Friedman’s recent comments show the ‘moderate’ positions he adopted during his nomination were entirely fake. How can the U.S. ambassador to Israel smear opponents, act as a representative of Israel’s settlers and misrepresent U.S. policy?
ed note–The only–repeat–ONLY reason there is Judaic opposition to Friedman as USAMB to Israel is because the elements opposing him know he is there as a showpiece for an American administration that does indeed intend to push through a ‘peace deal’ and utilizing a well-known Judaic figure at the head of it in order to circumvent what would otherwise be a wall of noise generated by professional screechers working in the service of Judea Inc alleging that the entire peace deal was dreamt up by ‘anti-Shemites’ out to being about another Hollerco$t of GAAAAWD’s chosen people.
But these same elements can’t come right out and say this, that they know exactly what it is that Trump is trying to accomplish with this magic show of sorts by having a very Jewish Friedman as the tip of the spear on the ‘peace deal’, so instead, they go in the opposite direction–focus on what Friedman has said vis the settlements and employing the ‘humanitarian’ schtick in kvetching about him to get him removed.
All can rest assured that if Trump were truly in the pockets of Israel–left, right, Likud or labor–and were not serious about bringing about some resolution to this intractable problem in the region that no one would be hearing any noises of displeasure concerning him.