‘This is an obligation no less than the moral obligation was to destroy the nuclear reactor in Syria,’ Israel’s Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef says

ed note–we’ll spare the readers a re-hash of the same commentary that accompanied yesterday’s story dealing with the same topic but will point out something equally relevant and important.

The story is from Haaretz, considered a ‘leftist’ news outlet and by extension, made up of ‘good Jews’ who claim to ‘want peace’ with the Arabs. On any given day, it is chock-full of liberal moralizing/lecturing/finger-wagging about how evil racism is (which it is) and how they–as ‘good Jews’–occupy a lofty place on the ‘high road’ by constantly revealing and condemning the racism of the ‘right wing’ in Israel.

HOWFREAKINGEVER, in the following story featuring the ‘good rabbi’ Yitzhak Yosef, son of the died-and-gone-to-hell former Chief Sephardic Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef (infamously known for having compared Gentiles to ‘donkeys’ whose only reason for being created was to ‘serve the Jews’) what takes center stage is the compassionate, caring, consoling counsel on the part of the ‘good rabbi’ that it is the duty of every Jew to come to the rescue of the Syrian people, all the while no mention appears in the story WHATSOFREAKINGEVER about the recent statements made PUBLICLY by this same ‘good rabbi’ vis a vis people of African descent being similar to ‘monkeys’.

Jews on the right/Jews on the left, 2 wings flapping in unison in pushing forward the bird of prey known as Jewish interests and no one should make the mistake of thinking they are inherently and organically opposed to each other just because they happen to operate on what appear to be ‘opposite’ sides.


Israel’s Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef responded Sunday to reports of a deadly chemical attack on a rebel-held city in Syria and said Jews have a moral obligation to end the “cruel genocide” taking place in the war-torn country.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, a cruel genocide is taking place in Syria, including women and children, with weapons of mass destruction,” Yosef said.

“There is a moral obligation not to remain silent and to try to stop the massacre. As Jews we have been through genocide, as Jews whose Torah is a light to the nations, it is our moral obligation to try to prevent the massacre. This is an obligation no less than the moral obligation was to destroy the nuclear reactor in Syria,” the rabbi said.

According to medical relief organizations and rescue workers, scores of people were killed when Syrian government forces struck the town of Douma, near Damascus, with a chlorine bomb and nerve agents.

Various groups released conflicting reports on the death toll, with the amount of those reportedly killed ranging between 40 and 150. The lifeless bodies of around a dozen children, women and men, some of them with foam at the mouth, were shown in one video circulated by activists.

The U.S. State Department described the reports as “horrifying” and would, if confirmed, “demand an immediate response by the international community.”

This is not the first time Rabbi Yosef has made such statements. In October 2016, he described the civil war in Syria as a small holocaust, and called on Jews to speak out against the situation.

“I want to make use of this forum and say that as Jews it is forbidden for us to remain silent. The call will come out from here: Genocide cannot be ignored, not in Syria and not anywhere, and not against any people, even if they are not our friends,” he said.

3 thoughts on “How They Do It–Israeli newsite quotes Chief Rabbi saying that Jews are 'Morally Obliged to End Cruel Syrian Genocide', makes no mention of his past infamous racist statements”
  1. “to end a genocide”
    favored by jew
    begun by jew
    in jew speak
    is to kill all

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