Under the Trump Administration the ‘blame the Jews for their own victimization’ conspiracist fringe is now going mainstream conservative.


ed note–yet another example as to ‘how they do it’.

Jews–who are what & who they are by virtue of their Judah-ism, are not–as they are fond of reminding the rest of the world on a daily basis–like ‘others’.

They march to the beat of a different drum, have a different operating system on their mental hard drives and in general take pride in the fact that out of the billions of people made in God’s image over the course of human history, that they are–in the infamous, timeless words laid out in their Torah, known to Christians as the ‘Old Testament’, a people ‘holy to the Lord your God, chosen out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession…’

Having sad this, they have mastered the use of linguistics and turned that mastery into a sort of black magic all its own. They weave words and sentences together in order to spell-bind their intended victims into a pre-arranged/pre-ordained/pre-planned state of mental paralysis, similar in many respects to what a spitting cobra does to its victims prior to killing and then eating them.

The essay below is a perfect example of the ‘talent’ that they have mastered. Never once within the piece does our very Judaic author ever broach previous false flag events where Jews and Jewish interests were involved, including but not limited to the bombing of the King David hotel, the Lavon Affair, Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS LIBERTY, onwards and upwards to lesser acts such as swastikas being painted on Jewish dormrooms, synagogues, etc, that were later traced by various government authorities to Jews attempting to paint a picture of reality that in fact did not exist.

He simply makes the case that anyone–including the President of the United States, who has at his disposal the most sophisticated intelligence apparatus in human history–suggesting that Jews would engage in the real-time manifestation of Mossad’s ‘By way of deception, we shall make war’ protocol is simply a deranged anti-Semite with no basis for making such charges.

Jesus said it best when revealing these people making up–in His words–the Synagogue of Satan for what it is–

‘You are of your father, the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning and the father of lies…’

Sad to say however that the tragedy does not simply end here.

This latest statement from Trump should be a wake-up call to those firmly ensconced within the ‘He’s owned by the Jews’ brigade that perhaps they need to amend their membership in such a club and perhaps re-examine the various statements to which they have anchored themselves, much to their own detriment.

Sadly however, very few will. Instead, they will continue on as before, reacting emotionally to things Trump says rather than using their ability to reason, and by so doing, will fall into the very same traps that were laid for the Americans on 9/11 when these same organized Jewish interests utilized the highly emotional events of that day to herd unthinking, highly-agitated Americans into signing onto Israel’s ‘clash of civilizations’ that must take place if she is to see her 2 greatest rivals–Christianity and Islam–removed from their place in human affairs, leaving Judah-ism free to impose its violent, racist precepts upon what remains of the world in the aftermath.

David Schraub, Haaretz

Donald Trump opened his first presidential address to Congress by saying ‘Recent threats targeting Jewish Community Centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week’s shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a Nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms.’

Several hours earlier, Trump reportedly told several state attorneys general that these anti-Semitic attacks may be ‘false flags’ – plants to discredit him and his supporters. At least in some cases, the president suggested, the reported threats are not genuine but ‘the reverse,’ done by his political opponents ‘to make people – or to make others – look bad.’

The prominent placement of the first message has caused some anti-Semitism watchdogs – desperate for even a hint of normalcy from a president increasingly enthralled to the far-right fringe – to ignore or underplay the second. They should not allow themselves to be bought so cheaply.
Trump’s argument is incredibly dangerous; it evokes perhaps the nastiest strain of anti-Semitism extant in global politics today – and one that is increasingly penetrating the mainstream conservative movement.

Jews are well-used to the suggestion that we are the secret hand responsible for social tragedies or public calamities. The 9/11 attacks, Charlie Hebdo, Sandy Hook, ISIS, even the Holocaust – anti-Semites routinely contend that these horrors either were invented outright by the Jews or (if they concede they did happen) occurred at the behest of the Jews in order to garner undeserved sympathy or smear political adversaries. It represents the apex of anti-Semitic conspiracy-mongering – if Jews are behind everything else, who’s to say they aren’t also behind their own purported ‘victimization’?

It used to be that, in America at least, such views were relegated to the extreme fringe. But they’ve seen a sudden and unnerving resurgence across a variety of mainstream conservative platforms. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee – at one point Trump’s reported frontrunner for ambassador to Israel – publicly accused, with zero evidence, Jewish students of faking anti-Semitic vandalism near Northwestern University in order to discredit Trump. Trump confidant Anthony Scaramucci warned the media not to discount the possibility that JCC attacks were a coordinated Democratic Party campaign. And as for Trump himself, this wasn’t his first time down the rabbit hole either: Two weeks ago he publicly asserted, with respect to anti-Semitic vandalism, that ‘[s]ome of it written by our opponents. You do know that. Do you understand that? You don’t think anybody would do a thing like that. Some of the signs you’ll see are not put up by the people that love or like Donald Trump, they’re put up by the other side, and you think it’s like playing it straight?’

These comments are by all rights terrifying – they are no different in kind than talk of the Holocaust as a Zionist conspiracy or 9/11 as a Mossad covert op. So why haven’t they elicited more concern?
One reason is that, for all the talk of Jewish hypersensitivity to anti-Semitism, we as a community still have a poorly thought out understanding of what is encompassed by the term. Right-wing groups are easily placated by rote assertions of being ‘pro-Israel,’ as if that provides a get-out-of-anti-Semitism-free card (why should befriending Bibi Netanyahu cause one to have any greater regard for overwhelmingly liberal Jews in America?). Others point to the mere existence of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump as proof that Trump could not be anti-Semitic (that Trump has a Jewish daughter no more makes anti-Semitism impossible than his having a wife makes misogyny impossible). Still others dramatically restrict the range of evidence which is deemed relevant to Trump’s alleged anti-Semitism, allowing that Trump may be poorly handling this or that situation while standing aghast that anyone dare call his negligence ‘anti-Semitism.’

The assumption seems to be that unless Trump is anti-Semitic in every case – an actual reincarnation of Hitler or Himmler – he can’t be anti-Semitic in any case. This is a silly fallacy. The fact of the matter is that anti-Semitism rarely comes unadorned as the pure, open, unvarnished, abject hatred of each and every Jew in any and all contexts. It always has its caveats, its ‘good Jews’ – whether they be the anti-Zionists willing to denounce Israel, the Zionists willing to leave ‘our’ country and move to Israel, the Orthodox who don’t threaten good conservative social values or the Reform who embody secular enlightenment ones.

Anti-Semitism is not primarily about malign hearts or exclusive friend groups – it’s a set of conditions that impede the full and equal participation of Jews in political and social circles. When Donald suggests that when Jews cry ‘anti-Semitism’ it’s really a plot to discredit him and his, it doesn’t matter what his motives are – the effect is to render Jews a little more suspicious, a little more alien, a little less trustworthy, and a little less worthy of our solidarity and support. And in this way, the most ancient and dangerous anti-Semitic canards are slowly but surely resurrected in the American psyche.

Donald Trump may not mean for any of this to happen. But he doesn’t care enough to knock it off. He prefers the rabble roused, even if it’s through wink-wink anti-Semitic campaign ads. He prefers to promote his favored media sycophants, even if that means elevating prominent anti-Semitic conspiracy mongers. He prefers to deflect responsibility for tackling rising hate and prejudice, even if that entails discrediting Jewish testimony and indicating to his supporters that we’re in on yet another shadowy, anti-American plot.

These things have consequences for Jews – consequences that can turn violent with terrifying rapidity. A friend of the Jews cares about those consequences. Answer for yourself whether Donald Trump is such a friend.

One thought on “How They Do It–Trump’s Dangerous ‘False Flag’ Allegation–The Apex of anti-Semitic Conspiracy-mongering”
  1. “…that Trump has a Jewish daughter no more makes anti-Semitism impossible than his having a wife makes misogyny impossible”…
    Excellent back-hander! So … umm … if I’m readin’ David correctly … the Trumpmeister is a misogynist, yes? As well as bein’ an anti-semite?
    Y’see, it’s always the same thing with the Tribe of Judah … forever bristling against The Goyim’s IRRATIONAL propensity towards hatred of The Jew. Because, as we know, Goyim are completely and irretrievably IRRATIONAL! Always lookin’ fer scapegoats, they are. Because they’re jealous, see … of ‘our’ freedoms.
    The FACT that Israel has been caught time and time again involved in … can I say the word? … ‘false flag events’ … There, I said it! … The FACT of its involvement in such false flaggers as the King David hotel, the Lavon Affair, the attack on the USS Liberty, is of no importance to Mr Schraub. No importance whatsoever. No, we just carry on with the same old canards about irrational anti-semites.
    I don’t know if it can be described as a ‘talent’ so much as a personality disorder. The complete inability to ‘look within’. To examine one’s own motivations. One’s own behaviours. One’s own … ahem … sins. Yes, it’s a funny old word, isn’t it … SIN. A tad too much associated with Christian absolutism. See, it’s all relative. Albert Einstein proved that.
    Personally I think ‘anti-Semitic’ is something of a euphemism. What’s wrong with plain old ‘anti-Jewish’? My own defense when so accused is to say … ‘why, I am no more anti-Jewish than Jews are unreservedly pro-Goy’.

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