ed note–as we said in a recent post dealing with the White Nationalists, whether they realize it or not, they are now a sub-corporation of Judea, Inc in creating the narrative that organized Jewish interests need in order to keep the masses entrenched in their stupidity, and despite the fact that these WN elements may themselves be ‘anti-Jewish’, nevertheless they profit the parent corporation immensely with their violent, racist rhetoric and unappealing-to-the-masses delivery. Anyone who thinks that all the recent coverage of the ‘alt-right’ and its associated knuckledraggers is because these elements pose a substantial threat to the system need to check in to some detox facility and get their brains enemized.
EDL – Zionist Rabbi Shifren Address To The British Racists
One of the comments (under the video) that was spot on:
m michels3 years ago
EDL= Jew Goyim Islamofobists NOT Nationalists. Ridiculous Rabbi leading dumb British drunks to fight against the Muslims in a civil war.
Well geez, that face just says it all. Good thing he was caught before he slaughtered anyone.
Hyep, all them whaat nationalists is a-recitin’ theyr part t’ p’fection, awreetee awritee. Whuppin’ up all thet fear ‘n loathin’ o’ THEM MOOSLIMS en’ a-gittin’ all o’ them whaart folks a-steamed up and a-frothin’ en’ a-volunteerin’ theyr young folk t’ go off to Middle Earth to faart ‘n daa fer our ‘liberties ‘n way o’ laaaf’. Jes laak thet good ol’ boy Albert Paak predicted, lemme see now … oh, well, close t’ a hunnert ‘n fifty year ago, yessireee … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Pike
Hyep, really do make ya wonder who is a-faanancin’ o’ them whaat nationalists, don’ it. I’m askin’ who is the leadership? En’ who is a-payin’ them to whup up all th’ excaatm’nt? … En’ does they hev big noses?!
Y’know the great thang ‘bout all this? … them Jews what’s a-fomentin’ all this-a-here race hatred ‘n fear ‘n loathing … why them ol’ Jews gets t’ pretend thet they’r the FRIEND o’ all the Muslim! Laak they was all in the same club! Deefendin’ theyrsleves from all us whaat folks! If ya don’ alreddy know it, it’s called a-playin’ both ends off agin’ th’ middle.
Hyep, them Jews is wilier then a coyote in a chicken coop, they is. En’ busier then a one-legged man in a ass-kickin’ competishun et a-whuppin’ up thet ol’ ‘kkklash o’ civilaasayshuns’ they bin a-talkin’ all about fer, well lemme see now, let’s jes say fer a good 25 year en’ mo’.
T’ all maa fellow good ol’ boys aa say … cease en’ desist mah brothers in arms! Do not, aa repeat, do NOT do the Jew’s dirty work! Smoke ‘em out in th’ open where we ken all see the wiley varmints en’ take a pot shot et ‘em with a haa-power automatic rifle!
Aaaa repeat … Our asses is on the laan … en’ we don’ want no cockup!
LMAO, James Benn!! XD