Marc Randazza is representing Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin, who is being sued for anti-Semitic online trolling campaign against a Montana family
ed note–anyone remember this?
This is the lovable Hebraic ‘performance artiste’ Natalie Vaxberg Cohen. Of her many ‘masterpieces’, the one that has made her most famous is the one entitled ‘Shit Instead of Blood’, a video montage which features her squatting like a dog and defecating on the flags of various countries, including that of Israel. Because she–as an Israeli Jewess (which by definition makes her a Zionist land thief, by the way) dared to take such an offending ‘posture’ with regards to the six-pointed Star of David, she became an instead saint amongst a depressingly-high number of pro-Palestinian ‘activists’ despite the fact that in that same video montage, she also squatted and crapped on the Palestinian flag as well. All that mattered to them was that she was spitting and shitting on the Jewish state, and for that reason, they instantly fell in love with her.
So does Israel, by the way, and for perfectly understandable reasons once someone comes to grasp how certain principles of marketing operate.
There are 2 ways to sell a product. One is to extol the virtues of that product and thus convince the prospective buyer that he/she will benefit greatly from it and even if it is a pile of shit. Christian Zionists and other lickspittle supporters of everything Judaic fall into this category.
The other way of selling your product to those who may be on the fence or who may otherwise be leaning in favor of your competitor is to make that competitor look bad, and the best way to do that is to let someone else do the ‘splainin’ for you. With her antics, Vaxberg is Israel’s biggest promoter, given that all civilized people see what kind of ‘quality product’ emanates from the pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel camp and are immediately drawn favorably towards the Zionist venture for reasons rooted in pure disgust for Vaxberg’s behavior.
Likewise with those individuals who–with similarly repulsive and unattractive behavior–drive the rest of the world into the ‘I ♥ Israel’ camp while at the same time promoting themselves as vociferous anti-Shemites. Israel, the ADL, World Jewish Congress, World Zionist Organization et al don’t need to hire all sorts of high profile writers to sing the praises of the Jewish state and its people. All they need to do is to throw a little bit of geld and a lot of media attention towards one ugly, racist individual and let him do his magic, and this is precisely what the entire Anglin/Daily Stormer phenomenon is. During the Trump campaign, he was featured on an almost daily basis in the JMSM in trying to drive people away from Trump and into the deadly arms of Hillary Clinton. He and his DS outfit are a major source of promoting/propagating hatred of Muslims, the primary ingredient that Judea, Inc needs in fueling the entire ‘clash of civilizations’ operation being used to destroy the very same ‘white’ civilization which Anglin & co claim to be trying to preserve and protect, a process which also serves the dual role of affording organized Jewish interests the opportunity of forging alliances with the Muslim community and in the process, erasing from the collective memory of that group the fact that it was indeed Jewish interests responsible for creating and feeding into all the anti-Islamic propaganda that has made these peoples’ lives miserable while leaving the blame for all this squarely at the feet of the white, western, Christian world.
And now the news that the defense council for Anglin is none other than Marc Randazza, whose partial claim to fame has been his high-profile legal services rendered to the sleaze and sewage of the porn industry in America which is as much a Kosher Koncern as are the ADL and AIPAC. This is sure as hell–no pun intended–going to go over REALLY well with conservative Christians in America who will take one look at Anglin’s legal council and decide that whatever reservations they may have begun to entertain about Jews, Jewish power and the Jewish state were/are a bad investment and thus renew their membership in the ‘I ♥ Israel’ camp.
If Anglin wins his case (which is going to be difficult given this thing known as ‘judicial precedent’ and particularly that precedent resulting from another high-profile case which the SPLC won involving the Aryan nations here in Idaho) it is only going to be due to the fact that Judea, Inc has decided to keep him and his sleaze operating front and center in the interests of making all intelligent discussion of the Jewish question appear violent, unhinged, criminal and dangerous to public safety.
Times of Israel
A Las Vegas-based lawyer specializing in free-speech cases is representing the publisher of a leading neo-Nazi website who has been sued for orchestrating an anti-Semitic online trolling campaign against a Montana family.
Marc Randazza told The Associated Press on Friday that his law firm is defending The Daily Stormer’s founder, Andrew Anglin, against a federal lawsuit that real estate agent Tanya Gersh filed against him in April.
“Everybody deserves to have their constitutional rights defended,” Randazza said. “Nobody needs the First Amendment to protect Mr. Rogers. That’s not what it’s there for.”
Gersh is represented by attorneys from the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.
Gersh’s suit claims anonymous internet trolls bombarded her family with hateful and threatening messages after Anglin unleashed a “campaign of terror” by publishing their personal information, including her 12-year-old son’s Twitter handle and photo.
In a string of posts, Anglin accused Gersh and other Jewish residents of Whitefish, Montana, of engaging in an “extortion racket” against the mother of white nationalist Richard Spencer.
The suit accuses Anglin of invading Gersh’s privacy, intentionally inflicting “emotional distress” and violating a Montana anti-intimidation law.
Randazza, who said Anglin never directly sent any messages to Gersh, argued the suit’s allegations “leave room for disagreement” over whether Anglin did anything wrong.
Randazza’s clients have included adult entertainment websites; the 8chan online message board, a popular forum for racist internet trolls; and Mike Cernovich, a right-wing author and attorney who has promoted a conspiracy theory about Democrats running a child-sex slavery ring from a Washington pizza restaurant’s basement.
“If it’s unpopular and people want to shut it up, then we have represented them,” Randazza said.
The Daily Stormer used a crowdfunding website, WeSearchr, to raise more than $152,000 in donations from nearly 2,000 contributors to help pay for its legal expenses.
Anglin uses a mailing address in Worthington, Ohio, for his website, which takes its name from Der Stürmer, a newspaper that published Nazi propaganda. The site includes sections called “Jewish Problem” and “Race War.”
Other targets of The Daily Stormer and its “Troll Army” of readers have included prominent journalists, a British Parliament member and Alex Jones, a radio host and conspiracy theorist whom Anglin derided as a “Zionist Millionaire.”
Gersh’s lawsuit said she agreed to help Richard Spencer’s mother sell commercial property she owns in Whitefish amid talk of a protest outside the building. Sherry Spencer, however, later accused Gersh of threatening and harassing her into agreeing to sell the property.
Anglin’s initial Dec. 16 post about Gersh urged readers to “take action” against her and other Jewish residents of Whitefish, posting their telephone numbers, email addresses and Twitter handles.
“And hey — if you’re in the area, maybe you should stop by and tell her in person what you think of her actions,” he added.
One thought on “How They Do It–High profile lawyer defending porn industry hired to defend neo-Nazi website publisher”
There’s jews in Whitefish Montana?????????? Jeeezzzz! I thought they were 2% or less of the population. Are they in the Dakotas too? MG, you got jews where you are?
Where can I go to escape jews? Maybe Acklins Island in the Bahamas Out-Islands?
Whitey supremacists can eat shit & die, just like the jews. ed note–Whitefish is a resort town and a lot of Hollywood types like to go there in the ‘off season’ when they aren’t actively engaged in producing cultural trash, hence the reason there are a sizable number of Jews there. There aren’t many here in CdA, and those that are here stick out like a sore thumb.
I agree with your statement concerning the WNs. They do more damage to our ability to sway the masses than 100 Abe Foxmans.
There’s jews in Whitefish Montana?????????? Jeeezzzz! I thought they were 2% or less of the population. Are they in the Dakotas too? MG, you got jews where you are?
Where can I go to escape jews? Maybe Acklins Island in the Bahamas Out-Islands?
Whitey supremacists can eat shit & die, just like the jews.
ed note–Whitefish is a resort town and a lot of Hollywood types like to go there in the ‘off season’ when they aren’t actively engaged in producing cultural trash, hence the reason there are a sizable number of Jews there. There aren’t many here in CdA, and those that are here stick out like a sore thumb.
I agree with your statement concerning the WNs. They do more damage to our ability to sway the masses than 100 Abe Foxmans.