0 thoughts on “Holocaust survivors' grandchildren call for action over inherited trauma”
With this same “logic”, what should the Palestinian
children that are witnessing this slaughter in real
time and in their own lives, and not some “ancestor”
that they have never met or known, what sort of
“reparation” should they receive from the “jews” since
the jews are guilty of an offense to humanity that can
The jews are not even human.
Only THEIR psychopathic heart and mindset could be
that cruel and immoral and distorted.
God help us.
This is why the Hebrews are called, “the eternal Jews’.
Their collective,tribal demands, and trauma ,go on,and on.
The Holohoax is the gift that keeps on giving.
That’s why I avoid the Grauniad.
But I feel for those poor kids having to put up with those tales.
Remind me again, how many were actually gassed?
The World has to come to grips with this subject.
Dear Jew,
Stop the “leach effect” and get your brains around the truth. It will be better for you and your great grandchildren in times to come to know that it was ALL A LIE, and for many years your hate crimes against Germans and sucking from their pockets was a disgrace and great crime against them. You all should be ashamed… but of course, your not. You’re a Jew.
What a disappointment when I clicked on the link!
Judging by the tile I thought the grandchildren of the “survivors” were suing their grandparents for the trauma they inflicted by the horror fairy tales they have never stopped spinning.
It just goes to show you what an incurable optimist I am.
Yeah, they should treat them all even for imagining the holocaust, for punishing people over a non-existent event, and for subjecting the rest of us to a never ending sickening charade, and for screwing people out of money all the time for something that never happened, and for using that non-existent event to justify the formation of a criminal terrorist state beyond the reach of international law, and for using that non-existent event to justify threatening the entire world with absolutely lethal force through the thermonuclear Samson Option, and for falsely justifying locking other people up in prison for years, as Jew lover lunatic Putin has also just done, simply for reasonably questioning the reality of that non-existent event, and for constantly using that falsely justified criminal state of Israel to constantly falsely justify the annihilation of people all around them in wars in the Middle East, now especially through their psyop terrorist ISIS agents and dupes, and they should definitely get treatment just for being Jewish as well, as Judaism states in the Talmud and Zohar that ALL Gentiles in the entire world are to be killed, to be exterminated, to leave the Jews alone to inherit a New Earth when their messiah comes, which is held to be imminent, hence the insane drive for WWIII.
The Jews are completely insane, and want putting away before they hurt anyone else, before they succeed in bringing about nuclear Armageddon and killing the whole planet with the weapons that they themselves exclusively conceived of and developed for that very purpose alone.
Matthew 14:8; “And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist’s head in a charger.”
This is how showing hate can be produced in the next generation. It’s planting the wrong seeds and will not produce anything good. In fact, it started a downfall that ended badly for the Jews.
Nobody where ,gassed. None. ‘Upon inspection of camps for detained enemy civilians,no homicidal equipment found.’. International Red Cross Report,of 1948.
maybe those poor, traumatised “grandchildren” of the ‘Holocaust ” survivors start looking more into the history of their own people.
It looks like they ‘ve been terribly deceived by their own leaders who not only actively particpated in creaing the “Holocaust” , but basically initiated and financed it from the beginning.
There is a lot of evidence that support it.
Here is a sample.
“…During the holocaust, Jewish life had no value unless it promoted the Zionist cause.
“One goat in Israel is worth more than the whole Diaspora,” Yitzhak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency’s “Rescue Committee” said.
Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld accuses the Zionists of collaborating in the Nazi slaughter of European Jewry directly and indirectly.
The charges are contained in his book, “Holocaust Victims Accuse” (1977) which is on line. ..” http://www.henrymakow.com/091202.html
The indulgence if the editor. False flag alert on Marta 18.
Henry Makow is a Jew first and foremost. He is a discredited deciever like Alex Jones/Glenn Beck/Jik the hat Marrs, and even banned by Rense .Com.
The Jews DID NOT ,’finance the Holocaust,’ as there was NONE !
Nor did they back IN ANY WAY, Adolf Hitler, nor NS Germany.
There is ZERO ‘evidence’, as the Jews IMMEDIATELY declared war on Germany upon Hitlers assumption of power.
He stopped payment to Rothschild’s Fronts,closed their branches, and stopped financing from private International Banking.
This is why Germany had spectactulsr economic growth during boycotts, and world wide depression.
This is why the Jews forced the French, and British World Empires to declare war on Germany, without threat or attack, September 3 , 1939.
See, The Greatest Story Never Told.Com.
Hitler ,The Man Who Fought The Banks Goes Viral, You Tube,
Hitler’s Message To The NWO, You Tube.
David Irving Action Report.Com, for REAL Gentile history,not kosher conspiracy theory from lieing Hebrew Henry Makow !
This is the Ugly Truth, and no Judaic circling nonsense here !
See ,The Judas Goats by Michael Collins Piper.
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you are in denial mr. Dante.
It can go BOTH way,s as we can clearly see.
Hitler was one of many psychopats that the history of humankind was “priviliged” to have.
Praising Hitler and Nazi Germany is obviously also a sign of lunacy.
Either you do not know history, at all, or you choose to support psychopats.
YOU don’t fight Evil with Evil..
In the “nature vs. nurture” drama, this is not “inherited”. It is inflicted on Jewish children by their parents, through repeated traumatic dramas told to them from an early age, dramas that terrorize them by suggesting they are still endangered and which impose a guilt-inducing obligation on them to somehow avenge or atone for the harms to their clan from generations ago.
In any other society raising children this way would classify as emotional child abuse.
With this same “logic”, what should the Palestinian
children that are witnessing this slaughter in real
time and in their own lives, and not some “ancestor”
that they have never met or known, what sort of
“reparation” should they receive from the “jews” since
the jews are guilty of an offense to humanity that can
The jews are not even human.
Only THEIR psychopathic heart and mindset could be
that cruel and immoral and distorted.
God help us.
This is why the Hebrews are called, “the eternal Jews’.
Their collective,tribal demands, and trauma ,go on,and on.
The Holohoax is the gift that keeps on giving.
That’s why I avoid the Grauniad.
But I feel for those poor kids having to put up with those tales.
Remind me again, how many were actually gassed?
The World has to come to grips with this subject.
Dear Jew,
Stop the “leach effect” and get your brains around the truth. It will be better for you and your great grandchildren in times to come to know that it was ALL A LIE, and for many years your hate crimes against Germans and sucking from their pockets was a disgrace and great crime against them. You all should be ashamed… but of course, your not. You’re a Jew.
What a disappointment when I clicked on the link!
Judging by the tile I thought the grandchildren of the “survivors” were suing their grandparents for the trauma they inflicted by the horror fairy tales they have never stopped spinning.
It just goes to show you what an incurable optimist I am.
Yeah, they should treat them all even for imagining the holocaust, for punishing people over a non-existent event, and for subjecting the rest of us to a never ending sickening charade, and for screwing people out of money all the time for something that never happened, and for using that non-existent event to justify the formation of a criminal terrorist state beyond the reach of international law, and for using that non-existent event to justify threatening the entire world with absolutely lethal force through the thermonuclear Samson Option, and for falsely justifying locking other people up in prison for years, as Jew lover lunatic Putin has also just done, simply for reasonably questioning the reality of that non-existent event, and for constantly using that falsely justified criminal state of Israel to constantly falsely justify the annihilation of people all around them in wars in the Middle East, now especially through their psyop terrorist ISIS agents and dupes, and they should definitely get treatment just for being Jewish as well, as Judaism states in the Talmud and Zohar that ALL Gentiles in the entire world are to be killed, to be exterminated, to leave the Jews alone to inherit a New Earth when their messiah comes, which is held to be imminent, hence the insane drive for WWIII.
The Jews are completely insane, and want putting away before they hurt anyone else, before they succeed in bringing about nuclear Armageddon and killing the whole planet with the weapons that they themselves exclusively conceived of and developed for that very purpose alone.
Matthew 14:8; “And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist’s head in a charger.”
This is how showing hate can be produced in the next generation. It’s planting the wrong seeds and will not produce anything good. In fact, it started a downfall that ended badly for the Jews.
Nobody where ,gassed. None. ‘Upon inspection of camps for detained enemy civilians,no homicidal equipment found.’. International Red Cross Report,of 1948.
maybe those poor, traumatised “grandchildren” of the ‘Holocaust ” survivors start looking more into the history of their own people.
It looks like they ‘ve been terribly deceived by their own leaders who not only actively particpated in creaing the “Holocaust” , but basically initiated and financed it from the beginning.
There is a lot of evidence that support it.
Here is a sample.
“…During the holocaust, Jewish life had no value unless it promoted the Zionist cause.
“One goat in Israel is worth more than the whole Diaspora,” Yitzhak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency’s “Rescue Committee” said.
Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld accuses the Zionists of collaborating in the Nazi slaughter of European Jewry directly and indirectly.
The charges are contained in his book, “Holocaust Victims Accuse” (1977) which is on line. ..”
The indulgence if the editor. False flag alert on Marta 18.
Henry Makow is a Jew first and foremost. He is a discredited deciever like Alex Jones/Glenn Beck/Jik the hat Marrs, and even banned by Rense .Com.
The Jews DID NOT ,’finance the Holocaust,’ as there was NONE !
Nor did they back IN ANY WAY, Adolf Hitler, nor NS Germany.
There is ZERO ‘evidence’, as the Jews IMMEDIATELY declared war on Germany upon Hitlers assumption of power.
He stopped payment to Rothschild’s Fronts,closed their branches, and stopped financing from private International Banking.
This is why Germany had spectactulsr economic growth during boycotts, and world wide depression.
This is why the Jews forced the French, and British World Empires to declare war on Germany, without threat or attack, September 3 , 1939.
See, The Greatest Story Never Told.Com.
Hitler ,The Man Who Fought The Banks Goes Viral, You Tube,
Hitler’s Message To The NWO, You Tube.
David Irving Action Report.Com, for REAL Gentile history,not kosher conspiracy theory from lieing Hebrew Henry Makow !
This is the Ugly Truth, and no Judaic circling nonsense here !
See ,The Judas Goats by Michael Collins Piper.
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you are in denial mr. Dante.
It can go BOTH way,s as we can clearly see.
Hitler was one of many psychopats that the history of humankind was “priviliged” to have.
Praising Hitler and Nazi Germany is obviously also a sign of lunacy.
Either you do not know history, at all, or you choose to support psychopats.
YOU don’t fight Evil with Evil..
In the “nature vs. nurture” drama, this is not “inherited”. It is inflicted on Jewish children by their parents, through repeated traumatic dramas told to them from an early age, dramas that terrorize them by suggesting they are still endangered and which impose a guilt-inducing obligation on them to somehow avenge or atone for the harms to their clan from generations ago.
In any other society raising children this way would classify as emotional child abuse.