ed note–and, here we go again, ladies and Gentile-men…

We know, it has become a bit repetitious and tedious, but unfortunately, there are still a sizable number of ‘experts’ out there who still don’t get it and who flood the comments section of this website on a daily basis with their own particular and peculiar brand of nonsense and therefore in the interests of being thorough, we’re going to ‘do it’ once again–

The author of this piece, Robert Kagan–

Is a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, who is very closely aligned with this guy–

David Frum, also a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster and who is closely aligned with this guy–

Eliot Cohen, also a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, who is aligned with this guy–

Bill Kristol, also a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster who is aligned with this guy–

Paul Wolfowitz, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, who is aligned with this guy–

Max Boot, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster who is aligned with this gal, Jennifer Rubin

A lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangstress and NeoCon Israel firster, and who is aligned with this guy–

…That is, before he recently died and went to hell…

And who are all deeply, DEEPLY plugged into Israel’s Likud party, Israel’s intelligence apparatus and who were all in some way intimately involved not only with the events of 9/11, but as well, the disastrous ‘clash of civilizations’ that followed, better known as the ‘war on terror’.

In addition to this, they are all deeply, DEEPLY committed to seeing Trump impeached, and for the singular reason that he stands opposed to any new military adventures for Israel’s benefit and is dedicated to reigning in this Judaic mad dog before it blows up the entire world.

AND, in addition to all of this, they are all DEEPLY committed to seeing a mutually-devastating war start between the US and Russia as the necessary precursor to setting up Israel as the world’s lone superpower in control/possession of the hyenas’ share of the world’s oil presently found in the Middle East. 

Also keep in mind, that an entire gaggle of geniuses, experts, and prophets, some of the ‘brightest luminaries’ in fact within the ‘9/11 truth movement’, find themselves in the peculiar and perplexing circumstance of standing alongside these aforementioned warmongering, Neocon Zionist Jews by lending their voices and their support in causing Trump as much discomfort as possible, thus assisting Israel in her drive to see this guy–

Mike Pence, a died-in-the-wool Christian Zionist, take over as the new occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave per the desires and demands of the other guy in the picture, Bibi Netanyahu, looking at him with obvious great interest and grand plans in his eyes…

Just try doing the math on that one…

Now, as it pertains the OpEd schm-oozing forth from the Knisch-hole of the very portly Robert Kagan, he doesn’t mention Trump by name at all, but as the reader will plainly see, what he is doing is whispering his own Judaic sweet nothings into the ear of the Washington DC political/intelligence/military establishment about how it is their duty to ‘get tough’ with Vladimir Putin (and others) with whom Trump has said on many occasions that is in America’s best interests to get along rather than against whom to go to war.

Therefore, all should understand that even though Trump is not mentioned by name in the piece that what Kagan–one of Netanyahu’s hired guns and one of the more important gears within the machinery of Judea, Inc responsible for bringing about 9/11 and the disastrous ‘clash of civilizations’ that has ensued since that time–is trying to affect is the aforementioned political/intelligence/military establishment putting the heat on Trump and bending him in the desired manner, which means developing an adversarial/warlike posture towards Putin, to say nothing of the effect that Kagan’s black magic is intended to have over the minds of average Americans too naive to understand the kind of game being played against them and their interests.  

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, and for the simple reason that there are still quite a few out there who just don’t seem to ‘get it’ yet–

Gangsters don’t shoot the horses they have bet all their money on to win in a race they have fixed. They give them an open road to 1st place and only a political dolt who has as much business performing brain surgery as they do rendering commentary and analysis on complex and oftentimes convoluted political drama can’t see this.

Yes, it is very tedious, being forced to go through all of this on an almost-daily basis, but what we are talking about here is war, and in the same manner as it was necessary (although in large part a total waste of time) to try and make an entire gaggle of barely-sane people who had bought into the Sandy Hook Hoax nonsense understand what kind of Titanic mistake they were making, nevertheless, in the interests of aiding future historians tasked with studying this time period, we do this also in the interests of showing that there was at least a handful of people who didn’t drink the ‘troother’ koolaid on this one and who maintained some capacity for sane and independent thought.

Robert Kagan for the Washington Post

Sometimes a particular event, the fate of a particular individual, becomes a symbol of a global, historical trend. The reported murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a Post contributor, in a consulate in Istanbul is one of those moments. It symbolizes the departure of the United States as a restraining force against evil actors in the world. Saudi Arabia is a small nation that cannot defend itself without the support of the United States, and therefore no Saudi leader would have made such a brazen move without confidence that Washington, once the leader of the liberal world order, would do nothing.

There have been many other similar warning signs: China’s arrest of the head of Interpol; the Burmese military’s campaign of genocide against the Rohingya; the systematic and deliberate slaughter of civilians in Syria, including by outlawed chemical weapons; the Russian invasion of Ukraine and seizure of Crimea. Nor is the rise of right-wing nationalist forces in Europe and elsewhere unrelated to the loss of strength and vitality among the democratic nations. Doubts about America have been reverberating across the globe for more than a decade, and others have been responding accordingly. When Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban spoke out to celebrate the “illiberal state” a few years ago, he claimed he was only responding to new realities: “the great redistribution of global financial, economic, commercial, political and military power that became obvious in 2008.”

So welcome to the breakdown of the liberal world order the United States once upheld. You’re seeing just the beginning.

World order is one of those things people don’t think about until it is gone. That’s what Americans learned in the 1930s, as what had remained of the old European order collapsed and the United States refused to step in either to prop it up or to replace it. That’s when Americans discovered that there are always dangerous people out there, lacking only the power and opportunity to achieve their destiny. They can be suppressed by a reasonably stable international order, whether of a Rome, a united Christendom, a European concert of powers or whatever might pass for “civilization” at a given time and place.

During such times, they live under the rocks, but they are never gone. When the prevailing order breaks down, when the rocks are overturned, the things living beneath them, the darkest elements of the human spirit, crawl out. That was what happened in the first half of the 20th century. The circumstances in which Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini rose to power — a world in which no nation was willing or able to sustain any kind of international order — gave them ample opportunity to show what they were capable of. Had there been an order in place to blunt those ambitions, we might never have come to know them as tyrants, aggressors and mass killers.

Today the rocks are being overturned again. Those who have been arguing that we should pull back from the world and show greater restraint tell us we need to accept the world “as it is.” But they have no idea what the world “as it is” really looks like. They grew up inside the bubble of protection provided by U.S. power and the liberal world order it sustained, a world in which other nations were forced to adjust their behavior to those realities of power. Russian behavior was shaped by what Russian leaders believed the United States would or had to tolerate, as well as by their sense of the liberal order’s strength and cohesion. The same was true of China’s behavior, and Iran’s, and Saudi Arabia’s, and that of every other nation or nonstate actor that might seek to disrupt or topple the existing order. All would have behaved differently if America had behaved differently, and so would America’s allies and the rest of the world.

We want to believe that Hitler and Stalin were bizarre products of another era. But the Hitlers and Stalins are all around us, waiting to reveal themselves if given half a chance. Today we know a Vladimir Putin who has grand ambitions but not yet the capacity to realize them. He reveres Stalin, but he is not Stalin. But what would a less constrained Putin be? Today a more powerful China is abandoning the cautious foreign policies of Deng Xiaoping’s weaker China. What will an even less constrained China be like? Who can say whether either of these powers might in time become a threat on a par with those we faced in the past if they are allowed to expand their regional and global influence by military means?

And how quickly might this happen? Quicker than we think. A character in Ernest Hemingway’s “The Sun Also Rises,” asked how he went bankrupt, responds, “Gradually and then suddenly.” That is a fair description of how the world order collapsed before the two world wars, and of how it likely will collapse in our own time. Welcome to the jungle.

6 thoughts on “How They Do It– 'Welcome to the jungle'”
  1. Must agree with ed notes. Kagan & co clearly want Trump & co gone and how anyone worth his or her intellectual salt cannot see this is simply mind boggling.
    I deal with it on a daily basis in the various comments sections of websites I visit regularly and it seems in general that whatever capacity for rational thought may exist among the pro-Palestinian and anti-war crowd that they NTL have certain blindspots which are more than likely managed from behind the scenes and are part and parcel of their own identity politics. They react just as viscerally when one brings up the obvious connections between the various decrees found within Judaism for exactly the kind of violence and thievery that is on full display these days and make sure that no such discussions see the light of day, despite the fact that it simply ‘is what it is’.
    I sympathize with the editor here, but have to bring my own little dose of reality to this–forget about turning any of these people around. My experience with them on this matter has been that their allegiance is not to the truth, with the facts or with a rational, reasonable discussion of these matters, but rather with their own group identity and membership in their own particular club.
    ed note–sadly, must agree with your comments as well. The types who refuse to do the simple math in deducing that the warparty wants Trump gone simply will not be turned, in the same manner that a drug addict refuses to walk away from his or her poison of choice.

  2. Thank you for showing what the OT is really telling. In Sunday school and Vacation Bible school I was only taught about the Jewish superman and even then I thought it was a crock. I work with a snake throwing Christian Zio and these people are NUTS. I would sooner argue slavery with a Black person.

  3. These morons MG is talking about are NOT “Truthers”; that’s like calling a donkey Secretariat, the Triple Crown Winner. That they would attach primary importance to their Sandy Hook bullshit instead of 9-11 shows they’re probably jew trolls. They’re denying that the jews want to kill Trump off; I think that proves they’re jew trolls. They started the SH bullshit to distract from 9-11. They’re JEW TROLLS!
    They’re not Truthers, that’s for sure, so they can eat rat poison.
    Ed note– Borrowing a phrase made famous by Arthur Fonzarelli–‘incorrectamundo’.
    While doubtless it is true that there are Jewish trolls who have insinuated themselves into various groups and are ‘leading the pack’ vis all the various mindworms presently chewing their way through the collective frontal lobe of the movement, the characters I deal with on a daily basis who simply refuse to use an ounce of common sense in computing the who, what, where, when, why, and how of Trump are people I have known since 911 and some even with whom I have worried and collaborated closely on various anti-Zionist projects. They are indeed the real deal but due entirely to their own heavy emotional involvement in the Palestinian issue they simply will not deal rationally on the issue of Trump.
    Others as just plain nuts, literally, as some have been diagnosed with various mental, neurotic and even psychotic disorders, and some are admitted drug addicts who spend their days high as a kite on meth or acid, which might as well be the equivalent of the rat poison you mentioned.

  4. I’m glad you never post their insane gibberish. I sense Matthew is right about them being jew trolls. They’re trying to post their crap on this site. Never post their absurd lies! F**K THEM!

  5. …they are all deeply, DEEPLY committed to seeing Trump impeached, and for the singular reason that he stands opposed to any new military adventures for Israel’s benefit and is dedicated to reigning in this Judaic mad dog before it blows up the entire world.
    I don’t get it. To me Trump is FOR all new military adventures for Israel’s benefit. He agreed to supply Kiev with lethal weapons to use against Donbas (and Russia), he’s been sanctioning Russia economically, he’s sent missiles into Syria which pleases Israel, he continues to supply and support ISIS, ISIL, al-QAEDA, the White Helmets (all who are Israel’s and USA’s proxy armies), he made Jerusalem the capital of Israel (there was a yuuug celebration in Israel over it), his appointee Nikki Haley discontinued sending funds to Palestine, he raised no objection to Israel’s excuse regarding the downing of Russia’s reconnaissance plane in Syria, he hasn’t acknowledged the fact that Syria asked Russia to help fight the terrorists in Syria who were created by Israel and the USA in the first place….
    ed note–yeah, I can see what you mean. The recent nuclear exchange that the US and Russia had left the world devastated, and this right after Trump sent troop numbers into Syria not seen since Desert Storm. Then, we launched a 3 month bombardment campaign against Iran that killed all 78 million of them there, and the remaining US forces that have not been killed off are being readied to go into Pakistan.
    Yes, I had to do this ‘over the top’ thing in order to make a point as to how people can say really dumb things when left to their own devices and without plugging all the variables into the equation before coming up with (what they believe to be) the answer.
    If you bother to look a little more carefully, all the things Trump has done with regards to the aforementioned items you listed were done in dousing the fires that threaten to burn down his administration, and yes, these fires are all being lit by arsonists working for Judea, Inc in order to prevent him from implementing his peace deal with the Palestinians and in having his very Christian Zionist VP take over who will indeed launch all those non-existent wars listed above per the demands of Judea Inc.

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