KATHEON – The Latin American card is one of the Clinton’s main trump cards in the presidential campaign. As a candidate, she enjoys the exclusive support of immigrants from Latin America living in the United States. She promises to ease conditions for migrants and does not seek to build a high wall on the border with Mexico, contrary to the campaign promises made by Donald Trump. But does she really deserve the support of Hispanics? To answer this question, it is necessary to look at the previous work of Mrs. Clinton in Latin America.


One thought on “Hillary’s Bloody Footprints In Latin America”
  1. She is a monster. some of the things that many people are unaware is the fact that the CIA/MOSSAD have a total control of the drugs from Latin America through Mexico to be distributed in the US, and from Asia to the US and the EU. The pentagon not only sold military equipment to the government of Mexico but also armed the drug lords who work for the CIA. There is a report on Wall Street newspaper that “El Chapo Guzman” worked for the CIA. Who benefit? the Banks, the Military Industrial Complex, the Judaic Criminal Mafia who is behind all these mess. Also watch Alex Jones report on “El Chapo and the CIA” on Tube.

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