The parents of the JCC bomb hoaxer accused of a vast, relentless two-year campaign of vicious threats and internet crime do their best to explain the inexplicable
ed note–keep in mind that if the hoaxer had been anything other than a Jew, all the talk of his/her ‘mental’ condition would be completely irrelevant. The focus of the matter would be the terror he/she created, the amount of money and resources that had been expended and how he/she should be skinned alive before being doused with gasoline and set on fire as punishment for his/her crimes.
HOW-FREAKING-EVER, when it is a Jewish ‘yoot’ who has been revealed to be the culprit, why all the sudden a justifiably outraged word needs to alter its mood from anger to pity.
Furthermore, in the midst of describing his various mental incapacities, they very conveniently leave out of the discussion the level of skill and sophistication that this operation obviously entailed, which means that they are either LYING or else that he had ‘help’ from the outside.
Besides the obvious, which is that this shows just how utterly duplicitous and hypocritical is the Judaic mindset, it also reveals just how serious a threat to the continued operations of Judea, Inc this latest development is, not the least of which stems from the fact that the new president has signaled to Israel that all the old rules of allowing things like this to take place with no repercussions are gone, and that if he is willing to send a team of armed special agents from the FBI to Israel uninvited and unannounced to arrest this terrorist for events that were hoaxes where no American lives were lost, that he would be willing to go even further if something actually does go BOOM.
Oy-oy-oy-oy vey, the suffering, the suffering.
Vhy us oh God, vhat did ve ever do to desoive such a terrible thing.
Sure we let liddle boykie do vatever he vanted. Sure ve paid for all de calls and the aerials and the computers. Sure ve never asked de qvestions.
Sure ve vent to America and screwed the insurance company for de medicines, but hey dat’s vat ve do, right?
Now ve got no money, now de liddle genius is in prison and not supporting us vid de bitcohens.
He said he vould, he said bitcohens vere better than dollars even.
Pleaze send us money, yes, yes, ve vere meant to suffer, but no vun said ve should not suffer in comfort.
Not to worry about boykie, he go Meshuggah for a couple veeks and den dey let him go.
But ve really need de money. You vant ve should cancel de vacation in Miami? Send de money.
Dear Mrs. S and Mr. G. Please not to vurry about de insomnia. Perhaps I can explain this. Your beloved son, who is suffering autism and a brain tumor, very likely does not have insomnia. He had to stay awake all night to make those thousands of calls due to the different time zones of all the countries he harassed. Why there is a seven hour difference between Israel and the east coast of the US where I am right now. He doesn’t have insomnia, he just had a demanding job. I realize this is only one problem, but I do hope it alleviates a bit of your worry.
If I was on a jury and these two gave this endless whine and with all the details about how smart a child he was, and I’m sure there is hyperbole involved, I would be convinced that he had the technical knowledge, ability, and aptitude with the presence of mind and willingness and forethought to have carried out the crimes he stands accused of.
How jewish. These two don’t know when to stop.
Look at what Bradley Manning did and the price he paid. Forcing him to sleep naked on a cell bed bunk with the light on ’round the clock and waking him up every five minutes to ask him if he’s alright.
This little yid deserves ten times the punishment, and I hope he gets it!
And he has no jokes! Isn’t that punishment enough?
You believe all this sh!t? Really!
M’s father: ‘He’s not fit to stand trial. And he won’t’
WELL NOW!! That tells the Gentiles all they need to know. Now shut up and sit down. Your masters have spoken.
The contradictory statements are beyond risible and patently false. The script writers are obviously phoning this one in and the producers don’t seem to mind, which is revealing as well.