‘These Telegram channels were neither secret nor hidden — they were open and accessible to all,’ Lt.-Col. Dahoah-Halevi argued.
ed note–as always, a laundry list of important info that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.
Firsto, L&G, what needs to be understood is that the foundational basis of the genocide and mass murder of Gentiles in Gaza over the last 15 months, as well as what has taken place in Lebanon and in Syria, has all been hinged upon the notion that the attacks of Oct. 7th ‘took Israel by surprise’ and that therefore, since she was attacked first without ‘any warning’, she retains the complete and unquestionable right of ‘self-defense’ that has thus far resulted in millions of lives being destroyed.
And the basis of this notion, that Israel was ‘attacked first’ and without ‘any warning’, from whence did this notion make its way into the ‘legal’ arguments for the Jypsy State’s right of ‘self-defense?
Because Israel claimed that this was the case, and people believed her, and, sadly, still believe her to this very day.
Yes, the same Israel that lies about EVERYTHING, from her deliberate attack on the USS LIBERTY to her direct involvement in the terrorist attacks on 9/11 to her ‘going to great lengths to protect civilians in Gaza’, the same Israel that is a pathological liar about everything, says she was ‘blindsided’ on Oct. 7th, and suddenly, even the most fervent and uncompromising supporters of the Palestinians believe this.
And why, ladies and Gentile-men?
Because it’s ear candy. The notion that a bunch of 3rd world freedom fighters bested the most paranoid and technologically savvy nation-state in human history is just too good to pass up, not because there is any truth in it, but because it acts as a type of psychological steroid that makes ‘the resistance’ appear much stronger, more ‘muscular’ and more potent than it really is. Comparatively speaking, it is no different than a young, beautiful prostitute batting her eyes, blowing kisses and making all sorts of overt sexual overtures towards an overweight and balding 60 year old man who drives a Porsche and wears a gold Rolex, and he thinks all of this sexual interest on her part is because he is as good looking and desirable now at 60 as he was when he was 20 and that she really finds him attractive.
Now, as to some of the particulars in the piece itself, nota bene the following–
‘Had posts published on Hamas-affiliated Telegram channels weeks prior to the October 7 massacre been analyzed and monitored in Israel, the outcome of the events would have been very different, Lt.-Col. Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi argued in an article published recently by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs’
There is no ‘Had posts published on Hamas-affiliated Telegram channels been analyzed and monitored in Israel’, ladies and Gentile-men.
The Jews–to their credit–leave nothing to chance–NOTHING.
Watch the news on any given week as some Gentile is being dragged through the mud as the preparatory step to running him/her off the playing field, and all of it based upon something that he/she wrote on their Facebook page 20 years ago when they were in college. This is an almost DAILY occurrence and what it underscores is the fact that the all-seeing eye of Judea is constantly watching, constantly listening, and constantly ‘building files’ and dossiers on people so that whenever something is needed in destroying (or heeling) some frisky Gentile stallion who won’t ‘play by the rules’ established by the Pirates of Judea–BAAM–the whip comes cracking down on his/her back because of all the ‘research’ that was started on him/her decades earlier.
Israel knew about Oct. 7th, ladies and Gentile-men, and for those who still to this day maintain the delusion that Hamas ‘bested’ the Pirates of Judea, it’s time to spit that candy out of your mouths and just embrace the ugly truth for what it was and what it is, which is that you all got played, and in the process, millions of innocent people had their lives destroyed.
Had posts published on Hamas-affiliated Telegram channels weeks prior to the October 7 massacre been analyzed and monitored in Israel, the outcome of the events would have been very different, Lt.-Col. Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi argued in an article published recently by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.
At the center of Dahoah-Halevi’s analysis is the figure of Maam Rashid al-Masri, also known as ‘Abu Hafs.’ Al-Masri, a Hamas Nukhba terrorist, managed the Telegram channel named ‘Military Tactics’ and co-founded the ‘Al-Qassam Brigades Dispatch’ channel.
The content on the ‘Military Tactics’ channel was not merely propagandistic. According to Dahoah-Halevi, the channel served as a platform for disseminating professional military literature from the Al-Qassam Brigades, featuring detailed guides on topics such as precision shooting training, sniping, camouflage and deception, checkpoint operations, infiltration, ambushes, and operational movement.
These channels were neither secret nor hidden — they were open and accessible to all. The ‘Military Tactics’ Telegram channel even shared professional content showcasing the organization’s level of preparedness and operational capabilities.
During the critical hours before the attack, beginning at 12:20 a.m. on October 7, the channel posted a series of detailed messages that should have raised red flags, including: ‘We say to the Zionist enemy, the operation coming your way has never been experienced by anyone,’ ‘There are many, many, many surprises,’ ‘We swear by Allah, we will humiliate you and utterly destroy you,’ and ‘The pure rifles are loaded, and your heads are the target.’
The final message in the series, posted at 12:26 a.m., read: ‘You have been warned. What is coming will be immense,’ accompanied by symbols of fire and a green heart, which, according to Dahoah-Halevi, were both emblematic of Hamas and Islam.
However, Dahoah-Halevi further asserted that the warning signs appeared much earlier. As early as September 17, a message from the Al-Qassam Brigades claimed, ‘Expect a major security event soon.’ The following day, on September 18, a direct threat was issued to residents of the Gaza border communities, stating, ‘Before it’s too late, flee and leave…nothing will help you except escape.’
Threats become increasingly explicit
On September 19, another post said, ‘The enemy does not understand the language of words, so we speak to him in the language of fire and hell,’ promising that ‘what will happen will be even greater.’ On September 21, a little more than 2 weeks before the attack it was announced that ‘the decision has been made’ and that the Gaza border area would be made ‘uninhabitable.’
As the date of the attack drew closer, the threats became increasingly explicit, according to Dahoah-Halevi. On September 29, an ‘urgent call’ was issued for confrontation ‘at all points of contact.’ On September 30, a post warned: ‘Be on alert; the time is near,’ and on October 1, another message declared: ‘Our silence will not last and time is running out.’
Thanks for the article. I would like to offer a slightly different perspective on “the Jypsy State’s right of ‘self-defense”. Contrary to the Israeli representations (lies) and setting aside the illegal settlements in the West Bank part of Palestine, it also illegally occupied parts of Gaza. Under international law, those occupied have the right to resist occupation, and many of the October 7 attacks were on occupied parts of Gaza. Therefore, there is no “self defense” for the occupiers – the Jooze. Further, the attacked kibbutzes in the area are primarily for Israeli military personnel, and every fit adult is a reservist in the Israeli. The number of real Israeli civilians involved was relatively few.
Isn’t it ironic that the French underground and other partisan groups are hailed as heroes for resisting occupation during WWII, even though they often killed civilians in their attacks and murdered those whom they considered collaborators. This is especially true in France where the “Vichy Government” was the legitimate and recognized successor government of France and recognized the German occupation.
Israel didn’t want to stop Oct.7. They have been planning the event so they could genocide the Palestinians for years. I suppose you never heard “Never let a crisis go to waste?”