounds himself with the Berl Lasar types and jewish tycoons, obedient or not, Russia is part of the problem, caught up in the “Goy Wheel of Change”, and no antidote to the JWO.

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