BY ALEXANDER AZADGAN – Washington regards itself as the most advanced democracy in the world. It has waged dozens of utterly criminal wars to supposedly spread democracy far and wide. However, Washington’s rhetoric fails to meet the standard of reality. Not only does Washington wage wars that destroy entire nations in the name of “democracy”, but its electoral system is the antithesis of democracy as well.
2 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton And Kleptocratic Corporate Oligarchy”
The comment about America in the photo above should not be attributed to Oscar Wilde but to Georges Clemenceau who once said, “War is too much a serious matter to be entrusted to military men.”
“Even more concerning, 65% of European respondents viewed Americans as intolerant, with over half declaring the American people to be a most arrogant, greedy, and violent among global citizens.”
The comment about America in the photo above should not be attributed to Oscar Wilde but to Georges Clemenceau who once said, “War is too much a serious matter to be entrusted to military men.”
“Even more concerning, 65% of European respondents viewed Americans as intolerant, with over half declaring the American people to be a most arrogant, greedy, and violent among global citizens.”