ed note–a classic example of Judaic misdirection and deflection. At issue here is not the ‘good Rabbi’ being a ‘sexist’ because of his views concerning the rape of Gentile women during war time, but rather, the Judaic religious precepts that support such heinous actions.
As the reader can plainly see, by deflecting the discussion away from the religious roots of this controversy, Judaism and its sick precepts is exchanged for a different type of ‘criminality’ that finds itself in the seat of the accused–sexism. By doing this, the real core of the problem escapes critical examination/discussion, thus allowing it the opportunity to slip safely out the back door while at the same time, giving moral authority to the Jewish writer who happens to be pontificating on this issue.
Until people the world over–Jew and Gentile alike–come to understand the inherently sick, deranged nature of Judaism and the thinking/behavior that it produces, humanity will continue in its stampede towards its own destruction.
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