The author of this piece, Jennifer Rubin, pictured below doing the ‘Jewish thing’ at a meeting of the American Jewish Committee–
Is a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangstress and NeoCon Israel firster who played an indispensable role in selling the American people into forfeiting both the blood of their children and their tax money towards the Judaic massacre of innocents in the Middle East after 9/11 and who takes her orders from this guy, pictured on the right–
–Staring intently at VP Mike Pence and with obvious big plans in his eyes.
Now, as a devout and devoted follower of Judaism, all can rest assured that there is a certain degree of genuine, organic, DNA-driven animus that Rubin entertains against the very Roman Catholic and very pro-life contender for the Supreme Court Brent Kavanaugh and that she feeds this personal hatred all by herself without needing any orders or prodding from Netanyahu and Likud.
However, what needs to be understood is that it is not Kavanaugh’s Catholicism or pro-life sentiments that has resulted in Rubin getting her seek-and-destroy orders from Netanyahu and the war party, but rather the fact that in previous legal opinions Kavanaugh has indicated that in the event impeachment proceedings may be initiated against Trump which contain sticky technicalities that require the wisdom and sagacity of the US Supreme Court that Kavanaugh can be counted on to rule against such proceedings in favor of the President, and it is for this reason that the raving, warmonger for Judea, Inc Jennifer Rubin is now being used as a modern day version of the biblical character Judith in affecting the decapitation of Trump in the same way that the biblical Judith hacked off the head of Holofernes as described in the book of Judges.
Please note the warning which Netanyahu–using Jennifer ‘Judith’ Rubin as the messenger–is conveying–
‘Vote in favor of Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court and we guaran-damn-tee you will not be re-elected to Congress…’
By Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post
President Trump reportedly has been frustrated with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for delaying the confirmation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh. After the Thursday hearing, the White House apparently was vexed that Republicans didn’t hold a snap vote. Trump had a point: Given time for consideration of the facts and the declining public support for Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court nominee’s confirmation becomes a heavier burden to shoulder for Republicans each day it drags on.
Voters didn’t like Kavanaugh before Thursday’s testimony, and now they like him less. According to the most recent CBS News poll, “The net shift in sentiment over the week has been toward opposition. Today 37 percent of Americans do not think the Senate should confirm (up from 30 percent opposed last week) and 35 percent think the Senate should confirm (up from 32 percent last week) as partisan sentiments have hardened.”
A YouGov poll similarly found: “More people thought that Christine Blasey Ford was telling the truth than did Brett Kavanaugh. 41% thought Ford was ‘definitely’ or ‘probably telling the truth,’ compared to 35% for Kavanaugh. About a quarter were unsure about both.” Contrary to the insistence of Republican pundits who desperately want Kavanaugh confirmed, the issue is helping Democrats, not Republicans, in advance of the midterms. (“Sixty-five percent of voters who don’t want him confirmed, the survey finds, say the Supreme Court will be very important to deciding their vote in this year’s midterms, compared to 50 percent of those who support his confirmation — a gap that’s especially notable because, in the past, Republicans have often been substantially likelier than Democrats to prioritize Supreme Court appointments.”)
But don’t expect Republicans to dump Kavanaugh. Political logic no longer figures into the calculation. Senate Republicans are behaving rashly and recklessly, unable to comprehend how they sound to anyone except the worst partisan.
Right-wing male politicians such as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) have the audacity to declare that Ford has been victimized … by Democrats. (Maybe ask her?) Even if you thought that, why would anyone say such a stunningly condescending thing? Telling someone who has said she is the victim of a sexual assault whom she should and should not hold responsible for her pain represents a new low in Senate Republicans’ twisted exercise in blame-shifting.
Conflicting reports about the White House’s restrictions on the FBI suggest that Republicans might still not grasp the danger of a less-than-thorough investigation. Should the FBI not talk to relevant witnesses — and the Republicans nevertheless confirm Kavanaugh — Democrats surely would launch a post-confirmation investigation and perhaps an impeachment effort if they gain control of one or both houses of Congress. You can bet that FBI officials are documenting any restrictions placed on their investigation, which later would be fodder for impeachment proceedings for either Kavanaugh or Trump.
As the investigation continues, Kavanaugh’s testimony about his drinking habits looks less and less credible. That in turn raises the question as to whether Kavanaugh lied under oath.
Chad Ludington, a Yale classmate of Kavanaugh’s who says he drank frequently with Kavanaugh, put out a statement Sunday accusing Kavanaugh of lying under oath. It read in part:
In recent days I have become deeply troubled by what has been a blatant mischaracterization by Brett himself of his drinking at Yale. When I watched Brett and his wife being interviewed on Fox News on Monday, and when I watched Brett deliver his testimony under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, I cringed. For the fact is, at Yale, and I can speak to no other times, Brett was a frequent drinker, and a heavy drinker. I know, because, especially in our first two years of college, I often drank with him. On many occasions I heard Brett slur his words and saw him staggering from alcohol consumption, not all of which was beer. When Brett got drunk, he was often belligerent and aggressive. On one of the last occasions I purposely socialized with Brett, I witnessed him respond to a semi-hostile remark, not by defusing the situation, but by throwing his beer in the man’s face and starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail.
As Ludington pointed out, college drinking hardly would disqualify Kavanaugh, but lying under oath about drinking should certainly rule out a Supreme Court seat. Moreover, a deliberate falsehood of that nature would require investigation and possible removal of Kavanaugh from his current post on the D.C. Circuit.
Likewise, Senate Democrats never got around to quizzing Kavanaugh about his interaction with Ed Whelan, the conservative legal activist who, with zero evidence, cooked up a cockamamie theory pointing the finger at an innocent classmate. Should it come out afterward that Kavanaugh had any role in that scheme, this, too, would be grounds for seeking impeachment of Kavanaugh.
Republicans cannot be entirely blind to the risk of post-confirmation discoveries. However, in their Scarlett O’Hara mind-set (“Oh I can’t think about this now! I’ll go crazy if I do! I’ll think about it tomorrow”), they cannot bear to consider what happens the day after the midterms. Right now they can only consider short-term perils — huge humiliation if Kavanaugh fails, a lost opportunity to fill the seat before January (when a Democratic majority might conceivably take over) and a triumph for the members of the imaginary, vast left-wing conspiracy who they say whipped this whole thing up. (Again, in O’Hara’s words: “I can’t let him go. I can’t.”)
The legitimization of the Supreme Court? The tumult of possible impeachment of a sitting Supreme Court justice? They’ll think about it all another day.
4 thoughts on “How They Do It– 'Reckless Republicans aren’t giving any thought to tomorrow'”
“More people thought that Christine Blasey Ford was telling the truth than did Brett Kavanaugh. 41% thought Ford was ‘definitely’ or ‘probably telling the truth,’ compared to 35% for Kavanaugh.”
According to ‘YouGov poll’.
And just who runs YouGov poll, I hear you cry?
I seen the woman a-givin’ of her testimonial. Blinkin’ lark a rabbit in the spotlights. Forcin’ out a squeaky little girl voice complete with sobs and snuffles at the 35-yr-old-memory of havin’ been a-brutally molested by Judge Kavanaugh. Pitiful. Ah have to concur with the Irish Savant’s assessment…
“What a sickening spectacle. I’d have had some respect for the Dems if they hadn’t tried to cloak their sociopathy with cloying claims to justice and fairness. Jesus Christ, they fabricated charges so nonsensical that they should have been dismissed without consideration as the malevolent ravings of a cock-crazed whore … (on her own admission she shagged 57 men even before she went to university, where shagging begins in earnest)” …
And yet, Rubinical fulminates … “don’t expect Republicans to dump Kavanaugh. Political logic no longer figures into the calculation. Senate Republicans are behaving rashly and recklessly, unable to comprehend how they sound to anyone except the worst partisan.”
I thort them Neoconnisticals EMBRACED the Republicans ferchrissakes. I thort that’s why they called theirselves ‘Neo-Cons’! And yet, them fairweather friends of true conservatism has switched theyr allegiance overnight t’ the Democrats. So much fer principles!
Mark is correct … the whole hoopla is all about keepin’ Kavanaugh out of the Supreme Court and blocking Jewe plans to scuttle the Trump presidency by impeachment on some ‘trumped’ up charges of one sort or another. You name it … accepting bribes from KGB agents to buggering boys in locker rooms … they’ll work out a way. Kavanaugh is just an obstacle along the way. If I were him, I’d be checking under the car every morning for signs of tampering.
Yes, and how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, and how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, and how many deaths will it take ’til he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
– (((Bob Dylan)))
Although, having said that … “There is even a rumor circulating that Dylan did not write “Blowin’ in the Wind,” that it was written by a Millburn (N.J.) High student named Lorre Wyatt, who sold it to the singer. Dylan says he did write the song and Wyatt denies authorship, but several Millburn students claim they heard the song from Wyatt before Dylan ever sang it.” …
If Dylan’s a-lyin’ about the authorship of a-Blowin’ up the Wind, then what else is he a-lyin’ about? I’m a-startin’ to think that His Bobness too was helicoptered in to derail the folkster ‘movement’ of the ‘60s. He come from a well-connected family he did. He weren’t no highway bum.
Nice to see them squirm for a change.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Judaism is a cult. I was raised like that and it took 50-60 years to understand that everything was propaganda. We were constantly reminded we were the chosen people, we were smarter, we were richer,….. All outside criticism was deemed anti Semitic without any self reflection. On Yom Kipper(day of atonement) we would sit for a few minutes to remember our sins and self clear oneself of all sins. There is no accountability especially since we were taught there is no heaven or hell. In sum, it is a self centered cult like all cults are. Israel is like the People’s Temple in Jonestown, but it is run by a cult of war criminals. Mentally ill is not a good definition for cult members since they were warped and self lied to since birth. I hope more Jews wake up and get clear of the cult.
ed note–Stephen, thank you for your very frank and important comments and welcome to the family of humanity, we welcome you as one of our own.
The above comment is one of the best and most succinct I have ever read. I would put it on T-Shirts, posters, etc. It sums up the jewish problem so well in a way I have yet to see anywhere else.
“More people thought that Christine Blasey Ford was telling the truth than did Brett Kavanaugh. 41% thought Ford was ‘definitely’ or ‘probably telling the truth,’ compared to 35% for Kavanaugh.”
According to ‘YouGov poll’.
And just who runs YouGov poll, I hear you cry?
I seen the woman a-givin’ of her testimonial. Blinkin’ lark a rabbit in the spotlights. Forcin’ out a squeaky little girl voice complete with sobs and snuffles at the 35-yr-old-memory of havin’ been a-brutally molested by Judge Kavanaugh. Pitiful. Ah have to concur with the Irish Savant’s assessment…
“What a sickening spectacle. I’d have had some respect for the Dems if they hadn’t tried to cloak their sociopathy with cloying claims to justice and fairness. Jesus Christ, they fabricated charges so nonsensical that they should have been dismissed without consideration as the malevolent ravings of a cock-crazed whore … (on her own admission she shagged 57 men even before she went to university, where shagging begins in earnest)” …
And yet, Rubinical fulminates … “don’t expect Republicans to dump Kavanaugh. Political logic no longer figures into the calculation. Senate Republicans are behaving rashly and recklessly, unable to comprehend how they sound to anyone except the worst partisan.”
I thort them Neoconnisticals EMBRACED the Republicans ferchrissakes. I thort that’s why they called theirselves ‘Neo-Cons’! And yet, them fairweather friends of true conservatism has switched theyr allegiance overnight t’ the Democrats. So much fer principles!
Mark is correct … the whole hoopla is all about keepin’ Kavanaugh out of the Supreme Court and blocking Jewe plans to scuttle the Trump presidency by impeachment on some ‘trumped’ up charges of one sort or another. You name it … accepting bribes from KGB agents to buggering boys in locker rooms … they’ll work out a way. Kavanaugh is just an obstacle along the way. If I were him, I’d be checking under the car every morning for signs of tampering.
Yes, and how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, and how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, and how many deaths will it take ’til he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
– (((Bob Dylan)))
Although, having said that … “There is even a rumor circulating that Dylan did not write “Blowin’ in the Wind,” that it was written by a Millburn (N.J.) High student named Lorre Wyatt, who sold it to the singer. Dylan says he did write the song and Wyatt denies authorship, but several Millburn students claim they heard the song from Wyatt before Dylan ever sang it.” …
If Dylan’s a-lyin’ about the authorship of a-Blowin’ up the Wind, then what else is he a-lyin’ about? I’m a-startin’ to think that His Bobness too was helicoptered in to derail the folkster ‘movement’ of the ‘60s. He come from a well-connected family he did. He weren’t no highway bum.
Nice to see them squirm for a change.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Judaism is a cult. I was raised like that and it took 50-60 years to understand that everything was propaganda. We were constantly reminded we were the chosen people, we were smarter, we were richer,….. All outside criticism was deemed anti Semitic without any self reflection. On Yom Kipper(day of atonement) we would sit for a few minutes to remember our sins and self clear oneself of all sins. There is no accountability especially since we were taught there is no heaven or hell. In sum, it is a self centered cult like all cults are. Israel is like the People’s Temple in Jonestown, but it is run by a cult of war criminals. Mentally ill is not a good definition for cult members since they were warped and self lied to since birth. I hope more Jews wake up and get clear of the cult.
ed note–Stephen, thank you for your very frank and important comments and welcome to the family of humanity, we welcome you as one of our own.
The above comment is one of the best and most succinct I have ever read. I would put it on T-Shirts, posters, etc. It sums up the jewish problem so well in a way I have yet to see anywhere else.