“Today it is written in the book of fate that hidden, faceless world powers will eliminate everything that is unique, autonomous, age-old and national. They will blend cultures, religions and populations, until our many-faceted and proud Europe will finally become bloodless and docile.”


5 thoughts on “HUNGARY – “The Time Has Come for Opposition and Resistance”, PM Viktor Orban (must watch)”
  1. What PM Viktor Orban says is true, but when is he going to deal with the fact that the Jews have been promoting anti-European racist legislation for decades including his own country of Hungry.
    When is he going to deal with the fact that holocaust denial is already either implicitly or explicitly a crime in 17 countries, including Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland and Romania. The problem will never be solved unless you deal with the Jew factor.

  2. A great speech by a good man and leader, perhaps a great leader. We might be witnessing the beginning of another revolution in Europe. I still recall the fall of 1989 when an interesting announcement was made on the radio, but something which I think few people really knew how significant it would be. The East German government announced it would allow East Germans to freely travel across the border into West Berlin. Soon, tens of thousands were crossing over into West Berlin, with east and west Germans embracing each other. We (my family) couldn’t believe our eyes. Only three or four years earlier I recall watching the Soviet leader Gorbachev answer a question from a reporter, saying the Soviet Union would not allow Germany to re-unify. One year after the East German radio announcement Germany was re-unified and eastern Europe was free from Soviet domination. The year after that the Soviet Union broke up. All this happened within a two year period, no wars and very little violence. Amazing.

    People were optimistic and had reason to be. Europe was free, cities that had been behind the Iron Curtain that no one had spoken about since WW II were in the western media again and people could travel from east to west. There was talk of the EU becoming a great economic colossus, improving people’s lives and I thought Europe would soon lead the world again. There was some talk in the west from the anti-Germans about Germany becoming too powerful and being a threat to others and secretly Thatcher and Mitterrand actually approached Gorbachev about forbidding East Germany to reunify with West Germany, but Gorbachev said no, they would be free to do what they wanted. Just as in 1939, the British never seem to fail to do something malicious and evil and seemingly the “faceless” Jews (then as now, never identified) are always in the background, but the actual leaders of what is being done.

    Slowly things were getting better, in some parts of Europe faster than others. There is still a long way to go in many parts of Europe so that the standard of living is where it should be. But there was good reason for optimism. There were clear and obvious improvements in some countries and others would follow.

    But the EU has not worked well economically and it’s not clear if it will work. On top of that, Germany (under Merkel) and Europe have pursued stupid and very harmful policies to their own interests with allowing millions of migrants into Europe in the last year or so. This on top of Europe’s anti-Russian policies (in subservience to the USA) and supporting the Jewish led government in Ukraine (put in to power thru a coup) that has been responsible for violence and inter-ethnic fighting in Ukraine. Europe and most notably Germany have put economic sanctions on Russia, the country that let them re-unify. The ignorance of Germans and their ungratefulness is astounding and disgusting at the same time. This is the thanks Gorbachev and the Russians get for sacrificing their superpower country and letting Germany re-unify.

    But there is change in the air. Viktor Orban in Hungary is leading it in Europe. Trump (with perhaps similar values) is leading it in the USA. In other countries in Europe there appears to be a slow awakening to the disastrous policies that their governments are pursuing. AFD has made huge gains in recent elections in Germany, National Front in France is now a major party there and could lead the country, in the United Kingdom British people are starting to organize and resist the disastrous policies their government has imposed on them. All these parties and people have one thing in common. They want to preserve their culture, the ethnic makeup of their country and they want to pursue policies to improve the lives of their people. That is good news.

    I am very happy Prime Minister Orban refers to Hungary’s “Christian” culture and not the American or Anglo-American “Judeo-Christian” culture, a phony term created after WW II by the new leaders of the USA, the Jews. I also could have done without Prime Minister Orban mentioning “anti-Semitism” and “homophobia”. Neither of those two phenomena exist unless Jews or homosexuals pursue hateful policies against others. Orban knows the harmful role Hungarian Jew George Soros plays in Europe and elsewhere. He has openly identified Soros for what he is doing. Orban and others should be aware of the harmful role Gregor Gysi, Barbara Specter and many other Jews play in their efforts to destroy Europe’s cultures, not to mention the all powerful Jewish media in many countries. But for now, as is always the case until they are possibly exposed, the Jews remain “hidden” and “faceless”.

    Anschluss – Austria’s FPO and Germany’s new AFD unite and speak out for many things, including peace for Europe and friendship with Russia with a critical eye on the Americans. A great speech by Austria’s Heinz-Christian Strache.


  3. “What PM Viktor Orban says is true” is a clarion call., a step in the right direction as truth is the eternal enemy of Jewry.

  4. the sad thing about revolution in europe is that muslims will be targetted and NOT the real enemy. reading comments from the video on youtube, its sick how ppl point the finger at muslims. its total ignorance.

  5. Hassan. If you pay attention to the speeches of these two great men. They are not blaming the chaos to the Muslim people, they are blaming NATO, the US, Angela Merkel etc,, they do not mention the word “Jews” Its dangerous to say that word at this time because ignorant people think you are racist, anti-Semite, anti Israel. These great men tell the truth and have the ability to wake many people up specially all of us who are fed up with all these insolence, abuse of power, crimes against humanity coming from the Zionist Jews who control the Western governments.

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