ed note–we warned years ago that if the white Christians didn’t wise up and abandon what was at that time ‘mission creep’–meaning the bashing of Islam that was making inroads into the 9/11 truth movement–that in due time, once the entire phenomenon had become a ‘white, christian’ thing that the Jews primarily responsible for setting the fires in the first place would slip out the back, leaving conservative white Christians at the scene holding the can of gasoline and the matches while the Jews joined in on the chorus of those denouncing the arson.

Now we can see this thing coming full circle, as the blame for the entire ‘clash of civilizations’ which Judea, Inc began now falls squarely in the lap of western, white Christendom, as organized Jewish interests are now actively involved in forming the ‘Crescent and Star-of-David Solidarity Movement’, when in fact the two share nothing in common with each other.

No one ever accused the Jews of being stupid, and unfortunately, those making up the Christians of the West are not nearly as smart as they imagine themselves being either.


A crowdsourcing campaign by a Jewish federation in Michigan is raising money for a local mosque damaged in an arson attack.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor has raised more than $3,000 since the campaign launched Monday on the Crowdrise website. Most of the donations are between $18 and $100, many of them anonymous.

The building housing the Islamic Center of Ypsilanti, which also serves as a mosque, was destroyed in the March 11 fire.

A 16-year-old boy was identified and questioned as a suspect in the arson, as well as the arson a week earlier of a vacant house on the same block. Police do not believe the attack was a hate crime, according to reports.

The teen was released to the custody of his parents pending the filing of charges.

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