HAARETZ – A Houston suburb will not approve grants to repair homes or businesses damaged in Hurricane Harvey if the applicant supports boycotting Israel.
The city of Dickinson’s application form for storm damage repair funding includes a clause stating that “By executing this Agreement below, the Applicant verifies that the Applicant: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement.”
Everyone with a brain knows that the Jews of America are a fifth column. Flying under the radar are evangelicals, who are heretics and traitors and no doubt also responsible for the war against the BDS movement.
Huh? What! Who is who in the zoo here! So how come the mainstream media is hounding the “Russian Connection” and the scaremongering that goes with it, when all along there is this big elephant that no one sees? Is the Isräeli lobby this strong? I know that 18 Senators and 54 House Representatives have dual Isräeli and USA citizenship, but I never realized that this lobby is reaching that deep into the US political system.
More ammunition to use on anyone who tells me america is a free country.
I listened to an interview (available on YT) titled, “Christopher Jon Bjerknes · Secrets of the Crypto Tribe Jews (Sabbatean & Frankist)” I think readers here would find it useful.
This is outrageous… this happening in the “land of the free”? What a joke. Personally, I would prefer to live in a tent in the wood and juice grass and daisies for my meal than crawl in front of them. And people just go for this and say nothing? Sheepos! Wake up dammit!