After the Christchurch massacre, time to double down on partnerships and inclusion
ed note–Prima Facie example not only of ‘how they do it’, but as well, ‘we told ya so’.
Despite our unesteemed Hebraic author’s having admitted that indeed Jews are bigotted against Muslims as evidenced here–
‘I remember hearing Islamophobic comments from one of my Hebrew school teachers at synagogue. There was a racist joke that one Muslim in the Mediterranean was pollution, but 1 million would be a solution.’
As well as–
I also remember being targeted by Stop the Islamization of America in 2012 and am deeply saddened and angry that this organization is run by a Jew, Pamela Geller.
While all of this sounds good on a surface-level, touchy-feely way, the ugly truth however is that she does not tie together the fact that indeed the ENTIRE Islamophobia industry is as Jewish as knishes and the porn biz and that organized Jewish interests working closely with Israel’s political and intelligence apparati have created, maintained, and sustained the ‘BEWARE OF AHAB THE ARAB’ campaign since before 9/11 as the necessary precursor in seducing brain-dead Americans into supporting the ‘clash of civilizations’ that Israel has been preparing for over 1,400 years.
It is the MEDIA, and more specifically defined, the JEWISH MAINSTREAM MEDIA that has created violent idiots like the shooter in Christchurch, and yet this fact does not get as much as a hiccup of mention in this piece where this ‘Jewess of conscience’ now plays the part of some saintly, upright model of humanity in saying that ‘something more’ must be done in fighting against hatred of Muslims.
And finally, the ‘we told ya so’ part–
‘…We need to understand that we have a dangerous common enemy—the white supremacist domestic terrorist. From Pittsburgh to Christchurch, the white supremacist domestic terrorist is both of our communities No. 1 security concern. Seventy-six percent of extremist murders in the past 10 years in the U.S. were by white supremacists. Hate crimes are rising against both Jews and Muslims, and there is an opportunity to stand together and fight bigotry together.’
As warned here years ago and on many, many occasions and on many, many platforms, the suicidal decision on the part of various White Nationalist groups and individuals to take up the ‘we hate Islam’ torch that was HANDED TO THEM BY ORGANIZED JEWISH INTERESTS could not end in any other way than how it has now–making ‘hatred of Islam’ a ‘white Christian’ thing instead of a Jewish one, and the Jews then pulling the Muslims into their own sphere of influence in order to utilize their energies for furthering what WILL BE Jewish political agendas.
As we like to say here often, no one ever accused them of being stupid, and anyone claiming that they are is trying to participate in a discussion that is way over their own limited intellectual capacity.