Englman argued that the IDF and Shin Bet conducting investigations separately rather than collaborating results in an incomplete picture of the failures of October 7.
ed note–let us get something Kristol clear here, ladies and Gentile-men, which is that there were no ‘intelligence failures’ on the morning of Oct. 7th, just as there were none on the morning of 9/11, nor on the morning of June 8, 1967 when Israel deliberately attacked the USS LIBERTY and murdered 34 American servicemen. Israel not only knew about the impending attacks, but also made sure that her deeply-embedded Mistaarvim spies ‘did their part’ by engaging in acts of wanton murder of Israeli citizens so as to exxagerate/aggrandize the events of that day in creating the proper ‘narrative’ that the Jraculites needed in order to get WWIII/Armageddon started.
It is also very interesting to note that besides Netanyahu and his fellow Pirates pushing the narrative that it was ‘intelligence failures’ that led to the events of Oct. 7th, that the other main propagator of these lies are those individuals/groups waving the flag that reads ‘Free Palestine’ and who–rather than just abandoning the nonsense that it was ‘superior planning’ on the part of the resistance group Hamas that led to the events of that day, refuse to accept the fact that Israel was there, from the very beginning, in the ‘thick’ of it all, in making sure that everything, just as took place on the morning of 9/11, unfolded like a well-scripted screenplay in order to anesthetize the collective Gentile mind as the necessary precursor to the Jews stealing every square millimeter of land which they lovingly and longingly refer to as ‘Greater Israel’.
State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman took part in a Knesset State Control Committee on Monday, investigating the Israel-Hamas War following the October 7 massacre.
Englman stressed the need for oversight into the core failures on October 7, both at the political and military level.
Englman also cited his statement from October 10, 2023, by saying ‘I would initiate a thorough audit that would include personal accountability for those responsible for the failures and lapses. I determined that the audit would cover all levels—political, military, and civilian. I also said at the time that if a state commission of inquiry were to be established, I would coordinate jurisdictional boundaries with it. The legislature has empowered you to establish a state commission of inquiry based on the state comptroller’s audit report.’
Englman also noted that his office had published five significant reports in the past month, with more being prepared.
However, he emphasized that these reports alone were insufficient, saying, ‘The public deserves answers to the difficult questions regarding the most severe failure in the country’s history.’
Englman also addressed internal military reviews, revealing that he had been presented with four IDF investigations, and he is doing to visit Southern Command headquarters on Tuesday. Shin Bet investigations are set to be reviewed next week, he added.
Separate investigations providing an incomplete picture
He argued that the fact that the IDF and Shin Bet are conducting investigations separately rather than collaborating results in an incomplete picture of the failures of October 7, and reinforces the need for a broader and more coordinated audit.
‘The state comptroller’s office is the only body capable of synchronizing oversight across all levels—from the prime minister and the defense minister to the IDF chief of staff, the head of the Shin Bet, the head of the Mossad, the Israel Police, local authorities, and other relevant entities,’ Englman said.
In order to facilitate this, he has allocated approximately 200 employees to work on war-related audits.
The State Comptroller’s Office had already begun reviewing the political echelon’s actions months ago, along with that of Mossad, and that the next step would be a full audit of the IDF and Shin Bet to ensure proper coordination and a comprehensive review of all failures, he added.
‘I expect the IDF chief of staff, the head of the Shin Bet, and the attorney-general to uphold the Basic Law: State Comptroller and to cooperate fully with this oversight,’ Englman concluded