“Holocaust denial,” i.e., rejecting or even doubting any portion of what Arthur R. Butz amply documented to be “the hoax of the twentieth century,” is banned in all Western European countries as well as in some of Rumsfeld’s “new Europe.”
But banned twice? Only in Romania. It was first banned in 2002. The Jews were not pleased. They felt that the anti-Holocaust denial law was enforced lackadaisically and still allowed expressions of anti-semitism to squeeze through with impunity. The Romanians were not applying themselves to the task. Led by no small fish, like Ron Lauder, President of the World Jewish Congress and Nobel Prize Laureate of Holocaust fiction Elie Wiesel, the Jews demanded a Take #2 to ensure more diligence in the punishment of the crimes that grievously hurt Jewish sensitivities.
So Romania banned holocaust denial again! The measure was well received. New law, harsher penalties. This has just occurred under Romania’s new President, Klaus Werner Iohannis, on whom B’nai B’rith has lavished prize for it.
- July 30, 2015: President Klaus Iohannis (left) bestowed the Faithful Service Order in rank of Grand Cross upon Israel’s Ambassador Dan Ben-Eliezer in a ceremony at the Cotroceni Palace. [“Grand CROSS? Seems a bit insensitive to me]
He is a Romanian citizen of German extraction.* One would think, and it would be justified, that as a German, Iohannis is bound to be more sensitive to delicate issues like insults to the Greatest Suffering Since the Dawn of Ages than your average Romanian, a typically bigoted and pettily rancorous type.**
Nevertheless, I submit that it is not his German ethnicity that weighed more in his decision to make Romania the star of the defense of “Memory.” I think it was his acculturation to Transylvania, where he (like his ancestors for the past 800 years) grew up. As a Transylvanian, how can he fail to be closely familiar with the myth of Dracula?
- Holocaust denial to Romanians
The Holocaust is a money maker machine for the Jews. Is a Carte Blanch to keep committing the most heinous crimes against the Palestinian people and to the whole world.
Quran 7:56
And cause not corruption upon the earth after its reformation. And invoke Him in fear and aspiration. Indeed, the mercy of Allah is near to the doers of good.
Dr. Ghali
And the ones who break the covenant of Allah even after His compact, and cut (off) what Allah has commanded to be held together, and who corrupt in the earth, those will have the curse and they will have an odious Residence.
An appeal to the President of Turkey Mr Erdogan Philip Ekozyants (Eng Subs)
This appeal could likewise go to many in leadership positions they all know full well who is behind the strive, hatred and genocides.
Better to rely on the Creator alone.
Yes Isaac, I agree. It’s another tool in their kit of tools and works like a see – saw. They say they are “God’s chosen” and then way over on the other side, they say they are hated because they are “God’s chosen”.
But that huge area in the middle, they want to keep it a huge voided out area. If one begins to look into that area and then question, they bring out a big gray colored crayon to make it all gray and foggy. If this doesn’t work they lie some more, and after this they just go off into ‘anti semite’ la-la land.
“The Romanians do carry grudges for all manner of wrongs they think they have suffered from the Jews.” Grudges haven’t been good for Europe, so in general I don’t think they’re good. But with Jews it’s different. The greatest civilization that led the world for two thousand years was knocked off its pedestal thanks largely to them. They dislike (or hate) Europeans and have been the leaders in the destruction of European countries by pushing mass immigration upon these countries and they endlessly talk about the suffering they incurred at the hands of Europeans while imposing a lie on the world by covering up their leading role in bloody Bolshevism, from top officials of the Soviet Union to NKVD officers that carried out the murders, Jews were everywhere. If we don’t “hold a grudge,” the lie that Jews were attacked for no reason at all as well as the lie that Jews played a minor, or no role in communism and fomenting WW II and would never hurt anyone will continue to be believed.
Russia’s President Putin said 80 to 85% of the first Soviet gov’t was Jewish. Many people said similar things ever since that brutal dictatorship was founded. But because of the Jews control of the media the most glaring and important historical facts are never discussed and most people are completely unaware of the European blood Jews have on their hands and the Jews are like Teflon. Nothing sticks to them.
President Klaus Iohannis should hold a grudge. All Europeans should towards this group. For the good of Romanians, Germans and all Europeans.
Reblogged this on Lolathecur's Blog Below are two very important entries from the "Jewish Encyclopedia". Read them VERY CLOSELY..
I attempted to post the following comment on the Jewish site itself, and at first it appeared to post, then a little box appeared, which said ‘oops’ and then my comment was removed, ha ha.
“Just wondering what the birth rate today is for these former Axis power countries, as the formerly stated intent for the Germans to be sterilized is now coming true, with birth rate of indigenous white Germans now being only 0.9 children per family on average, and Japan only having 1.6, or possibly 1.4 children per family on average, when 2.4 children per family average is required to stop a people dying out.
Sterilizing agents have been found hidden in tetanus vaccines that they give to women who intend to get pregnant, and the US has been found to even sneak that into Native American Indian womens’ vaccines, to produce spontaneous abortion, and into Afro American black womens’ vaccines. They have their ways of simply getting rid of people, and the Germans and the Japanese are just fading away as peoples today, and I wonder if the Romanians are having similar ‘difficulties’ after being vaccinated, or sterilized by other subtle methods.
Reblogged this on Mothman777's Blog.
For instance, whilst the Jew screams about their fictitious holocaust, and by draconian law compels others to be utterly fixated on this issue and ignore the precarious situations of their own peoples, in former Axis power countries, birthrates of those peoples in their homeland countries are declining alarmingly in comparison to many other populations of other peoples in other parts of the world, and curiously, though the birthrate of Romanian woman in their homeland country is rapidly declining, as soon as they go to Britain, they are suddenly able to produce vastly increased numbers of children, strange or what? Is this merely due to improved socio-economic factors, or is it rather maybe something they don’t put in the water or the vaccines in England, that they do in Romania, or something else like that.
mothman777, I believe too that specific targeting had and does continue to take place in regards to controlling births ( and deaths ).
There is also something else that happens in regards to the Sun’s UV (ultra violet; a higher frequency of violet not detectable to the human eye/brain. It was discovered in the early 1900’s that the Sun’s UV (radiation) does kill many. many forms of bacteria and that some corporations are turning to this instead of using chemicals to do it.
The UV attacks doesn’t outright kill the bacteria, but what it does is attack the DNA of the bacteria. More specifically, it attacks the reproductive portion. It sterilizes the bacteria and cuts off its reproductive capacity.
If the Earth is losing its protective shield and it does appear that it is. some of the recent animal mutations showing up and these massive die offs taking place, could be as a result of the Earth’s Sun. This could also help to explain much of the animal extinctions that have taken place over the millions of years, or even to some extent what is termed as evolutionary adaptations. The species mutated because their very own DNA mutated. Of course humans would be no exception.
Sometimes a change in DNA takes place that creates frog with two heads, or a fifth leg sticking out of the back of a cow, and so on. Other mutations create diseases.
I hear a doctor say many times in this scenario ~ “Well Doc, ya got the test results back from the lab so what’s the prognosis?
“Well ya have _______ but it is treatable.”.
“Well how’d that happen? What brought this on?”
“It’s genetic. It’s a genetic thing. Probably been in your family for generations”.(so many doctors say “It’s genetic” and leave it at that).
My question is: If it is a relatively new disease, or even going back 3 or 4 generations, what caused the DNA mutation in the first place in that specific generation? Something had to have trigged that mutation which was then passed on. I see only 2 possible explanations. Either it was Solar / Cosmic, or man made.
Fascinating, thankyou.
We desperately need to replace all Jewish politicians, and replace Jewish ‘medicine’ and Jewish ‘science’, most especially in the fields of atomic work, and genetic work on plants and animals and so on, as we are currently also in their sights for genetic engineering.
We need a new UN, a non-Jewish one, as the present one is only a paper tiger that is controlled by Jews, serving only Jewish interests, which are entirely inimical to those interests of our own.
We need new politicians who are not Jewish. We need Gentile new police senior officers, Gentile new senior armed forces staff, Gentile new news readers on the TV (ever notice how those newsreaders are almost all Jewish?), new media reporters, and a new education system not run by Jews.
We need new definitions of legality, by removing Jews from the law-making process, by removing Jews from the area of ethical consideration governing formulation of government policy, and education, and law enforcement, and military strategy in relation to foreign policy, and even by redefining criteria for mental health, which today allow the criminally insane Jewish psychiatrists and psychologists to define proper cognizance of reality, and even have other people declared mentally ill, whilst they themselves hold a firm belief in the criminal genocidal racist beliefs of the Jewish scriptures, which intend for all non-Jewish life on the entire planet to be totally extinguished.
Something is very wrong indeed when the uneducated complacency of the Gentile masses allows these actually psychotic people, these Jews in power, to continue to prepare for our annihilation in unabated fashion, whilst they pontificate and pretend to hold the moral high ground, posing outwardly as our benevolent leaders.
The Chabad Lubavitchers who dominate Obama and Putin, Cameron, Sarkozy, Merkel, Harper, Erdogan et all like glove puppets, are the most powerful and influential Jewish group on the planet, and they intend the literal extermination of ALL Gentiles.
80% of the plant foods that we ate even before the highly specific gene-grafting techniques of GM food came into practice, had already been deliberately genetically mutated by the use of X-Rays, Gamma Rays and mutagenic chemicals, which were employed to produce as many random mutations as possible, from which mutations could be selected that were thought to be useful. Though perhaps hidden agendas were also at work even within that directive, to learn how to mutate selected races within humanity itself, and it is extremely likely that that happened.
Where a plant might be seen to grow twice as fast, or twice a big, as a result of such genetic tinkering, it would not be immediately apparent to everyone eating those foods what other genetic mutations had occurred on an unseen level, and even when those those mutated foods began to be consumed, a horrendous upsurge of auto-immune diseases, including cancer, began to be evidenced.
And perhaps with the general trend of illness being experienced as a result of that, without that cause being immediately apparent to those being given those disease-causing foods to eat, a smokescreen would be made by means of which it would be no surprise at all when even more horrendous types of disease would begin to be exhibited as a result of the new GM grafting techniques, which no doubt harbour hidden malicious genetic tinkering that is deliberately intended to harm all Gentile races, and everyone would simply think that some other cause was behind it all.
That this harm is thoroughly intended by the Jewish scientists running GM research can be rightly adduced from the evidence of all the still births, cancers and mutations in animals eating the new poison GM food. and this trend is increasingly exacerbated by the currently advancing GM technology.
Our own RNA is altered by the mutated RNA of the plants and animals that we eat, and thus, we are no longer incarnate in a fully human body as intended, becoming in effect increasingly actually discarnate, in a non-human body, which has a different vibrational rate, and different faculties to what we were intended to have, ensuring that we are not actually properly resident here or properly able to perceive this world or its purpose, thus we are being cheated out of our life’s purpose here.
This is one preliminary way of coming to fully remove all Gentiles from the Earth, with that process taking place on a subtle level even in this life, in a way, as we will increasingly be unable to relate to this world except in a very artificial and unnatural way due to all these genetic changes, which will be making significant changes to every bodily vehicle, except the Jews, as their GM scientists and rabbis have colluded to make GM foods non-kosher for Jews, so that just we Gentiles are left to eat the poisons.
Everyone must be made aware of the actual essentially predatory genocidal criminal nature of Judaism, they must be made aware that the Talmud on which American and British and even Russian law, among other systems, is becoming increasingly based, contains the hostile alien edict that ALL Gentiles are to be killed. They must be made aware that the Zohar commentary on the Torah states that when the messiah of the Jews comes, all Gentiles on the Earth are to be exterminated and their souls sent to hell. Only then will people begin to suspect, and then properly be able to reason, that things are not well whilst Jews dominate our every system in our societies.
The Jews must be legally prevented from practicing their obscenely violent genocidal racist death cult, which must be proscribed by law in every country of the world.
Only when Gentiles everywhere can be made aware of the hostile genocidal threat against every last one of them, that the Judaic belief system represents, will they finally be willing to understand the absolutely vital necessity of preventing the Jews from ever again being permitted to hold any position of influence and authority, or even being allowed to roam free outside of any mental hospital, or prison, in any country in the world to practice their terrorism, which currently holds the the peoples of all the world in a vice-like grip of death.
Non-Jewish politicians, elected by a newly educated electorate, could, with the backing of the peoples of the world, request and organize the compassionate removal of all people with the vile mental illness, the violent psychosis of Judaism, to Birobidzhan for example, where they must be held in medical quarantine under armed guard to prevent Jews absconding and once again setting up terrorist networks using nuclear weapons and so on, such as they presently maintain against all Gentile peoples on the planet with their Samson Option. It has been established that a powerful nuclear hot spot exists within the New York Israeli embassy, so Jews most likely have a number of nuclear bombs hidden all over the world, ready to inflict terrorist attacks whenever a false flag, or ‘revenge’ attack, Samson Option style, is required by these criminally insane people.
We are not like the Jews, and do not have the vile hatred of other living beings that they alone possess, so we are infinitely more compassionate than them, as we do not consider that ALL non-Jews are eternal spiritual adversaries, demons, who must all be prevented for all eternity from having access to the spiritual planes, and we can appreciate that ALL souls have come from a Good God alone in reality.
So we Gentiles are ultimately more compassionate, hoping for Jews to return to true sanity, whereas the Jew will never be, as the scriptures that they insist on adhering to, definitely command them NEVER to make peace with anyone, but to enslave the entire world, and then exterminate the entire world except for their own number, before a New World on a different vibrational plane of matter is made for them alone, a bit like the Christian New Heaven and New Earth belief.
But while the Jew insists on maintaining genocidal lethal threats against all of us, such as the Samson Option, and whilst the Jews worldwide covertly initiate wars that ruin the planet for all generations to come, that cause the deaths of literally hundreds of millions, then our governments must be able to be trusted, for the first time in centuries, to use appropriate lethal military force after all due consideration of the facts, to disempower the Jew, since the Jew refuses to abide by almost all, if not all of the UN edicts that Israel has been so far requested to, and continues to savagely and sadistically murder any people that they please, and so-called leaders of America and the UK have colluded with Israel in traitorously facilitating attacks on British and American civilian citizens in false flag attacks. Those leaders should all have been executed after due legal process for having caused the deaths of millions.
Only when the will to accomplish this is present, through proper education having been given, can people come together, elect genuine leaders, and then require it of their elected Gentile politicians to legislate against the continuing cancerous erosion of all life on this planet by the Jews.
The Fukushima nuclear tragedy, created by Israel through its Stuxnet virus closing down all safety protocols at the Japanese nuclear power plant, just before a deliberately created disaster struck the plant, which is killing ALL life in the Pacific down the West Coast of America, is a part of the Jewish plan to exterminate all life on the planet. They have no care at all, not the slightest, for the preservation of this planet and it’s ecosystems, as they believe that their private new planet is just about to come, and all the poison that they have sown in this world will not affect them at all, as it will be restricted just to this plane and kill only the Gentiles, whilst the Jews themselves become far beyond its reach..
This is why the Jew is desperate to unnecessarily mix races, doing that at massively accelerated rates, well beyond any society’s need, or ability to cope, to mix languages and to mix cultures, so that all the West is no longer able to share any common thinking process or purpose, no longer able to maintain any real sense of society, so that there will never be any self-organization by any people to stand against them, or even to comprehend what is being done to them.
If Gentile humanity will not take up courage to face the terrible reality of this situation, and will not seek to treat this disease by disempowering, quarantining and reeducating those who exhibit this affinity with Judaic ‘culture’, which is based on the murderous genocidal racist Judaic scriptures, then we are done, we are literally dead, and the Jews will take this planet totally, and kill all other life on it completely.
That is the stated purpose of the Jewish religion, as practiced by the Chabad Lubavitchers, who control the most powerful political leaders in the world, and they do state that they are Jews. No other Jews really stand against them, but may pay lip service to doing so. I am sure that the 4,000 Jews who stayed away from the New York WTC on 9/11 2001 contained many Chabad Lubavitchers, and no Jew from any other sect or belief system within that Jewish group has ever broken ranks to betray the genocidal Israeli purpose, the genocidal Jewish purpose, which is actually the purpose of ALL Jews, though many would seek to insist otherwise, through ignorance, or through deliberate intent to conceal the deadly truth, and to misinform.
I am not sold on the Atlantean theories completely, but there are some interesting points in history surrounding it when one begins to look into ancient cultures and texts from around the World. But the site does have an interesting article along the lines of what we are mentioning.
It speaks of “Emotions, DNA, and the Divine Matrix” which I am certain that the upper / deeper levels of rabbinical ‘jews’ are aware of. I see the rabbinical sects as the core that drives these insane beasts that call themselves ‘jews’. Even though I have heard many rabbis give their own interpretations on different subjects, they all agree on their own divinity.
These types are well educated in the entire spectrum from the very, very ancient, up to the modern, and have a working understanding of the future, whether it be man made technologies of the future, or the future positioning of the cosmos. This is where they have the Goy beat; they study, and study in depth and in detail. They operate beyond the obvious and superficial that most of the World operates within and reacts to. They control the pioneering research and what comes from the research, they devise methods from which to gain advantages.
A part of this is because they are in high positions of finance and they can direct the funding. They are in high levels of scientific research and development in most areas of Life. They have in their possession old, sacred texts from ancient cultures around them. They know the exoteric as well as the esoteric. Etc.
Light is neither evil or good. Magnetism is neither evil nor good. It is how one chooses to use knowledge that determines if a natural phenomenon is either evil or good. Since the ‘being’ of the ‘jew’ is set on global domination (completely left brain approach), everything is used ultimately in a bad / evil manner by them. Since this has been their goal, their thoughts, their very consciousness for centuries, has it impacted their DNA? I believe it has.
Referring to the article I spoke of ~ ” A type of energy exists that has previously gone unrecognized. 2. Cells/DNA influence matter through this form of energy. Produced under the rigid control of laboratory conditions, evidence arose of the powerful relationship that ancient traditions have held sacred for centuries.”.
This quote stems from an experiment where they wanted to see what would happen to light photons and where they were congregated in a glass container. When DNA was introduced into the container, the light photons congregated around the DNA, but strangely, after the DNA was removed, the light photons still held their positioning and form. Other experiments were completed where DNA was great distances apart but were still communicating.
DNA can be altered. It can be altered by thought for example, and emotions such as hatred, anger, jealousy, envy, and greed. It can be altered by depressions, sadness, strife, and struggle. Notice how one with years and years of stress usually shows more aging in their skin and other organs. I think this is another tactic ( or side benefit ) from the ‘jew’. They create conditions of war, struggles, depressions, anxiety, and worries, and it effects the goy on the cellular level.
The ‘jew’ by their very own perspectives of the World and others that live on it, may have altered their very own DNA because of their constant hatred towards others. As a group, no matter their differing opinions on subject matter, they are as one in their collective ‘chosen ones’. They are not a ‘chosen RACE’ as they prefer to call themselves collectively. They are a group that chose to BECOME an embodiment of evil.