ed note–Personally, I don’t know whether Patrick Little is a ‘neo-Nazi’ or not, but the fact is that–whether he is or whether he isn’t–it doesn’t matter, as the outcome is the same.
This is prima facie evidence of what we have warned/counseled/predicted for many, many years, which is the importance that control of the narrative plays in the real world of politics and political influence. Patrick Little–Neo-Nazi or not–was unable to get his feet off the ground in this primary because of the fact that his feet were firmly glued in all the muck and mire of high-intensity media fiascos such as Charlottesville, Andrew Anglin’s Daily Stormer, and a whole retinue of similar stink bombs which ‘duh muuvmnt’ was all too willing to throw out there for public exposure/consumption and which Judea, Inc then utilized in creating a narrative that prevents candidates such as Little the chance of even getting near the front door, much less through it.
And, as we regularly warn, counsel, and predict on a daily basis, this is not a game. The real world moves, lives, and breathes on political decisions made by political decision makers who attain those political positions through the political process and as long as this is the case, then we will forever be at the mercy of decisions made by persons who do not have our best interests at heart, and not until the people making up ‘duh muuvmnt’ decide to take things seriously enough that they discard any and all nonsense (such as the aforementioned Charlottesville and Daily Stormer fiascos, to name just a few) that only assists our enemies in what they plan to do to us will any progress be made in taking back the world we live in from those who mean to destroy us, leaving alive ‘nothing that breathes’ in exactly the fashion as their nutcase religious protocols dictate.
events such as charlottsville serve to invigorate the supporters, as well as reaching out to new supporters. it is QUALITY, nor QUANTITY
ed note–pure, utter bullshit which is self-evident to all except those who embrace this delusion for their own emotional reasons.
Those ‘supporters’ who are ‘invigorated’ are few in number and have NO power, whether it is political, monetary, media, etc. They walk right into traps that have been laid for them by the very enemies whom they claim to oppose, and then through the offices of their own idiotic behavior, strengthen that enemy in its war against Gentile civilization.
The fact that this very basic fact needs even 5 seconds explanation to you underscores what we point out here on this website on a regular basis vis a vis how utterly incompetent and imbecilic ‘duh muuvmnt’ is and in particular that neighborhood within it holding fast to ‘white nationalist’ tendencies.
My dad liked Patrick Little because he is for America not Israhell. A new wind would be better for America i think. That is why I am for Patrick Little
53,000 + votes in California for an anti-Shemite?? That’s surprising in itself in the Land of Granola.