
US officials tell federal panel releasing convicted spy would ‘constitute contempt for severity of crime and rule of law,’ activist organization says

Times of Israel

A parole board denied a request to free US-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard Wednesday, after American officials said releasing him after nearly 30 years in prison would send the wrong message, an activist group said .

Pollard, 60, has been in prison since 1985 for spying on the US for Israel, and was thought to be part of a possible three way deal between Washington, Jerusalem and Ramallah to release Palestinian prisoners and extend peace talks earlier in the year.

A statement from the Justice for Jonathan Pollard activist group said the Justice Department parole board rejected the request.

The Hebrew-language statement quoted American officials saying that releasing Pollard would “constitute contempt for the severity of the offense and promote a lack of respect for the law.”

There were no other details, though the group said it would soon release information pointing to the White House’s attempts to prevent Pollard from going free.

Attempts to reach Justice for Jonathan Pollard and the US Parole Commission were unsuccessful.

Pollard, being held at a federal prison in Butner, North Carolina, turned to the parole board for a first time in April, but canceled his hearing at the last minute amid reports that his release could be secured as part of a political deal to salvage US-brokered peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

A former US naval analyst, Pollard was found guilty of passing sensitive documents to Israel, and sentenced to a life sentence in prison for the offense. He remains a cause celebre in Israel, and there have been repeated efforts throughout the past twenty years to secure his release.

The American intelligence and defense community has for years dug in its heels over keeping Pollard imprisoned, even as call for his release have grown in worldwide Jewish communities and mainstream Israeli politics.

In January, Israeli president Shimon Peres was given a petition signed by 106 out of 120 MKs calling for Pollard’s release, to be passed on to US President Barack Obama. The same petition was later given to a group of MKs to present as well to Obama.

0 thoughts on “Group says board denies Jonathan Pollard parole request”
  1. Jews and their allies claim that Pollard was sentenced to “life.”
    This was always a lie.
    Pollard was sentenced to only 30 years. He will be released on 21 November 2015.
    Obviously he applied to be released a year early, and he was denied.
    If that makes you weep, then you may send money to Pollard here…
    We have never been told exactly why Pollard was sentenced to 30 years in the first place. But since Washington is Israel’s bitch, I suspect that Pollard got 30 years because he angered key Jews. That is, he remained in jail because key Jews wanted him to. Sort of like Bernie Madoff, but not in the financial world. When Pollard realized that Israel would not be able to get him out, Pollard wrote several letters that blasted Israeli officials.
    The most disgusting aspect of the Pollard affair is the rationales that Jews have used to try and get him out early. Let’s look at some of these.
    1. Pollard spied for Israel, which is a US ally. It’s not like he spied for an enemy state.
    RESPONSE: Israel is not a US ally. Israel does whatever Israel wants. US objections have no influence on the Israeli government.
    2. Releasing Pollard might help the peace process
    RESPONSE: The bullshit “peace process” has continued since 1947. Moreover, the Jews in Palestine will not trade one inch of land for Pollard. Nor would Pollard’s release slow down the expansion of Israeli “settlements.” Israelis do whatever they want. Regardless.
    3. Pollard did not stand trial for his crime. Rather, he received 30 years after entering into a plea-bargain agreement in which prosecutors promised not to seek 30 years. Entering into that agreement, Pollard relinquished his right to a trial, cooperated with government investigators, pleaded guilty — all, presumably, with the expectation that some leniency would be shown in his sentence. But the judge gave him 30 years anyway.
    RESPONSE: So what? Guantanamo is full of people who were never charged with anything, and were never tried in any court. Israeli jails are the same. Why should Pollard be given special treatment? Because he’s a Jew? How many Muslims has the FBI entrapped as “terrorists,” after which Jewish judges sentenced them to life without release or parole?
    4. Pollard spied for ideological reasons. He was a patriot; not a mercenary.
    RESPONSE: So this makes Pollard innocent? If I help Hezbollah because I believe in the Hezbollah cause, and I receive no money for my actions, will that save me from being charged as a “terrorist”? Incidentally, Pollard collected $50,000 from Israel, and expected to collect a lot more. He’s a greedy little Jew.
    One other thing: Pollard is in a medium security FEDERAL prison. Federal prisons have unlimited money, unlike state prisons, and unlike county and municipal jails. This means federal prisons are the cleanest and most comfortable of all, and have the most edible food, and the most generous visiting hours. Hell, federal prisons even have the best-run web sites!
    State prisons are much worse. County jails are worse still. Worst of all (in terms of boredom and anguish) are city jails.
    Also, if you want to send money to an inmate in federal prisons, you may do so directly. Not so with state, county, and municipal jails. They use private intermediary companies that gouges you for the service.
    (Guantanamo is a military prison. I don’t know how bad it is, since I’ve never been there.)

  2. If only the common sense applied to the case of keeping Pollard where he belongs could only be spread around to more of the Judaic criminals amongst us. They see what he is and what he did and hold him responsible for his actions. Why don’t the more famous neocons receive the same scrutiny? Dumb question…

  3. Hmmm
    If this man had been a Muslim he would have been hung right after his conviction. If this man had not been Jewish he would have been hung right after his conviction. Clearly the system failed in this case. He should have been executed.

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