2 thoughts on “How Monsanto (and Jewmerica) Destroyed Rural Argentina”
  1. Monsanto is owned fully by the Rothschild’s.
    Bit by bit ,these kings of International Jewish Finance have been buying up everything ,and taking control of the world’s company’s ,destroying gentile ones ,and taking over everything …their moves behind ” genetically modified food/ seeds” is very ominous.
    This is why their stooges ,and agents in the Kosher Conspiracy world….the ” Judas Goats ” push out the underground ” 4 th Reich ,” just like Hitler ” pure bunkum to cover the Jewish origins of this all.

    A bit askew of this important subject but the Dutch English Transnational ,Unilever is a Rothschild’s front.
    Beware of their products.
    They have bought out old line products and altered them to awful effect.
    Example ,BRYERS ice cream.Once the very best …its now unfit to eat.
    Expensive as usual ,it is highly discounted as the sales have dropped.

    Country’s ,company’s peoples ,cultures ,religions ….all mere shells of the Jews .
    ” Thou shall have no other Gods but Yahweh “.

  2. There is an immensely important issue here that seems to be taboo – the issue of private property.
    I’ve just done a word search in the US Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, and found only a single instance of “property” in either – in the Constitution, in Section IV, Article 3 where it is written “The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.”
    So no direct reference to privately owned property.
    It’s hidden, e.g. in the Declaration, behind that most glamorous of “Rights” – “Liberty”:
    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
    The people behind Organized Usury – that would have to include “the Rothschilds”, but not them alone. There would certainly be other Jews. I would expect there to be gentiles too. Does it really matter? What matters is the racket, what the racketeers have done, are doing, and will likely do if they are not stopped.
    Hitherto, rich folk have had the “Liberty” to purchase as much real wealth as they can afford, and accumulating real wealth seems to give them extreme “Happiness”.
    And Organized Usury – those rich folk in charge of issuing money – have access to almost unlimited Purchasing Power.
    Yes folks, unlimited Power. Somebody sometime said “… absolute power corrupts absolutely”. He was right about that, wasn’t he? Look at the world we live in, look at what the Monsanto corporation gets away with – with impunity!
    The concept of “odious debt” is fairly widely accepted and discussed. Iceland’s stand against Organized Usury was based on the concept of “odious debt”. Good and Peace be upon Iceland for that!
    The concept of “odious debt” is vitally important, and needs to be applied in all cases where it is relevant. All cases!
    That being so, then the concept of “odious wealth” is no less important. Why? Because wealth is power! And odious power – Odious Power – is taking us all to hell on earth!
    Should the rich have the “Liberty” to pursue “Happiness” by accumulating private property without restraint?
    At what level should private property be restrained?
    Remember that property = wealth = power, and the wish for greater property-wealth-power becomes insatiable as Aristotle (PBUH) pointed out more than 2300 years ago.
    Ever seen a little child in a supermarket throw a tantrum because Mummy refuses to buy him a a piece of junk food?
    Boy, can the rich and powerful throw a tantrum if anyone tries to restrain their “Pursuit of Happiness”!
    Anyone interested in “odious wealth”?
    Or am I just an envious whinging loser?

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