GLOBAL RESEARCH – The Bill and Hillary crime family long ago should have been held accountable for high crimes against peace and numerous others. Hillary is the most recklessly dangerous presidential aspirant in US history, supporting endless imperial wars and state terror, once saying “(w)hat do we have NATO for if not to defend our way of life.” She endorses first-strike nuclear weapons use, calling them peacekeeping deterrents, mindless of their power to destroy life on earth.
She is a monster working for the Jews.
Democrats be warned Mrs.Clinton if elected over Trump ( not other Republicans ) will destroy their party .
She will cave to Wall Street , Neoconservative,Globalist Trade ,and then get the blame when things go south .
A Trump victory as he is running as the peace ,Anti Globalist trade candidate will stifle the Neoconservative \ Neoliberal agenda .
If things go South the Congressional Democrats do not get the blame !
If the GOP is routed in the 2018 midterms ( a good thing for Trump ,and all of us ) he can begin to reform the Republican party too.
A Trump victory is long term good for everyone .
Think strategically .
how did amurderka get to be so blessed
one monster follows another
and is worse
A terrifying mess of narcissism, inability to empathize, unmitigated greed, Here are 2 of the company she whores to: Just a few. No gentiles there… . She goes beyond deadly.
I have been reading that another reason there is so much to-do about her deleted emails is there were many communications between her and her “lady friends”. Such charges would scuttle her campaign almost beyond salvage. A very foolish move if this proves to be true.
With Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs