At Jewish community dinner boycotted by Muslim leaders, French president promises protection for religious institutions
ed note–we could not agree more, Monsieur Le President…Anti-Semites–such as those at Charlie Hebdo, whose daily mental bowel movement includes blaspheming Jesus Christ and the Prophet Mohammed–both semites–have no place in France. Jews however–who are not semites and who represent an alien, parasitic force upon Gentile society–do not deserve the same protection. They represent a 5th column in your country and are dedicated to France’s destruction, just as they are to every non-Jewish society in which they have ever lived.
You have to admit it, they change colour like chameleons to hide their identity.
jews should be worried on a whole. They are so focused on Muslim hating that they have lost view of other revolutionary groups that are rising. Big surprise coming. They claim that the younger generation of Muslims are gearing towards radicalism. So untrue. In the USA many young ones are embracing the fact that they have to fight for their country (revolution style). The younger jewish generation are struggling with their own identity crisis as the truth is exposed more to them. They want no part of it. But like many of us, it takes time to fully embrace our beliefs and then rebel. Not all revolutionaries are naturally born, we have to mold them and respect them too. Just an observation I have been noting lately. The young ones are not the gullible ones, but the older ones need to be slapped around. 🙂
The stupid Goyim are awakening. This is not a good time to be a Jew, unless it’s an EX Jew, like Gilad Atzmon. No one has to be a Jew unless they want to be.
The more I am exhorted towards “Islamofascism”, the more I feel disgust towards the Judeofascism practiced by Israel and the useful Arab idiots who help draw attention AWAY from israeli crimes by getting the mouthbreathers in the USSA all hot and bothered over Islamic terrorists infiltrating the borders.
Never trust an Ashkenazi no matter what. Beware even more of those who claim to be against the parasite, that lo and behold was created by them centuries ago. Don’t forget the Saxophone player mentioned here was born in a stolen territory. Yes, the very same one that long time ago was called CANAAN.