Ed-note (Sabba) – Hotovely spells it out for those who still do not understand: “The deputy minister ended her comments by quoting from Rashi, the famed medieval commentator, on the first line of the Torah. The reason the Torah began with the story of creation, Rashi explained, was so that when the world would call Israel robbers for having stolen the Land of Israel from others, the Jews would be able to answer that the land belongs to God, and that he gave it to whom he desired.”

The jewish state is not the only democracy in the middle east. Rather, it is the only THEOCRACY in the world.

Jerusalem Post

“Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely  swept into her new office on Thursday using religious-based arguments and telling ministry employees all of the Land of Israel belongs to the Jews.

Hotovely, who served as deputy transportation minister in the last government, reworked one of the slogans her previous ministry made well known: “On the road, don’t be right, be smart.” For many years, she said, Israel’s diplomats have tried to be smart, rather than right.

“Many times it seems that in our international relations, more than emphasizing the rightness of our cause, we are asked to use arguments that play well diplomatically,” she told ministry employees. “But at a time when the very existence of Israel is being called into question, it is important to be right.”

Hotovely’s words were also broadcast to Israel’s 106 representations abroad.

“The international community deals with considerations of justice and morality,” she said. “We need to return to the basic truth of our right to this land.”

Hotovely quoted the late journalist and settlement leader Uri Elitzur as saying that for the last 40 years, while the Palestinians were demanding their lands, Israel responded that: “We have strategic interests and security concerns.”

Those arguments, she said, were the arguments of a robber.  “If I wear your coat because I’m cold, and I can prove pragmatically and analytically that it really is cold for me, the world will ask a primitive and analytic question: Who does the coat belong to? In this context, it is important to say that this coat is ours, this country is ours, all of it. We didn’t come here to apologize for that.”

Hotovely said the world understands Israel’s security needs, but arguments based on justice and morality always trump those dealing with security concerns.

She also quoted from an interview former foreign minister Shlomo Ben-Ami gave following the breakdown of the Camp David talks in 2000. Ben-Ami, who was Labor’s foreign minister under Ehud Barak, said it was impossible for him to shake the impression that more than the Palestinians want a solution to the conflict, they want to put Israel in the defendant’s dock.

“More than they want a state of their own, they want to throw us out of our own. In the deepest sense possible this is a negative ethos,” she said, quoting Ben-Ami. “That is why, as opposed to the Zionists, they are unable to compromise, because they don’t have an image of a society in the future for which it is worth compromising.”

The deputy minister ended her comments by quoting from Rashi, the famed medieval commentator, on the first line of the Torah. The reason the Torah began with the story of creation, Rashi explained, was so that when the world would call Israel robbers for having stolen the Land of Israel from others, the Jews would be able to answer that the land belongs to God, and that he gave it to whom he desired.

“If the Jews were convinced in the righteousness of their path, and that is their land, they would manage with the world,” she said, quoting Rabbi Yehuda Leon Ashkenazi, one of the leaders of French Jewry in the last century.

Hotovely told the workers, many of them demoralized that various aspects of Israel’s diplomacy has been parceled off to different ministries, that she would fight to help the ministry restore its status as the central arm of Israeli diplomacy. Hotovely’s comments came the same day that the French newspaper Le Figaro reported that a proposed French UN Security Council draft resolution, being drawn up with New Zealand, sets an 18-month deadline for completion of negotiations leading to a Palestinian state.”


0 thoughts on “Hotovely: This country belongs to us, all of it”
  1. Today, if a man who heard voices wandered out of the desert and said “God gave this land to me and I have to kill the owners” he would have to be put in a hospital

  2. Here again the Jewish State saying exactly what they’ve been saying since 1917 this land is our land/ get off of our land/ go find your own land / gawd that PoS makes me sick to my stomach.

    and i saw a news item where Daiesh had hit hard in Saudi Arabia !!! yeaaaaaaaaa i’ve been wondering what happens when IS meets the Wahabbi? more to come.

  3. I don’t think Satan could have put together a more foul government than Bibi has this time around. But then… his lips to Bibi’s ear.

    Let us hope this group does push the world to such a brink that their little experiment goes up in self-destructive fireworks sooner than later.

    ” … Ehud Barak, said it was impossible for him to shake the impression that more than the Palestinians want a solution to the conflict, they want to put Israel in the defendant’s dock.

    “More than they want a state of their own, they want to throw us out of our own. In the deepest sense possible this is a negative ethos,” she said, quoting Ben-Ami. “That is why, as opposed to the Zionists, they are unable to compromise, because they don’t have an image of a society in the future for which it is worth compromising.”

    Dear lord! Where does one begin with these twisted entities?

    I am in good health. I know I should not think about death much and, to be honest, I don’t. But I just had one brilliant realization. There are no Jews after death…. I can almost hear and feel the spiritual jubilation when I walk out into the light and there ain’t no trace of those agents of doom in sight.

  4. One thing that puzzles me is that this has been published in the MSM, when they could have very well suppressed it, per custom. I have to wonder: are they trying to get us inured to the idea or is there some undercurrent of some “subversives” somewhere trying to get our attention and make us react. Of course the latter is my optimism speaking.

  5. I absolutely feel you, “Light of the Truth” (Noor al-Haqiqa), but I just read an article and saw a photo of a powerful member of the Israeli Knesset (Michael Ben Ari, may God roast his soul in the bowels of Hell) ripping up a copy of the Christian Bible and throwing it in the garbage, and what can I say – That is the final straw! They are openly, with no censure or punishment, flaunting their satanic natures right in our faces! Christians and Muslims, and atheists will now dedicatedly unite on a global basis, and these subhuman immoral demons (damned by God) shall be systematically exterminated by force of arms from the face of God’s beautiful earth. Achtung Judeo-Zionistas! Your time on this planet is NOW officially FINISHED; a real global-scale Holocaust is coming your way. There will be no survivors. There will be no reparations. When you are all dead, we shall be free, and we shall be FREE very soon, and it shall be absolutely AWESOME! In my neighborhood, we are going to have a non-stop week-long block party. You will all receive invitations with free beer and food coupons, don’t worry. I got five bands lined up, it’s going to be incredible.

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