
Ed-note (Sabba) – Nietzsche said about the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 that ‘no sacrifice is too great’ in a ‘war for our culture’.

What has taken place recently in Nineveh and Mossul is nothing short of a crime against Humanity. But it is not an accident and should be read in conjunction with another cultural war that is silently taking place in Europe as we speak.

This all fits with the messianic jewish world domination plan. Rabbi Elijah Benamozegh in his book ‘ Israel and Humanity’ explains very well how they will achieve this. One the key element in their strategy is the destruction of goyim nations (ALL nations, not just the ‘white race’), national heritage and national pride. All the peoples of the Earth must be made into one global people and all their recorded History must be destroyed. 

And while the chosenites want all the nations of the Earth to live in a permanent state of amnesia and forget all about their past and their lineage, they will remain the only people who can trace back their pedigree to some distant past – giving them a superior status over the rest of us.

As the jews know too well, the Middle East is littered with ruins of ancient temples, palaces, coins, artifacts etc. In Egypt, it is estimated that only 1/3 has been unearthed while Mesopotamia is an even greater treasure chest than Egypt.

The jewish state has also tried time and time again to use archaeology to prove and justify its claim to the Holy Land. 

But History and Archaeology have turned out to be 2 of the staunchest anti-judaic fields of research.

The more they dig, the less the find. Or rather, the more they dig, the more traces of ALL nations who inhabited that land are unearthed, all except them. There simply is no trace of them. Even their wailing wall is Roman… 

A quick visit to any major Museum is also very revealing. They have on display some of the most amazing and glorious testimonies of the Persians, the Egyptians, the Hittites, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Cretans, the Greeks, the Romans etc. Pieces of Art which are among the most awe-inspiring things one will ever see.

The one thing we will never see is a section of hebraic/jewish/israelite antiquities. Nothing about the chosenites, nothing, nada, niente. The only museums they have are… Lol-ocaust museums. But I digress…

And so for a people who justify the existence of the jewish state on the writing of the torah and who can not get any archaeological evidence to substantiate that claim,   the wealth of archaeological findings which confirm the History of the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians etc. must be seen like a bomb.

How do they dismantle this bomb? They do boast about being the destroyers of Civilizations don’t they… The latest attacks on Mesopotamia, like the destruction of Syrian archaeological sites and Palestinian antiquities, all have jewish fingerprints over them – the jews are the only ones who benefit from it.

This levels the grounds and the Syrians, the Iraqis etc. will soon be on an equal footing with the jews. When none will have archaeological traces of their glorious past, only then will the Destroyers of Civilizations start to feel a little bit more secured about themselves.

European History is also under attack right now.

There is a new movement which originated in Russia and which claims that the Middle Ages never happened. This movement – called recentism – claims that we have 1000 years of excess UNDOCUMENTED history!!! Which is of course a lie (cf: John 8:44).

This attack on European Middle Ages is not new: they first attacked it by labeling it the ‘Dark Ages’, to get people away from it, to ensure no one gets interested in it and studies it. And most people are usually repulsed by it. They see it as a barbaric Age, an age of disease, oppression, church tyranny, superstitions etc.

The Middle Ages were a luminous period in World History in general and in Europe in particular. But it also is the time when Christianity splendor rose at its highest…

They are now taking their attack one step further by claiming that the only time in European History where Christianity was triumphant – that time never really happened. Clovis, Charlemagne, Philippe August of France, Richard the Lionheart, the Crusades, Frederick Hohenstaufen, Philippe IV of France, Joan of Arc, the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic Empire: all that never existed.

While we may laugh it off right now, this is an absolute disaster which is slowly unfolding in front of us. The new generations are not being properly taught History anymore and by the looks of it, History will be taught less and less in the future until it is all forgotten and the torah will remain the only book of history in the world.

They are planting the seeds now for the goyim who will survive the next World War.

Destroying people historical records is destroying their memory, destroying their identity, destroying their very existence. A people without History is like a tree without roots. It is dead.  

Sabba 28FEB15



  1. Good article. The archaeology of Palestine is rich, but poor in Israelite artefacts. The Jews and their obscene cult-mythology come up hollow when scientifically probed for validity.

    Gaza is a particularly interesting place, with some intriguing remains of Canaanite structures with Mycenaean Greek influences. Much of the pottery found in the oldest deposits is of Cretan and Cypriot origin. The Philistines, the ancestors of the Palestinians were probably a remnant of the Greek sea peoples, the Peleset, who were settled in the Levant by the Pharaohs. .

    Another important point, the NeoCons and their cultural-Marxist intelligentsia are literally rewriting the history of the West to fit into their political agenda. The tyrant and man of blood Lincoln, the father of “war for democracy”, is being lionized by the Jews. The clear implication for would be presidents vying for the Talmudic seal of approval is thus: launching wars for “democracy” is what good presidents do.

    When the Jews arrive in a Gentile nation, they set about undermining the nation at every level. The Marxists call this creative-destruction. The notion that a wholesome, creative, advanced nation could remain outside the grip of Jewish supremacist control, gives the lie to the omnipotence of their war god Yahweh. They set about tearing down that society, and remaking it in their image.

  2. Chosenites are notorious plagiarizers, adopting writings / concepts from others and twisting / falsifying them to fit their story and erasing their own true origins. How many irreplaceable books, documents and artifacts burned up or disappeared during the ages and recently during fire bombings, wars in EU and ME? But we still have their religious writings in the “Old Testament” where their Demiurge “God” promises to ‘give all nations over to be slaughtered in rivers of blood’ and we have actual examples of these policies in zio-bolshevik Russia and Palestine and also in burn-offerings of civilians in WW2.

  3. When I first read Orwell’s 1984 I thought it was too fantastical – especially the part about Winston Smith’s job in the Ministry of Truth where he altered historical documents all while knowing others around him were also altering documents, photos, records, etc. It got to the point of absurdity when he suspected that he might be re-altering the re-altered bits his colleagues had already altered.”Who controls the past controls the future”. Then some years later I saw on a ‘revisionist’ site proof that a photo of the smokestacks at Auschwitz had been doctored so it appeared that sinister black smoke was pouring out of them. When you have been the instigator of so many crimes against others, of course you have to hide it. History, like geography just won’t be taught in American schools. After all if you don’t know where you are, or what you have been, or where you came from – then you won’t know where you are going or how to get there. You will always be prey to the over lords who consider you sheep and goats. When the Temple Mount is rebuild THEY have plans to re-institute sacrifice – jump on the alter dummy!

  4. Babylonian the whore the harlot mother of all illnesses on earth’ Indeed Babylonia, Nimrod & Ishtar got to destroy ancient origins of humanity to keep preying on human ignorance because this is the only way they can enslave exploit humanity through ignorance’ Babylonia invented thirty thousand plus religions, the most satanic of all, the catholic church which has nothing to do with God which is the truth plus three hundred thousand + phony sects as opus dei in Spain a satanic nation with a monarchy of sexual depraved ones ‘ That Spanish depraved monarchy empire of mentally retarded ones as King Juan Carlos is an outright Satanists’ the demons whack him if he disobeys those soulless beings from darkest hollow earth’

    Great and truthful article how Nimrod & Ishtar , the black goddess of Canaan are ruling earth with an iron fist of brutal fear and ignorance ‘ indeed humanity has been lies, archeologically, historically and politically’ six thousand years of lies must fall apart when all the truth is revealed!! will be revealed and their con financial system of mega trillion dollar will collapse’

    This is why they are so restless 24/7365 because they are outright losers and also very, very deeeeeep frightened if the truth is revealed !! So actually they are weaker than they appear to be’ because their weakest point is the truth’

    The truth is that humanity are gods smart, intelligent creative talented and these Satanists deeeeply hated!


  5. This is truly a crimes against humanity’ however this is nothing new’ these illuminazis burnt Alexandrian library to keep human origins occult from goys’ they are o frightened creatures, indeed’

  6. @ Flor, Babylon was far from a whore. Babylon was in fact one of the first civilizations corrupted and despoiled from within by the priest-craft of the evil Israelites. Babylon has been slandered and denigrated unjustly because it had the temerity to send a punitive expedition against the “Jews” for their continual piracy and plundering of the trade caravans between Egypt and Babylon.

    Christians need to stop parroting the millennia old anti-Babylonian propaganda emanating from the originators and perfecter’s of falsehood.

  7. Humanity was cast into the Dark Ages after the burning and looting of the Alexandrian library. The wisdom lost has cost us unimaginable values and history of the worlds before to the point that now humanity really is confused with no sense of self; hence the desperate longing to find worlds long gone, Atlantis etc. We lost it all. Knowledge and the ability to access it fell into the hands of the few, the privileged, the educated and the rest of the hoi polloi sand into serfish slavery living in squalor, all memories and concepts of previous worlds gone ~ only what the church and their masters permitted them to know. It was a very miserable life.

    Perhaps some of the original material still resides in the Vatican vaults.

    Just recently I was taking in information on the medieval results of that horrific loss, one of many throughout history. Now they don’t want people to have ANY history; we see it in our news reporting. There is no build up or history of an event given; it is presented as NOW and immediate with no background, courtesy of a designated enemy/perpetrator. No history? Then you can manipulate the facts perfectly. That is why they go back after and revise the truth to fit their story.

    To be honest, the article itself is almost secondary to the astute observations of the Editor/poster.

    Interesting to remember who pulled the West out of the Dark Ages.

    They will leave no stone unturned, no scroll unburned in their quest to create total ignorance among the masses. History has been so polluted and convoluted over the millenia that truth will never be found for certain and we can live with that.

    In a recent article at Darkmoon, the author, apparently a Rothschild with family issues, says that come the use of FEMA camps etc will serve the JWO through soft soaping empty brains. Those of us with brains that don’t adapt will have problems.


    Off topic? Not really. Just a few random thoughts generated by the editor. They want overlords and slaves who know nothing and cannot think beyond what is necessary to serve adequately. Through removal of knowledge and history, through dumbing down and all that entails, through changing concepts via educational systems, they are moving forward and groups like ISIS are proving, once again


  8. The Earth and certain civilizations ( those of very ancient Peru , Bolivia, Mexico, Egypt, Punt, Kush ) are known to be much much older than what the Ibrahimic faiths tell us.

    When ‘mankind’ can explain straight bore holes thru granites, or beveled edges, or flared tops..then that would be progress….or can explain exactly how the great pyramids were constructed….then that would be enlightening.


  9. “While we may laugh it off right now, this is an absolute disaster which is slowly unfolding in front of us.”

    Yes. Before World War II, the idea of a holo-hoax would have been laughable. Now there are 200+ major hoax museums, and counting. Many things in life seem ridiculously impossible…until they happen.

    “The new generations are not being properly taught history anymore, and by the looks of it, history will be taught less and less in the future until it is all forgotten and the Torah will remain the only book of history in the world.”

    Good point.


    Conquering empires frequently erase the history of those defeated by destroying their libraries, temples, art works, statues, and so on. See…

    When the Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258 AD they destroyed the House of Wisdom, which was the world’s greatest library in its day.

    The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb tried to use heavy artillery to destroy the giant Buddha statues at Bamiyan in Afghanistan. The Persian king Nader Afshar tried to also. Finally the Taliban destroyed them in March 2001.

    The Jews and their allies have outlawed all displays of National Socialist symbols and imagery.

    As far as “ISIS”™ supposedly burning books, this claim comes from the corporate media, and therefore cannot be accepted without more proof. Each day beings a new hysterical claim about “ISIS”™ supposedly beheading people, burning people, disemboweling people, eating people, rounding up Christians and torturing them to death, and so on. “ISIS”™ is supposedly so evil that they almost compare to holo-hoax deniers.

    I dismiss it as imperialist propaganda. Some of it may true, or none of it. We don’t know. It’s like claiming that Iraqis threw babies out of incubators in Kuwait, or that Qaddafi gave mountains of Viagra to his troops so they could rape everything in sight.

  10. The human species has many soft spots / frailties. It’s as if it is somehow encoded into our DNA. As this planet travels thru the cosmos we are in constant battle to remain in homeostasis to stay alive. Mush of it our bodies do on it’s own at the cellular levels. But all those cellular activities with the human physiological systems, with all their organs and tissues….also need to be fed thru decision making and activity. We all need healthy air, food, water and shelter from fatal weather. Each waking minute is devoted in some form to stay alive.

    Is this existence mostly a predatory existence? We see it all around us in nature. And take for example the different tribes of the rainforests in South America. They have no thoughts or plans of a global empire, but they will fight and kill one another over resources. These resources of course are land and the food & water the land (territory) provides them. So basically they are fighting to stay alive; no food & water…you die.

    They prayed to their gods to always have control of the land, the water, and the food. They prayed that it would always be in abundance actually. If it did not rain and their was drought, famine, etc..then they would pray harder and more often…..even some choosing to make human sacrifices to bring the gods around to seeing things their way; changing the mind of their god(s).

    The books of the Torah are no different than a ‘primitive’ system coming out of the rainforests. But it has evolved into systemic network of global control and the resources upon the globe. I no of no other religion that promotes global control while simultaneously demanding to greatly reduce the World’s human population so that the World can be in complete control of this particular belief system.

    Islam & Christianity believe that the paradise will be somewhere else; off-planet. All forms of Judaism though, believes this planet Earth has been given to them as their paradise..so all others must go one way or another.

    In their wars to try to control planet Earth, their ignorance has come full circle. They like to be viewed as being wise and having a great niche for control events into the future; (malice aforethought perhaps? I’s say so.). But they want this planet for themselves but many in the know have said, and are continuing to say that this planet is already past the point of no return; at least for human life. I would say that Jewry has been very very absent minded and perhaps it was because they had gotten lost in the moment. Their greed and relentless will power for global control, ahs actually destroyed the very item they have been fighting to possess.

    Such stupid stupid people.

  11. Saaba, I stayed up almost all night thinking about this post and ended up throwing a few of my own corresponding ideas down. I hope you do not mind the freedoms I have taken with your work and the comments of our folks in here (in this instance, Konrad). I rambled for days but I could have kept going because the topic is so huge and one I have kept in mind for many years. Your input would be appreciated if you have an inclination to share!


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