For two years, Trump has incited, race-baited, and immigrant-bashed, to the delight of America’s far right fanatics. To the surprise of absolutely no one, they are now killing Jews. Countering them, with our allies, is a battle we must fight, and win
Please remind me, how many innocent Americans and innocent Muslims did the Jews direct to be murdered on, and after doing 911? Thanks.
Quote from Haaretz in the article above; “We should reconnect with our Christian friends, neighbors, and allies and rebuild a religious coalition against anti-Semitism in America.
“This coalition, of course, should also include Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and other religious groups. But Christianity is the numerically dominant religion in America, and ties with Christians must therefore be our first concern.”
That’s a laugh;
Jewish scriptures clearly state without the slightest ambiguity that ALL Gentiles are to be physically exterminated ultimately, after a brief period of slavery for the few terrified survivors of the intended global mass slaughter of ‘idolatrous’ Gentiles after the murderous UN-approved Noahide Laws have been militarily effected by subjugated NATO and other armed forces worldwide.
Does anyone see any rabbis openly warning the world that the death penalty is to be inflicted on all Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs etc, worldwide? (SOME 6 BILLION SOULS) Nope.
Does anyone see any government programs run by rabbis advising all ‘idolatrous’ Gentiles to ‘convert’ to Judaism to avoid getting slaughtered? Nope. The Jewish Bolsheviks did not offer that advice or choice to the Christians in Russia either, they just slaughtered 66 million of them. That is what the Jews are planning for everyone, BUT THEY NEED TO FOOL YOU INTO PROTECTING THEM WHILST THEY FULLY PREPARE TO EFFECT THEIR GLOBAL MILITARY TAKEOVER AND MASS SLAUGHTER.
Do you think that literally thousands of millions of Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs and others will simply agree to stop practising their faiths when the NATO Jewish military offensive starts (and we can expert their usual psy-ops division to be heading that offensive in the form of ISIS and Al Qaeda mercenaries)? Please do not kid yourselves, those cold-hearted murderous Jewish bastards will not even bother asking you, they never did up till now, did they? And they are certainly not about to start asking you all now, they are simply going to slot you all if you don’t wake up, get it together, boot out the malevolent crypto-Jewish infiltrators currently running western governments and replace them with non-Jews.
In fact, strict rabbinical policy is to strongly attempt to DISSUADE any Gentiles from attempting to convert 3 TIMES before ‘allowing’ them to convert to Judaism, though this is just for political appearance’s sake, as such a Gentile is never truly accepted as a Jew, he is just a dupe, a simple goy fool who thinks he is going to get ahead alongside the Jews, when he is not, and the Jews themselves say so. It is all a necessary political deception maintained by the Jews.
Do you think that crazed, bloodthirsty, Jewish-controlled armed forces fighting pitched battles in the streets are going to send out rabbis to convert the Gentiles that they are slaughtering en-masse, and actually do that when they also have to attempt to dissuade any Gentiles from converting 3 times? That would be a bit bloody late if you ask me. You have to be kidding yourself if you can imagine that the Jews will actually be doing that during what will undoubtedly be a frenzied military onslaught.
The Jewish rabbinical manipulators are simply telling the sheep on the way to the slaughterhouse that the sheep are simply going to feed in rich new pastures of green grass, and that the sheep even need to help the Jewish slaughterers by behaving in the way they tell them or they won’t be getting to the new ‘green pastures’.
The Jews are just fooling you when they say they want everyone to convert to Judaism, the Jewish religion regards all Gentile souls as eternally non-living, satanic and irredeemable, literally as a non-living substance that is to be robotised in the service of the Jews, just as water might be diverted to flow through the turbines of a hydro-electric power plant, much like the Sephardic Jewish scientist Delgado stated whilst working for the ‘American’ (don’t kid yourselves) mind-control program, so there really is no choice at all for any Gentiles to actually convert, though for political reasons the rabbis will maintain that illusion at present.
“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically manipulated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.”
Most people today sadly still actually delude themselves into believing that through the mindless and horrendous unnecessary destruction of Germany and the German people in WWII that they actually prevented themselves from being turned into zombies! More fool them, the Jews got to them, but we can all help to wake people up to the truth. The troops that foolishly fought against Germany in WWII were already zombies, made so by the simple means of lying Jewish propaganda, and they very sadly only succeeded in making sure that the Jews could tighten their merciless grip over almost all the world today.
The 5G technology invented by Israel will be used to maintain a psychotronic grid which will influence soldiers and police and all others to act in just the way the Jews want, a little like the mobile phone impulse in the ‘Kingsman’ film where everyone gets a free mobile phone, that then gets programmed by an impulse from a satellite to make them all kill each other, they do have that technological ability, which has been well-established in mind-control experiments such as MK-ULTRA and DARPA programs already for years, and they are just now setting the whole electronic system in place to inflict that whenever they are ready, and the frequencies used by 5G are precisely the ones that can be used to completely override and entrain the brain and neurological impulses of vast numbers of subjects through a centralised computer system. That is your American tax dollars at work folks, after all the generous financial donations to Israel, which is intended to be the central headquarters of the New World Order government administration.
So don’t trouble yourselves by doubting that armies and police forces will effect the genocidal mass murderous requirements of the Noahide Laws when commanded to, they will not be able to stop themselves. Do not doubt that such technology has the power to do all this, it does, and that has been fully proven already, even on the battlefield.
The Torah itself, despite any lying commentary by any rabbi to the contrary, is absolutely explicit on this issue, that a Jew is a Jew for all eternity, and that a Gentile is a Gentile for all eternity, and that not the slightest possibility for any conversion of a Gentile to Jew actually can actually exist, or vice versa. Only crypto-Jews and lapsed Jews can ‘convert’ after any period of time during which they have lived under the name of another religion for whatever reason.
The true nature of the hate-filled, genocidally murderous Jew is unmasked by his own terrorist manuals that are erroneously termed as scriptures in the quote reproduced below from the following link;
The Zohar sanctions killing of Gentiles, including Christians. “Take the life of the Kliphoth [Gentile and Christian] and kill them, and you will please God the same as one who offers incense to Him.” (Sephar or Israel 177b)
“The people of the earth are idolaters, and it has been written of them, ‘Let them be wiped off the face of the earth.'” (I 25, Pranaitis translation, “The Talmud Unmasked,” p. 80)
“When these shall be exterminated, it will be as if God had made heaven and earth on that day.” (I, Bereshith, 25b)
“At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be he, will exterminate all the goyim of the world, the Lord alone will appear great on that day.” (Sec. Vayschlah, folio 177b, de Pauly translation)
“It is certain our captivity will last until the princes of the Gentiles who worship idols are destroyed.” (I, 219, Pranaitis, p. 80)
“In the palaces of the fourth heaven are those who lamented over Sion and Jerusalem, and all those who destroyed idolatrous nations, and those who killed off people who worship idols” (I, 38b, 39a)”
they (the jews) constantly try and work peoples emotions like the proverbial Wave on the sea being wipped back and forth by the wind. In reality it’s always just foul smelling gas that comes out of these peoples mouths.
@ by TruthOutJournal. Exactly, the tiny numbers of dead Americans are negligible in comparison to the millions they have in fact murdered in the wake of the Israeli-Mossad instigated 9/11 events; several million completely innocent people have been illegally and unjustifiably slaughtered in Afghanistan and Iraq, some accounts reckon 7-8 million people, and most likely, that is very true, despite the pathetic British accounts of maybe just 100,000 or even 150,000, and unlimited millions are still dying or born disabled or horrifically mutated (no exaggeration, I have spoken to Iraqi medical personnel visiting Iraq from the UK and they tell me they hardly ever see a single Iraqi child born normal), and will be for many millions of years, not just tens of millions of years, but even hundreds of millions of years if you can grasp the science of it, from the effects of the dirty radioactive DU that was malevolently and demonically salted in the earth of all of Iraq by the Jewish-controlled governments of the UK and the NATO countries, 60 of whom also support ISIS et al according to President Putin.
“Several of the fascists we studied on Discord cited the 2016 election or Donald Trump’s campaign as the start of their red-pilling process. The Trump campaign also seems to have started Sayoc down the road to extremism”
“Bellingcat published an investigation into the ways 75 fascist activists reported being “red-pilled.” Red-pilling has a variety of definitions, but the most common among fascists involves accepting the existence of a vast Jewish conspiracy”
Robert Evans got the definition of “Goy” wrong ….. but its all Trumps fault of course.
Violence Against Jews Will Keep Rising … and rising, and rising
and the antisemitism will raise its ugly head … and raise it some more, and more
and the tide of antisemitism will grow, and grow, and grow.
and they’ve been moaning and moaning and moaning about it throughout the history, never said that maybe the antisemitism is subsiding or even remaining level, no, it’s got to be eternal inflation because it is lucrative on all levels, financial, social and political, keep cranking the organ grinder of perpetual woe.
had the violence against jews kept on ‘rising’ as they claim, every single one of them would have been rubbed out like an invasive cockroach in the pantry 1500 years ago.
no, the problem is that our stupidity and senseless guilt keeps on ‘rising,’ and ‘rising,’ and ‘rising,’ in an endless degenerative spiral.
and it has to stop.
Reblogged this on Mothman777's Blog and commented:
Quote from Haaretz in the article above; “We should reconnect with our Christian friends, neighbors, and allies and rebuild a religious coalition against anti-Semitism in America.
“This coalition, of course, should also include Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and other religious groups. But Christianity is the numerically dominant religion in America, and ties with Christians must therefore be our first concern.”
That’s a laugh;
Jewish scriptures clearly state without the slightest ambiguity that ALL Gentiles are to be physically exterminated ultimately, after a brief period of slavery for the few terrified survivors of the intended global mass slaughter of ‘idolatrous’ Gentiles after the murderous UN-approved Noahide Laws have been militarily effected by subjugated NATO and other armed forces worldwide.
Does anyone see any rabbis openly warning the world that the death penalty is to be inflicted on all Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs etc, worldwide? (SOME 6 BILLION SOULS) Nope.
Does anyone see any government programs run by rabbis advising all ‘idolatrous’ Gentiles to ‘convert’ to Judaism to avoid getting slaughtered? Nope. The Jewish Bolsheviks did not offer that advice or choice to the Christians in Russia either, they just slaughtered 66 million of them. That is what the Jews are planning for everyone, BUT THEY NEED TO FOOL YOU INTO PROTECTING THEM WHILST THEY FULLY PREPARE TO EFFECT THEIR GLOBAL MILITARY TAKEOVER AND MASS SLAUGHTER.
Do you think that literally thousands of millions of Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs and others will simply agree to stop practising their faiths when the NATO Jewish military offensive starts (and we can expert their usual psy-ops division to be heading that offensive in the form of ISIS and Al Qaeda mercenaries)? Please do not kid yourselves, those cold-hearted murderous Jewish bastards will not even bother asking you, they never did up till now, did they? And they are certainly not about to start asking you all now, they are simply going to slot you all if you don’t wake up, get it together, boot out the malevolent crypto-Jewish infiltrators currently running western governments and replace them with non-Jews.
In fact, strict rabbinical policy is to strongly attempt to DISSUADE any Gentiles from attempting to convert 3 TIMES before ‘allowing’ them to convert to Judaism, though this is just for political appearance’s sake, as such a Gentile is never truly accepted as a Jew, he is just a dupe, a simple goy fool who thinks he is going to get ahead alongside the Jews, when he is not, and the Jews themselves say so. It is all a necessary political deception maintained by the Jews.
Do you think that crazed, bloodthirsty, Jewish-controlled armed forces fighting pitched battles in the streets are going to send out rabbis to convert the Gentiles that they are slaughtering en-masse, and actually do that when they also have to attempt to dissuade any Gentiles from converting 3 times? That would be a bit bloody late if you ask me. You have to be kidding yourself if you can imagine that the Jews will actually be doing that during what will undoubtedly be a frenzied military onslaught.
The Jewish rabbinical manipulators are simply telling the sheep on the way to the slaughterhouse that the sheep are simply going to feed in rich new pastures of green grass, and that the sheep even need to help the Jewish slaughterers by behaving in the way they tell them or they won’t be getting to the new ‘green pastures’.
The Jews are just fooling you when they say they want everyone to convert to Judaism, the Jewish religion regards all Gentile souls as eternally non-living, satanic and irredeemable, literally as a non-living substance that is to be robotised in the service of the Jews, just as water might be diverted to flow through the turbines of a hydro-electric power plant, much like the Sephardic Jewish scientist Delgado stated whilst working for the ‘American’ (don’t kid yourselves) mind-control program, so there really is no choice at all for any Gentiles to actually convert, though for political reasons the rabbis will maintain that illusion at present.
“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically manipulated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.”
Most people today sadly still actually delude themselves into believing that through the mindless and horrendous unnecessary destruction of Germany and the German people in WWII that they actually prevented themselves from being turned into zombies! More fool them, the Jews got to them, but we can all help to wake people up to the truth. The troops that foolishly fought against Germany in WWII were already zombies, made so by the simple means of lying Jewish propaganda, and they very sadly only succeeded in making sure that the Jews could tighten their merciless grip over almost all the world today.
The 5G technology invented by Israel will be used to maintain a psychotronic grid which will influence soldiers and police and all others to act in just the way the Jews want, a little like the mobile phone impulse in the ‘Kingsman’ film where everyone gets a free mobile phone, that then gets programmed by an impulse from a satellite to make them all kill each other, they do have that technological ability, which has been well-established in mind-control experiments such as MK-ULTRA and DARPA programs already for years, and they are just now setting the whole electronic system in place to inflict that whenever they are ready, and the frequencies used by 5G are precisely the ones that can be used to completely override and entrain the brain and neurological impulses of vast numbers of subjects through a centralised computer system. That is your American tax dollars at work folks, after all the generous financial donations to Israel, which is intended to be the central headquarters of the New World Order government administration.
So don’t trouble yourselves by doubting that armies and police forces will effect the genocidal mass murderous requirements of the Noahide Laws when commanded to, they will not be able to stop themselves. Do not doubt that such technology has the power to do all this, it does, and that has been fully proven already, even on the battlefield.
The Torah itself, despite any lying commentary by any rabbi to the contrary, is absolutely explicit on this issue, that a Jew is a Jew for all eternity, and that a Gentile is a Gentile for all eternity, and that not the slightest possibility for any conversion of a Gentile to Jew actually can actually exist, or vice versa. Only crypto-Jews and lapsed Jews can ‘convert’ after any period of time during which they have lived under the name of another religion for whatever reason.
The true nature of the hate-filled, genocidally murderous Jew is unmasked by his own terrorist manuals that are erroneously termed as scriptures in the quote reproduced below from the following link;
The Zohar sanctions killing of Gentiles, including Christians. “Take the life of the Kliphoth [Gentile and Christian] and kill them, and you will please God the same as one who offers incense to Him.” (Sephar or Israel 177b)
“The people of the earth are idolaters, and it has been written of them, ‘Let them be wiped off the face of the earth.’” (I 25, Pranaitis translation, “The Talmud Unmasked,” p. 80)
“When these shall be exterminated, it will be as if God had made heaven and earth on that day.” (I, Bereshith, 25b)
“At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be he, will exterminate all the goyim of the world, the Lord alone will appear great on that day.” (Sec. Vayschlah, folio 177b, de Pauly translation)
“It is certain our captivity will last until the princes of the Gentiles who worship idols are destroyed.” (I, 219, Pranaitis, p. 80)
“In the palaces of the fourth heaven are those who lamented over Sion and Jerusalem, and all those who destroyed idolatrous nations, and those who killed off people who worship idols” (I, 38b, 39a)”