Jewish Daily Forward
In an effort to counter claims that his list of supporter is short on intellectuals, Donald Trump, scholars supporting his run for presidency are collecting signatures on a statement endorsing the Republican candidate.
According to a Daily Caller report from Friday, more than 50 scholars have joined the statement, saying that, “supporters of the Trump agenda are by no means limited to the badly educated and ill-informed.”
But among the organizers of the scholars list is one name that stands out: Dr. Boyd Cathey, who, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center was “involved in several extremist movements, including ‘radical traditionalist Catholicism,’ Holocaust denial and the neo-Confederate movement.”
Cathey, a North Carolina archivist, is associated with the anti-Semitic group known as the “Institute for Historical Review.” He sat on the advisory committee of the institute’s Journal for Historical Review, which is described by SPLC as “the world’s leading Holocaust denial organization.”

Dr. Boyd Cathey
“…was “involved in several extremist movements, including ‘radical traditionalist Catholicism’ ”
Radical traditionalist Catholicism Translation: A form of Christianity that has not been neutered or gelded by organized Jewish interests.
The truth is anti-Semetic
Yes. Any one who tells the truth is labeled as ANTISEMITIC Including Jesus Christ. the Damned Jews invented that word in order to silence the ones who have waken up and confront the lies.
Try denying that Hillary’s mad dog warriors in Libya demolished the entire town of Towargah with its 10,000 blacks in Libya.
What difference, at this point, does it make, that 10,00 BLACKS IN LIBYA had a Hillary Holocaust?
Ah yes, try denying that Hillary wants a no-fly zone in Syria, where Obama’s CURRENT Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said would risk a nuclear war.
You want a nuclear holocaust? The best bet for World War 3 is HRC.