Metzitzah b’peh, in which the mohel sucks blood from the wound following circumcision, is a common traditional practice among many haredi Orthodox mohels.
ed note–headlines you will not see in 2015–
‘Muslim circumcision infects another New York baby with herpes’
‘Christian circumcision infects another New York baby with herpes’
‘Buddhist circumcision infects another New York baby with herpes’
‘Hindu circumcision infects another New York baby with herpes’
‘Druid circumcision infects another New York baby with herpes’
etc, etc, etc…
Self-righteous “exceptional” western “Christians” vilify Muslims for mutilation. Yet we’ve allowed the Jew parasites to sexually mutilate we Goim for generations. The foreskin is an organ and circumcision mutilates that organ.
This nasty ‘tradition’ is just the least reflection of how sick the Jews are. Not considering how even the minimal sanctity/ decency in the soul would tell them what abomination this practice is (Jews are spiritually dead)! … even the basic physiology would tell how filthy they are (absolutely literally too, beside metaphorically). [An ongoing “curse” of having venomous mouths, as a punishment of how their real patriarch Judas “betrayed with a kiss”?] … Interestingly, while Herpes prevalence by region/ ethnicity doesn’t reveal much, the one thing that is certain in epidemiology is that Herpes prevalence increases in proportion to the number of lifetime-sexual-partners. And this tells a lot about what it really means to be a Jew behind closed doors! … Oh, I forget! The Talmud requires a Jew to have mindless, unsafe sex with countless prostitutes before they become a “Rabbi”!
The Ashkenazis are predisposed to a host of diseases . [If this is what they publish to public, imagine what else they suppress about themselves!] Also, another outcome of Divine Curse is their Mental Illness (which explains ALL their beliefs, incl. the ones regarding “a failed god”, etc., which jars the normal, Believing Christian and Muslim) … Schizophrenia being just one of them: , …
The second article is a CLASSIC example of how Jews dole out truths and lies in a mix … and NEVER take responsibility for their ills without blaming someone else they envy (or worse, someone THEY have wronged):
“… While Jews attack non-Jewish Americans for racism, Israel is the most racist country in the world. … The incidence of mental illness has increased in the United States in direct proportion to the increase in the Jewish population. In 1900 there were 1.06 million Jews in United States with 62,112 American confined to public mental hospitals. In 1970 the Jewish population increased to 5.87 million (an increase of 454.8%) with 339,027 Americans hospitalized for mental disease.
“There is no doubt in my mind,” Dr. Hutschnecker said, “that Jews have infected the American people with schizophrenia. Jews are carriers of the disease and it will reach epidemic proportions unless science develops a vaccine to counteract it.”… ”
[And here comes the Hilarious Excerpt:]
” … Does it actually sound all that odd that the Jews could have a greater incidence of mental illness? We’ve had about 2000 years of being hated by Catholics and then Protestants for killing Christ, played out in persecutions, pogroms, expulsions, mass murder( Although for decades Popes have said that this has got to stop, it takes time for the internalized, often unconscious, hate to go away). …. Then along comes Islamic hate. (!!!!!!!) … And we are blessed with our own home-grown Jewish detractors of Jews, like Canadians Naomi Klein and Judy Rebick- one of the more radical professors at Ryerson University in Toronto, and Noam Chomsky. … And people wonder why we are depressed, anxious and perhaps a tad paranoid? … ”
[My thoughts? The Vaccine that Jews need most/ first is called “remorse, repentance and recompense”! And since they didn’t take it, the Vaccine that God is about to send is the same as what HE had sent for many “Perished Nations” through history.]
JP makes it sound like the “sterile pipette” completely prevents the mouth-to-penis infection that plagues this primitive, barbaric practice. In reality it only lessens the incidence, which is something any honest dentist knows.
Why a dentist? Remember this, every time you go to the dentist and you get that little saliva suction tube in your mouth: when the dentist or his assistant says “Now, close your mouth around it for a few seconds”– so that the suction is more complete, you must REFUSE to do it.
As long as it sits passively in your mouth suctioning saliva you’re safe. When you close your lips, REVERSE FLOW happens and the bacteria and viruses that lurk in the tube from previous patients invade your mouth. The best kept secret in dentistry is that the suction tube machine is the dirtiest and most contaminated thing in the whole dental office. Yes, they change the cannula at the end of it for every patient, but not the tube and the machine, which are very hard to clean adequately. Now imagine the mohel suctioning blood through the pipette. Does he do it in one “suck”? He can’t because it is a highly vascularized area and the cut keeps bleeding, plus the demented Jewish obsession to “not spill a single drop of Jewish blood.” So every time he pauses reverse flow happens. It needn’t be large, viruses are tiny.
Light unto the nations!
Of course if they don’t sterile or wash their instruments any surgery would be bad or dangerous. It has been proven that circumcision is healthy and prevents many skin and other problems and it is good for male babies and specially for their long term life…
You cannot judge this case with a limited, bad and dirty experience in New York city and call this circumcision something bad or wrong. For the right judgement we should look at the majority of people who have been circumcised (Muslims & Jews) and those who haven’t, and then let the impartial doctors and experts judge about it…
Dislike/distrust of the Jew goes back much further than their framing/torturing/murdering of The Christ. One has to think that, had the Synagogue not had the funds (via the Central Banks), to purchase the Prostiticians of Goy countries, many honorable and decent leaders would have been around much longer. Read what our LAST honorable warrior said about the filth;
see the baby’s face red as a beet and his mouth screaming wide open ….Talmud says a rabi will go to heaven no matter what he does
Ah, the ancient Jewy practice of Metzitzah b’peherpes.
As with the Talmudic turtle-neck-er, if one doesn’t practice good hygiene one can suffer consequences. That does not negate the fact that the foreskin is an organ and circumcision is a mutilation of that organ.
Becoming aware that Jews love to form “benevolent” organizations which, (if the right Prostiticians are “bought”), eventually end up very powerful, very corrupt and very apt to stay that way. It seems to me that as Jews gain more social/political/economic/moral power in a Christian/Muslim Goim nation the more they use that power to distort fact and insert their Talmudic garbage into what were once “healthy” Christian/Muslim nations. Looking at when it was “foisted” upon a rather gullible U.S. seems to bear out my theory.
Al … You’re right, and you made me come back and clarify something. In my earlier post, I didn’t denounce circumcision — I only denounced what the Jews are doing while going about it. [Whatever they touch/ adopt, be it the most exquisite thing, they’ll degrade it!] And I was pretty sure [from Mark’s notes] that the intent of this post wasn’t to debate whether circumcision is good or bad, but to get a sense of Jewish sickness/ perversity.
Circumcision has well established medical benefits : , :
– Reduced risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men (by approximately 60%)
– Decreased risk of urinary tract infections.
– Reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.
– Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.
– Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).
– Cleaner glans penis.
The Jews and the AntiChrist are masters of deception/ confusion. Since they’ve reversed all natural order, and are always making evil seem good … one might fear that if they’re promoting circumcision then it must be bad for the goyim. No. Actually, they’re just maligning the healthy practice by adding sick ‘traditions’/ practices that turns it into a Satanic ritual. Similarly, while marital sex is a blessed (both metaphysically/ spiritually and physiologically as well — as numerous studies have shown), the Jews promote promiscuity/ sex-outside-marriage wherein the same sexual acts then become activities that make both the body and the soul sick.
Through time, right before God sent a Prophet to a community, that community had sunk to a socio-spiritual order of depravity, perversion, ignorance and evil (Arabic: Jahiliyyah). Sometimes, one is compelled to wonder if the Jews represent elements of ALL periods of Jahiliyyah through time (esp. Babylon) and made ’em fashionable/ trendy. [“And Satan will make Evil fair-seeming.”]
There comes a time when it just seems to go on and on and never change. The PARENTS never change! The system never changes and of course the mohels without morals never change. Over the years, we at TUT have discussed this matter at least, at least a dozen times. At least. Another mohel gets away and goes on to do more bris. Business goes on. What confuses me is that the parents still insist upon this barbaric, proven potentially deadly practice, upon their precious newborn sons. The child is helpless and pure victim.
My ex was circumcised in the traditional way of his people in the Philippines. Every summer, all the boys of a certain age went to the river and it was done to them by a local specialist. It was a communal event, almost festive, tinged with some nervous bravado, rather primitive sounding but an ancient proven method, all the boys proudly wore sarongs for a week and enjoyed their first foray into manhood.
Very different approach from the terrifying experience done in the West under Talmudic inclination. He could actually tell the story with some smiles and give humorous anecdotes about his little friends too. Not terrifying and traumatic, just an accepted part of growing up and village life.
I don’t think in our discussions on this I ever mentioned this or considered the difference of how they go about it in the more “primitive” society over in the South Pacific or the fancy drawing salons and humble homes of NYC jews.
Circumcision has NO health benefits, despite the hefty volume of poppycock printed in its defense. There is no part of the human body, no matter how small, whose amputation is beneficial. NONE.
Having said that, if some religious group, like the Muslims, choose to practice it, it is their business and no one else’s. The same cannot be said about what NLG humorously called ” Metzitzah b’peherpes,” because the Jewish ritual contains, in addition, repulsive (pedophilic vampirism) and dangerous practices that expose the infant to disease or even death.
The difference is when Muslims do it, they don’t force it on others like the jews have on the west and other host nations. Muslims don’t do it at 8 days old (that’s psychotic just for the fact that it’s dangerous to operate on newborns alone, forget all the other stuff), they can wait until they’re much older (up to adulthood), especially with the introduction of anesthesia… in the “good” old days, they used to require 4 strong men… Not least of all, Muslims don’t use their mouths in surgery, especially not on genitalia.
@ paschnn … I’m supportively quoting you : “Becoming aware that Jews love to form “benevolent” organizations which, (if the right Prostiticians are “bought”), eventually end up very powerful, very corrupt and very apt to stay that way. It seems to me that as Jews gain more social/political/economic/moral power in a Christian/Muslim Goim nation the more they use that power to distort fact and insert their Talmudic garbage into what were once “healthy” Christian/Muslim nations. Looking at when it was “foisted” upon a rather gullible U.S. seems to bear out my theory.”
I agree wholeheartedly, and I believe what you have stated [self-effacingly] is not just a theory, it’s a [big picture] correlative observation (or summative set of observations) that is compelling… and it explains a lot of things through time. [I’m just chiming in with my humble observations — observations that are made through the lens of God’s Revelations/ Scriptures.]
God’s men/ Messengers (from Adam (a.s.) to Muhammad (saas)) were of similar ‘humanity’/ construct, overall (though with different mission and different audiences). They were granted Light/ Knowledge/ Wisdom from the same One God in their hearts. … Thus, there would have to be consistency in “The Path/ Way” of which that they advised/ taught/ instructed. … However, Satan (and his allies) were ever at work to misguide (which is what you aptly described as “… distort fact and insert their Talmudic garbage into …”). … Yes, I’m insisting that the Talmudic venom is the most contemporary form of the same old Satanic assault/ venom. [Anyone viewing from a hundred years’ scope will not see this … but seen in the scope of the entire human history will validate this observation.]
As human existence became more complex, every successive Revelation from God became a little more detailed/ augmented, to better enable us to tackle those increased complexities/ deceptions infused by Satan. Thus, the original (Torah through Moses (a.s.)) was pure, and [expectedly] more detailed and augmented from the Guidance that Abraham received/ brought. Satan’s agents deviled it. … Then Messiah Jesus (a.s.) came and corrected, revived and augmented Torah, and his Gospel (Injeel) was now God’s latest Guidance for the world at that time. … Satan’s agents were furious at this, and proceeded to crucify him (a vengeance that’s STILL apparent till today, ESP. because he is about to return)! … Then came Muhammad (saas) with the Qur’an, which corrected, revived/ reinstated [what the Torah and Gospel originally were, before Satan’s agents touched it], augmented [and Finalized] God’s Guidance. … This time around, though, Satan’s agents couldn’t corrupt the Qur’an even an iota (because God has encrypted it so), so they (i) attacked and deviled the Hadeeth (= “disciples’ narratives on the Messenger”), and then (ii) did their best to make Muslims misinterpret the Qur’an by systematically blinding their Spiritual Eyes/ Insight (the deceptive mechanisms of this are a whole other discussion). … [One humble observation : as long as men (Christian or Muslim nations) wanted only God, Truth, Selflessness and Justice to win/ prevail … they [all] flourished; but when they wanted [them’Selves’] to dominate, prevail or ‘win’ … they lost the ‘Way’. Sadly, you’d *think* that Christians and Muslims would’ve learnt this lesson well from how the Jews failed!]
The above-mentioned (i) and (ii) are the very root of all sectarian conflicts within Islam, just as misinterpretations (or conflicting interpretations) were/ are the roots of Sectarianism within Christianity. The key observation here : even when the ‘Message’ is the same, men’s “understanding” of it varies … due to the ‘biases’ within the mortal being (‘Self’/Nafs), inflamed further and further by Satan’s agents and temptations. ONLY when all humans submit their will to God’s Will (doing/ viewing every single thing for the Sake of God alone) — and only when all humans prioritize the Hereafter above all else — would all men ‘understand’ a certain ‘Message’ the same way, in consensus and in Peace.
I kept on using the term ‘Satan’s agents’ in the aforementioned, because this group has a constantly changing evolving identity (a continuum in which Satan is attempting, for thousands of years, to ultimately outdo man and assume Divinity), and corrupting the Truth (with Talmud-like filth)!
… ‘They’ were there among the crowds that attacked/ slandered all pre-Abrahamic prophets. They infused “Talmud-like Satanic accounts of Prophets committing incest” into scriptures!!!
… They were with Nimrod, against Abraham (so they couldn’t, yet, be Jews back then). And they infused racist views towards Abraham’s second wife, and Satanic interpretations of his willingness to sacrifice even his son in the Path of God.
… They were with Samiri when Moses was up in Mt. Sinai for 40 days, and got the ungrateful Israelites to start a perverse orgy in worship of the ‘Golden Calf’ (which is the WALL STREET BULL today)! …
… They were there, after Solomon died, spreading ‘HoloHoax’-like lies such as : Solomon was no Prophet but a Magician, and his ‘Mosque’ was actually an ‘Occult Temple’ (which is what pseudo-Israel today is trying resurrect now, to simultaneously revive Babylon, by first destroying Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem)! BTW … the Demons/ Jinns who were tamed/ tasked by Solomon to work as the ‘Masons’ of the ‘Al-Aqsa’ mosque … are the same Jinns who are the army of the Occult FreeMasons today, and in whose honor they call themselves “Masons”! … Funny how Satan the Jinn is avenging this by using FreeMasons as the very army that “reconstructs” AntiChrist Dajjal’s [upcoming] kingdom, today … and so very few Christian or Muslim scholars can ‘see’ this.
… They were there, concocting stories like that about Esau and Jacob! Spiritual common sense suggests: a Blessed Prophet of God, Jacob, is incapable of stooping as low as to ‘steal’ his brother’s rights! This sounds too much like a typical modern-day Jewish “outcry of persecution” for those who can sense this! 🙂 … Further, a Blessed Prophet like Isaac is incapable of being stingy when it came to Blessing BOTH his sons, and not one … because even Jacob didn’t curse his evil son’s when he sensed that they sold off Joseph!
(Seriously, why would magnanimous Prophets deprive/ curse a son, like (supposedly) Noah to Ham as well ?!?! … In reading all this BS/venom that Satan’s agents added to corrupt scriptures — one is compelled to see how Jewish-renditions of all scriptures have the same nagging lies/ cries, namely : “No Man of God was Perfect … Their deeds were no better than those of spiritually-failed Jews … Men of God ‘failed’ (they’re no better than Satan or Jews) … God’s ‘Human Experiment” failed … GOD FAILED (!!!) … God wronged Satan and Jews… etc.”!!! … To the discerning reader/ thinker, ALL such Jewish-renditions/ garbage inevitably sound as if “events in the lives of Prophets” occurred in the murky, Black-Magic-Riddled, schizophrenic households of sick Jews!!! [Unfortunately, thus, to find out ‘what really happened’ in all these events of Prophets, we’d all have to wait till Jesus returns.])
… They were ALL there against Jesus and Mohammad, even before they arrived, (…you get the picture) … and have been till today! … … These Satan’s agents had first hijacked the Jewish Identity, and then the Christian one … and are finishing up hijacking the Muslim one, as we speak. … [Some critical thoughts : WHY does ISIS resemble the “crusaders” and Knights Templars of old? … WHY is ISIS literally “crucifying” Muslims and Christians (has crucifixion ever been a Muslim business?)? … WHY does ISIS (and the Salafis behind ’em) so eloquently use/ cite Holy Scripture to justify Satanic Monstrosity?]
[A SAD Note: … Some foremost men God, like Ahmed Deedat (rah.a.), tried to remove such Talmud-like, venomous infusions from Gospel, with the sole intent of reinstating/ reviving the Sanctity of Jesus and his Word to the original Blessing. Zionists did a great job of portraying him as an enemy of Christianity! (There is truth in the saying that: It’s easier to deceive men than to convince them that they have been deceived!) … Ironically, it’s God’s Will, more and more true Christians today are waking up to recognize the same infusions/ corruptions as they vehemently denounce the Zio-Christian/ Evangelical rhetoric!]
[A JOYOUS Note : … When Jesus returns, he will be well-versed in ALL Revelations — from those given to Adam, all the way up to the Qur’an itself! And he will correct every last one of us — Christians AND Muslims. So we need to stay open and humble (as much as Dajjal and his Jews, the Evangelicals, the Salafis, the Buddhists, Hindus and all else (etc.) may not like this)!]
Relating this entire narrative back to the original topic/ article … this warped, Jewish, Satanic-ritual type of circumcision can be identified for the abomination it really is, when seen through the lens of Divine Revelations:
““By the traditions of your “elders” you make void the Word of God.” (Matthew:15).
“And when they commit an immorality, they say, “We found our fathers doing it, and Allah has ordered us to do it.” Say, “Indeed, Allah does not order immorality. Do you say about Allah that which you do not know”?” (Al-Araf: 28) …
(See also: Al-Baqarah: 170; Az-Zukhruf: 21-23; Muhammad: 24)
@ pashcnn … My only disagreement was with the links you had shared, which overestimate the value of the foreskin as an essential organ! (Even the “appendix” has neural supply, but no “essential” contribution to human life and health).
… If all fields of human endeavour in our world have been hijacked, polluted and falsified … it just follows that [research in] the medical field, e.g., may easily be skewed, directed, and premeditated-as-to-the-outcome (I know this from experience!) by “the Funders” of such works. Here are some articles that raise questions (on the actual credibility of many scientific publications):
Great comments Human Melody 1.
That should be common sense, which is as rare as an ethical jew.
OCDG … Thank you for the appreciation — it’s welcoming encouragement from TUT for me.