ed note–We’ll spare the reader the usual extended commentary to just a few lines which go without saying anyway–
The ‘good Rabbi’ does not care about the suffering of the Syrian people because of this Zionist-instigated/supported war. He and his co-religionists RELISH and revel in it. But he can’t come out and say, ‘We need Assad to go in order to pave the way and open the door for Greater Israel’, because that would be too obvious, and it is the Judaic way after all that ‘by way of deception we shall make war’.
So, what he does–similar to an abortionist whose business is death but who conceals his evil by pretending to ‘care about women and their suffering’, likewise the ‘good Rabbi’ conceals his bloodlust and territorial greed with the not-very-convincing veneer of pretending to care about the suffering of the Syrian people.
Perhaps it was Jesus Christ who said it best, to wit–
‘Beware of the scribes and teachers of the Law. They like to walk around in long robes and to be greeted and praised in the marketplaces, the chief seats in the synagogues, and the places of honor at banquets, yet they defraud widows of their houses, and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men surely will receive the greatest damnation…’
I got past the name of this author….. the great Rabbi who recently was writing glowingly of the superiority of Jewish orgasms and great sex…. then I realized he was talking POLITICS. He left the boudoir to meddle.
And HOW LONG did he get to the Schmulocaust? ASSAD IS THE NEW HITLER!!!!!!! Jews cannot allow this to carry on, so close to ISRAEL who has known such things in the past…. Oh! no!
Forget the Project. He is frying 5 999 999 innocent decent Syrians in those ovens. (We have a previous claim on 6 M) …..
This crematoria, if it does exist, that his beloved children are protesting against, COULD be there to deal with the hundreds of thousands of victims of these years of wars perpetrated by Israel itself. Who knows? Who cares?
We know his accusations and intentions are far from the truth.
Ignore that scum. All strength and love to Bashar al Assad.
What is this deranged madman going on about? Every civil society has a crematoria which are generally used to honor the wishes of the deceased, or are used by families who cannot afford to have a traditional funeral. And what is the evidence that Assad “has built ovens to incinerate the corpses of his victims, erasing any trace that they so much as lived?”
The jew scum Boteach is a pathological liar. I couldn’t read but half of the pack of lies he’s trying to sell. The first sentence was a lie, followed by the rest of the article. “A crematoria just 253 KM from Israel! Wow! Doesn’t Israel have any crematoria? “We suffered the greatest slaughter of all time….”
LIAR!! The Gentiles of the old Soviet Union under the jew Bolsheviks suffered the worst slaughter. Only about 300,000 hebes died in WW2. At least 60 Million Gentiles at the hands of the Bolshevik, communist jews.
I wish Shmuley a horribl death from bone cancer! Or a knife through his lying heart! He represents the worse form of scum on the planet.
This bastard-“rabbi” Boteach is bad news; a megalomaniac Zionist on steroids with psychosis as his baseline. I read about him a couple of years ago when he ran for Congress from New Jersey (where else?)–I believe it was to counter a moderate Jew. A year or so ago, he was put in charge of Adelson’s billions to demonize and shortstop the BDS movement. I should do diligent research…why should I be surprised that his spawn live in the illegal Zioentity, undoubtedly sucking up US tax$ along the way….
Viva President Assad and Syria! Viva Palestine!
What? The “U.S” satellite imagery didn’t show any “lampshade” factory next door to the “crematoria”? Schmuckley Boteach needs better humint.
Schmuckley wrote: “In a speech in July, 1944, as the question of bombing the Auschwitz death camp was being debated and ultimately dismissed the allies, David Ben-Gurion posed a question to the Allies: “If instead of Jews, thousands of English, American or Russian women, children, and aged had been tortured every day, burned to death, asphyxiated in gas chambers – would you have acted in the same way?” If this is what we demanded of our allies, we must surely demand it of ourselves.
The answer to the question Ben-Gurion posed is “yes”, the “allies” did act in the same way when German POWs were starved to death in open air camps after WWII was declared over and “yes”, the “allies” gave Uncle Joe Stalin the all-clear and a-okay to subjugate Eastern Europe in a gulag of death, where millions of Christians were killed BECAUSE they were Christians.