ed note–pay close attention to 2 very revealing statements by our un-esteemed Hebraic author–
1. ‘Luckily for us Jews, the Arabs will never accept it (peace deal)’
2. ‘Their rejection of a peace plan heralded in the Oval Office and world media as the ‘Deal of the Century’ will also expose the Arabs as the bad guys and let the Jews off the hook…’
–And then juxtapose this to what has appeared here many times about how the Arabs are time and again lassoed, hogtied, harnassed and then led like sheep to the slaughter by the Jews, using their highly-emotional natures as weapons against them.
As we like to point out here, no one ever accused the Jews of being stupid.
Israel National News
United States President Donald Trump says that the details of his peace plan as reported in the Israeli media are mere speculation, but even if some of the details are inaccurate, what is called the “Deal of the Century” would be more appropriately be termed, the “Delusion of the Century.”
After decades of Arab intransigence, punctuated by a sea of Jewish blood, these realities should be obvious to everyone. If Mr. Trump doesn’t have any advisors who are willing to point this out to him, let him ask his four-year-old Jewish grandson.
Luckily for us, the Arabs will never accept it. They have already stated, ten-thousand times, that they will never agree to an agreement which gives Israel complete sovereignty over Jerusalem, which they claim is the capital of “Palestine”. Furthermore, they will never agree to recognize Israel as the Jewish State, as every Palestinian Arab leader has declared a hundred times over.
Nor will Hamas agree to lay down its weapons, nor will Abbas, or any leader who comes after him, agree to a demilitarized State of Palestine with no control over its borders.
By now, after decades of Arab intransigence, punctuated by a sea of Jewish blood, these realities should be obvious to everyone. If Mr. Trump doesn’t have any advisors who are willing to point this out to him, let him ask his four-year-old Jewish grandson.
Why then is Mr. Trump wasting his time with a delusionary proposal which has no chance whatsoever of working? To give him the benefit of the doubt, the refusal of the Arabs to even consider the plan will once again highlight their belief that all of the Land of Israel is theirs. Their rejection of a peace plan heralded in the Oval Office and world media as the “Deal of the Century” will also expose the Arabs as the bad guys and let the Jews off the hook.
In the meantime, the only viable solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict is a plan which calls for the total eradication of Hamas and all terror organizations; the cancellation of the Oslo Accords and the Disengagement from Gush Katif; the immediate declaration of Israeli sovereignty over the entire Land of Israel; and a provision stating that every Arab who refuses to sign a personal affidavit that he or he recognizes Israel as the Jewish Homeland, or who, in any way, attempts to undermine Israel’s security, will be thrown out of the country with no recourse to court intervention.
That, Mr. Trump, although a run-on sentence, is the only legitimate deal that can work.