Video posted to Telegram and which cannot be independently verified reportedly shows Hamas terrorists executing several individuals accused of being ‘collaborators’ with Israel in the Gaza Strip.


ed note–let us all hope and pray that these were the same Mista’arvim agents described in recent news stories as the ‘sensitive sources’ that the IDF, Shin Bet, and Mossad were trying to protect in their not acting to prevent the Oct. 7th attacks.



Israel National News


Hamas has reportedly executed several individuals accused of being ‘collaborators’ with Israel in the Gaza Strip as shown in a video on a Telegram account.


According to a report in Times of Israel, the video, posted to Gaza Now’s Telegram account, depicts more than a dozen armed Hamas members, many wearing uniforms, firing on three men who are lying on the ground.


The accompanying caption reads: ‘The moment of punishing the agents of the Zionist occupation who caused the killing of thousands of our Palestinian people in Gaza.’


The authenticity of the video has not yet been independently verified.


Hamas, which took over the Gaza Strip in a bloody coup in 2007, regularly claims to have captured ‘Israeli spies’, and many times it tries them and sentences them to death.


In September of 2022, Hamas authorities executed two Palestinian Arabs who were convicted of assisting Israel by giving the Jewish State information that resulted in the deaths of two people.


In May of 2023, a military court in the Gaza Strip sentenced several Palestinian Arabs who were convicted of providing information to Israel to be executed by hanging and by firing squad.


In December of that year, Hamas claimed to have arrested a group of Palestinian Arabs who ‘collaborated’ with Israel to collect intelligence in the Gaza Strip in the immediate aftermath of Hamas’ October 7 massacre.


In theory, all execution orders must be approved by Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who is based in Ramallah and who imposed a moratorium on executions several years ago.


Hamas no longer recognizes Abbas’ legitimacy, and has in the past emphatically declared that the death penalty in Gaza can be carried out without his consent.

One thought on “Hamas executes alleged ‘collaborators’ with Israel”
  1. “Hamas terrorists executing several individuals accused of being ‘collaborators’ …” Just as the “heroes” in the French Underground did.
    “Hamas, which took over the Gaza Strip in a bloody coup in 2007,” There was no “bloody coup”. Fatah won the election in the West Bank and Hamas won in Gaza. The PLO, which since Arafat’s demise has been Israel’s bitch, refused to recognize the Hamas victory, causing a kind of civil war.

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