BY JONATHAN AZAZIAH – A superfly happy birthday to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the resurrector of Christian Russia, the liberator of Crimea, the defender of Syria and the frustator of Anglo-Zionist hegemony. Vlad The Bad is 64 years young today and in spite of an ongoing worldwide onslaught of propaganda against him in every conceivable avenue of media, he is stronger, more secure and more popular than ever before.
A petition wishing Vlad a happy birthday would have shown the world how many support him in his quest for world peace against the neos (conservatives and liberals)
I’ve been wondering how to say thank you to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for ages.
What better than “Happy Birthday.”
Birthday card follows.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s birthday is on Oct 7. In the West, this date is the Feast of the Holy Rosary given for the great Rosary victory of the Holy League at Lepanto Oct 7 1571 against the Ottoman Empire’s invasion of Europe.
May our Lady of Kazan, still leading the armies of Holy Russia, obtain for Vladimir Vladimirovich another great Rosary victory against the ZOGs.
May God grant him many, many years!
I like this Man..He s kinda cute too..HB 2 You Mr Putin..He wont see this..Rumor has it he is a crypto J???Is he?