Muslims are in the front line of the conflict against ISIS and Al-Qaida, and two, that they are the overwhelming victims, in a ratio of tens of thousands to one.
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Muslims are in the front line of the conflict against ISIS and Al-Qaida, and two, that they are the overwhelming victims, in a ratio of tens of thousands to one.
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I have long enjoyed the Mathaba web site. It has always been dedicated to the Libyan Jamahiriya, which I admired. In previous comments I explained that Libya was destroyed because Gaddafi’s sons got greedy, and started to impose neo-liberal “reforms” on the masses. That is, Gaddafi’s sons worked to destroy the Libyan Jamahiriya, so they could have greater personal power. This caused unhappiness, especially in Cyrenaica (Benghazi etc). The masses started to protest, and then the USA hijacked their protests, turned them into a civil war, and used it as an excuse to annihilate all of Libya. It was the neo-liberal “reforms” that opened the door to all this. Bashar al Assad of Syria made the exact same error.
Anyway, some comments about the article above…
[1] “Whether Australia, Europe or America, nowhere else in the world is the widespread hatred of Muslims so widespread. In fact, it is generally a white problem. We must remember, it is the same whites who hated Jews, but are now practically controlled by them…”
Have whites ever hated Jews? The question is more properly phrased as, “Have whites stopped being Jews?” That is, “Have there been times when whites were not depraved, corrupt, and imperialistic as a whole?”
The answer is yes, but rarely. Through most of Western history, whites have not only loved Jews; they have BEEN Jews.
Muslims too have been Jews. Many still are. Most Muslim empires and Caliphates took slaves from Africa, beginning with the Umayyad Caliphate (661-750 AD). In southern Iraq there was a 15-year-long slave revolt against Muslims masters (The Zanj Rebellion AD 869–883). It involved half a million African slaves, and was eventually crushed.
The point is that the temptation to become a Jew is constant, and must be guarded against at all times. No one is totally immune.
Today the West is extremely Judaic.
[2] “These same whites who are railing against Muslims dare not criticize the Jews, who are, after all, stirring up hatred against Muslims via the western news media networks.”
That’s because most whites) are themselves Jews, whether or not they call themselves “Jews.” (I say most, not all.)
[3] “To see the hatred of Muslims, one only has to peruse any social media, where the low class whites are active. But talking to middle and upper class whites, it is observed that the resentment against Muslims is more one of fear and disinformation, than outright hatred, compared, it seems, statistically with the lower and uneducated classes.”
No, middle and upper class whites hate Muslims, since most whites are Jews. Most Americans, for example, tend to be supremacists, just like Jews. They think they are “better,” just like Jews. In order to feel “better,” they hate Muslims.
[4] “The lower class are however generally over-run and competing with large numbers of Asians, in particular Chinese and Indians. Perhaps they find that they cannot get away with racial hatred against those national groups, but Muslims are a soft and easy target: no censure is undertaken by human rights groups.”
Yes. When there is violence against Muslims, the police say they will investigate it as a “hate crime,” but they do nothing. After all, the police are Jews.
[5] “The common white westerner still fails to realize that the population of Muslims is in the billions worldwide. And so, the terrorists among them are a tiny fraction of a fraction of a percentage.”
Ouch. The definition of “terrorist” is totally arbitrary, subjective, and expedient. From my perspective, the USA is the worst terrorist nation in history. And Muslims who resist imperialist invaders and occupiers are not terrorists. They are patriots and freedom fighters.
[6] “When this is pointed out, they say that they do not see Muslims condemning the terrorists. How often do Muslims need to condemn them?”
That’s the white Jew speaking. “How come you Muslims don’t condemn yourselves as terrorists as much as I condemn you?” The article notes that most of the victims of Muslim violence are other Muslims. Yet whites in their Judified arrogance think that whites are the main “victims.” Like I said, most whites are Jews.
[7] “Non-white life, has never had the same value as white lives, nor has goyim (non-Jew) lives had the value of gentiles (Jews).”
Hold it. As I noted above, Muslims are often Jews. Muslims took slaves for centuries. Even today, most Muslim Arabs (not all) tend to be racist against black Africans. Moamar Gaddafi wanted African unity, but many Libyans (not all) resented this. The point is that the temptation to become a Jew is constant, and must be guarded against at all times. No one is totally immune.
[8] “The first terrorists historically, were the Zionist Jews, most notorious among them the Stern Gang, who targeted the British colonial occupiers of Palestine.”
There have always been “terrorists,” but they have had different names. Before World War II, they were called “anarchists.” During WW II they were called “partisans.” After WW II they were called “commies.” Today they are called “terrorists.”
[9] “Jihadist Muslim terrorism started against the Russians and was sponsored and financed by the CIA in Afghanistan.”
No. “Jihad” means collective effort with a spiritual purpose. A jihad can be a war, or the building of a bridge, or whatever. Moreover, when Muslims began to invade Spain in 709 AD, the local people no doubt called them “Jihadist Muslims,” or something equivalent.
Interesting article OCG. There are many thoughts running through my mind.
Muslims are very disciplined in their beliefs. The imperialists seem to have a very difficult time breaking their will. Once upon time Christians were very disciplined. We went to mass every first Friday of the month (mandatory) in addition to every Sunday (mandatory), attendance was taken. Once upon time Christians did not eat meat on Friday (carried out faithfully). Once upon time a female was not allowed to enter the church (House of God) without covering her hair. A female’s hair was considered a distraction. The nuns would stand by the doors and inspect us and they had their own covering should one dare to walk in without Her hair covered. Once upon a time many things……now I cannot walk into a church.
My point is that this article reminded me of the old ways and they worked in keeping us focused, and also the similiarly of Islam and the old Christian ways. If it were not for all these values, I would not have grown to be competitive. In my eyes Muslims are stronger. Christianity has been divided. I am no longer a Christian, but that does not mean that I don’t believe. I do with my heart and soul.
When I look at an Arab, I don’t know if he is a Christian or a Muslim. The same with a Chinese, I don’t know if they are Buddhists or not. Indians (India), Hindu or not. The list goes on.
I’m probably off topic, but this is what I was feeling while reading this article. I don’t understand racism and never will. Ignorance has become a choice (not a very wise one). 🙂
The hatred of Muslims is part of the Judaic LEFT/RIGHT system. (see:GOOD JEW/BAD/JEW:The Great Tomato Bubble.Com. George Orwell referred to this sort of thing as :”The hate of the month”. One must learns Jews are NOT LIBERALS & NOT CONSERVATIVES,but keen observers ,and exploiters of ideologies,and human pathologies ,to be used as vehicles of control,and manipualtion by them…. Jews at the for- front of ‘Human Rights’,only do this to divide,and take down dominant gentile cultures. They care nothing about ‘integration’for themselves-considering it Anti-Semitic . At the same time,they need to prejudices,and ignorance of people,to exploit. “Racism”,will never be eradicated by even the most ‘Liberal”,of them-I assure you. Just as they will never ‘take the guns’away,or dampen jingoism. Jews need those emotions to use, for their power. Only when a society turns on them,do these things become their enemy. In the Mid 2000’s I decided to attend a “Liberal”political group,who met socially. It was during the horror of the Neoconservative Jew/Right Regime ,of Bush 2. I ,a former family connected,Republican,and even National Alliance member,needed some solice from the horror,of that era. A few Jews would show,and wax deamingly on about social injustice,poverty,and war . They were still obsessed by Senator Joseph P Mc Carthy,and would go into long lectures on ‘Red baiting”. “Nazis”,where “everywhere”-of course. But mention Palestine, and their attitude switched ,as the late great Zion fighter Ben Freedman would say (See BEN FREEDMAN WARNS AMERICA ABOUT THE JEWS 1961-You Tube)their attitude would go from ‘green to red’. “Smash them”. “Wipe them out”. “They deserve nothing”. “We where their first-the Temple!” Get it? The “Progressive Jew”,is not at all,when they are threatened. Just as the “Right Jew”,is a ‘Patriot’,only when his nation,is on Jewish interests side. The Jews clinging enthusiastically to the British Empires war effort against the Third the formers, own national suicide,switched 100%,when their terrorists tortured English Soldiers in Palestine,a mere two years after their ‘Good War’. The Muslims (All of the Gulf States are Defacto Israeli Allies) are ‘hated’now because the Jews need that’hate’..just as they needed against Charles 1,Napoleon,Kaiser Wilhelm,the Czar,Adolf Hitler,Nationalist Japan and after the old Soviet Union turned on them in the 50’s. Jews invented hate,as an organized weapon. As lon as they rule society,it shall never recede.
“The Hebrew of the bible are white. The whole bible is about the white Aryan race. That’s why God commands his children not to lay with the beasts of the field. The Negro. Hard truth for a Negro to grasp.
The modern day Jew-Christian religion is a Jew lie that white people are too stupid to see through. Just like the Jews make up the fake Afro history that blacks fall for they also make up the lie that the Jews are God’s chosen people, and that God gave them the land of Israel, and that Jesus was a Jew, and that Christianity is a Jewish religion. (All lies.)
The Jews are from Esau not Jacob. There is no promise from God to the Jews, only rebuke and condemnation. The Jews reject God and follow their filthy Jew book the Talmud.
Jesus Christ was white. That’s why in all of the paintings he is white. It’s not a conspiracy to turn Jesus white. It’s a Jew conspiracy to turn Jesus black.
• The Old Testament is a racially exclusive book for Aryans. Race and caste was as important for Abraham as it was for the ancient Aryan Hindus. The symbols and attributes of Indra, the King of the gods, are the same as those of Yahweh.
• Israel is all the people and nations descended from Jacob Israel, Abraham’s son, not a piece of land in the Middle East.
• The European people can be shown to be the true descendants of Israel, from physical descriptions in the Bible, historical records and fulfilled prophecies.
• Today’s ‘Semites’ claim to be descended from Shem, one of the sons of Noah, but since Arabs and Jews are mixed-races, this is a lie. They come from an unlawful marriage, which is a marriage between two different kinds, and have no claim to the heritage of Shem.
• Jews follow the Talmud, not the Old Testament. They have two Torahs, and when they say they are devoted to the Torah, they mean they are devoted to the Torah SheBeal Peh – the Talmud. The Torah Shebichtav is the Old Testament, and remains as an ornament on the wall of the synagogue for most of the year.
• Christian values are the same as traditional White values: Love your neighbour (racial kinsman) as yourself, Honour your father and mother (your ancestors), No fornication (race mixing), No usury, Live separately from the other races and have nothing to do with them.
But since the white races have not followed the teachings if their father Yahweh and have race mixed so they are being punished. Their lands will be destroyed as it says in the bible.
OCDG : I cut off this comment at this point as the rest is just a continuation of the above but more vulgar.
God doesn’t care about “race” at all. Not one bit. If you have any understanding of religion, the Divine, truth and logic, you’d realize physical characteristics meaning absolutely nothing.
You yourself, unknowingly reference this repeatedly ala Christian / Aryan values…
There are NO CHOSEN people whatsoever because in fact, ALL people are “chosen”. Anyone willing to do good aka God’s will, is promised the reward.
The entire concept of “race” is repugnant… not for reasons you might be thinking but because it separates that which God has made one. If you haven’t noticed, the entire creation is unified… the laws that govern our existence, rather should say singular law, as even atheist scientists agree there’s one fundamental force behind all of this.
Islam teaches that there is only one way to God… that being goodness, which is universal i.e. all roads lead to Rome. Whoever does good (His will) will be rewarded, be they atheist, pagan or even jew. Obviously there are incentives to be “more aligned” with God but it’s not for us to judge.
A good point you bring up is whether or not Jesus was white-skinned… If you know a single solitary thing about Him and His life, then you’d already know the answer… that it makes no difference whatsoever. Did Jesus mistreat people who were physically different than Him? That is the core of religion : doing good (i.e. God’s will).
Funny you mention the jews’ obsession with “race” but don’t recognize your own dependence on it. In jewish law/culture, only other jews are considered neighbors… thus they can abuse and do anything they desire to non-jews. A clear-cut perversion of the law God sent down. If you are advocating for “whites” the same sick, degeneracy as the jews practice…
The real covenant, is and always has been for all… anything else is a perversion and desecration. You alluded to it yourself “Israel is all the people and nations descended from Jacob Israel, Abraham’s son, not a piece of land in the Middle East.” … Don’t you get it? DNA means nothing. In Islam, the story of Noah and his son and Salman The Farsi are two great shining examples that blood means less than nothing. I won’t reiterate them here, I’d suggest you go research them on your own if you are at all interested in the truth.
This is a common issue… people see the “success” of the jews and want to emulate them. Instead of saying the jews are insane and we should learn from their mistakes, they instead choose to adopt their psychotic mentality.
Decent people don’t understand “racism” as it’s a totally alien concept.
I so wish Christians would come to their senses and stop viewing us as the enemy but I’m afraid the damage is very extensive. Cradle to grave jewish indoctrination plays an overwhelming part but ultimately there has to be personal accountability. No one is born knowing but one thing God demands from us, is that we be willing to strive for it. That should be common to all people, let alone religion.
We’ve all been very negligent and it’s time we stopped fighting each other and go strike the root.
The Creator does not care about the package (that he created) but the contents(actions plus belief) otherwise It would be unjust.
Sahih International 49:13
O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted
Quran 2;177
Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.
Did God Promise Palestine to Jews? – Hoax of Promised Land
QURAN 49:13 emphasizes that we are not meant to despise each other based on things that were outside of our control and thankfully we will not be judged based on such a faulty criterion.
Talk by Hamza tzortsis Greek convert to Islam and shaykh Nouman ali Khan
@Roger: I agree with most your comments except I believe Jacob is the grandson of Abraham and not all religious jews follow the talmud. Regardless,the same group behind Islamophbia are behind every other atrocity in the world and they will never relinquish their power so therefore it is up to us to take them out one by one.
@ OCDG ~ The person you quoted above seems to be a white supremacist, i.e. a Jew. He says, “Since the white races have not followed the teachings if their father Yahweh and have race mixed so they are being punished. Their lands will be destroyed as it says in the bible.”
Yup. Jew. It does not matter whether he calls himself a Jew or a Christian. He’s a Jew. He fears “assimilation” and “contamination of the Chosen.” He imagines that whites were pure and superior until this racial “contamination.” That’s a Jewish attitude.
On a separate matter, I disagree with OCDG who writes, “ALL people are ‘chosen.’ Anyone willing to do good, aka God’s will, is promised the reward. Whoever does good (His will) will be rewarded, be they atheist, pagan or even Jew.”
I don’t like this concept of a “reward.” If we do good in order to get a reward, then we have niot done good. Instead, we conduct a simple barter, or a business transaction. We give this to get that. Good people do good regardless of the presence or absence of a reward. Doing good is its own reward. Suppose we see a starving man on the street, and we give him money to buy food. For us, any “reward” is irrelevant. We are compelled to help the man on the street, because we can empathize with him. We can put ourselves in his shoes.
Sufis (Islamic mystics) address this with an old saying: “We neither fear hell nor desire heaven.” That is, we do good (Allah’s will) for its own sake. We do not do good because we fear punishment if we don’t. We do not do good out of some expectation of compensation. We do good because we must.
In India there’s an old saying: “He whose reward from God is put off until tomorrow has not truly worshipped God today.” That is, doing good must be its own reward, or it is not really doing good.
On a different topic, OCDG says, “I so wish Christians would come to their senses and stop viewing us (Muslims) as the enemy, but I’m afraid the damage is very extensive. Cradle to grave Jewish indoctrination plays an overwhelming part but ultimately there has to be personal accountability.”
Yes. Regardless of the Jewish indoctrination, we have a choice to be a human or a Jew. It is true that impressionable schoolchildren have their minds pumped full of Jewish sewage, but it is up to the schoolchildren as adults to examine their own beliefs and assumptions, in order to determine their validity. An example, which I’ll choose at random, is the “holocaust”™ lie.
I am insynck with some of the coments given, truly, hear this those that have ears.
Its not about Race, Collor nor Creed, and of course, we knew about eatch other milleniums before, the so called PCs and the MSMs “historical timeline” indicates, way before.
And to the Black man, witch have lost the way, a long time ago, when they to roamed the sea, and thereby the world.
Kokain/Nicotine, in the Pharaos of Egypt, tells it all.
Etc, etc.
Its not more of a fault of your as we have forgotten our own path, the white race path.
What the ZioNazis have done is that whit their fakering of everything incl, history of the entire world, and our respective races, and now exploits the brabarism few of us tends to.
No matter if or what them them selfs label them.
Its to be able to see the overall pickture that is required, aka the long run.
Its a race war in the making, but I know they will fail, even children, arent racist when born, that is something they is been teached.
I defind this as been Collored.
Religion is been Collored.
Wirtually everything is been collored.
Trying to tel a humanity, whom is wipped for so long, and thruoutly, mercylessly and constantly, is, hehe, as a fantastic correct analogy points it out, like f…. for viginity.
Or as we say it up here, the constant windy north, pissing against the wind.
My only hope is that the present undercurent, is been lead in a direction that benefitts us all.
In the bitter end, I am a rock hugger, I love my planet, its the only one I have.
Thats it.
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Yes Konrad, “reward” isn’t simply a gift in exchange, it’s the fulfillment of all promises, the final destination.
I don’t ‘write’ as comprehensively as I ‘think’… I simply assume that people will flesh out the details on their own… that’s my failing.
“It’s the fulfillment of all promises, the final destination.”
There it is again. Doing good only for the sake of a reward, which (as you see it) takes the form of promises.
Oh well. At least we agree on most other things.
I must admit, though, that your views on the Old Testament are different from mine.
Imam Jafar Sadiq says; “Worship is of three kinds: some people worship Allah, because they fear Him – so it is the worship of slaves; and a group worships Allah, Blessed and High is He, to seek reward – so it is the worship of hirelings-merchants; and a group worships Allah, Mighty and Great is He, because of (His) love – and this is the worship of the free, and it is the most excellent worship.”
please note that in Islam paradise is of many levels depending on deeds and intentions in this world and as such those who make it to the higher levels are different from those who are in the lower levels and there is good in all.