An IDF medic was surprised to hear two new orders given by his superiors: only Jews are worthy of resuscitation, and that attackers who pose no threat should be shot dead.
New orders in the Israeli army? D., a medic in the infantry, was surprised last week to find out during training for an operation in the occupied territories that at least two orders typically given to soldiers have been refreshed.
Illustrative photo of IDF medics. (photo: IDF CC BY-SA 2.0)
“During the refresher course the instructor, who works as a medic on the base, told us that the orders of the IDF are not to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to people we do not know. When asked about it he said that it basically means that we do not need to resuscitate Palestinians,” says D., who took part in the course at the Lakhish base in southern Israel. D. has since then left for duty in the West Bank.
“It sounds strange but he repeated it twice, so I have no doubt that that was what he meant. I was very surprised by the order not to resuscitate anyone who needs it. Since then I have come to understand that Magen David Adom (Israel’s national emergency medical, disaster and ambulance service) came up with the order regarding mouth-to-mouth resuscitation several years ago. The emphasis on the Palestinians was probably the instructor “thinking ahead.” I assume that he goes these trainings all the time. That’s worrying.”
Furthermore over the course of the week, D. participated in a refresher on the rules of engagement, where he said he was given permission to kill people who pose no threat. “They told us that the order regarding someone who stabs, ditches the knife and begins running is shoot to kill. The company commander said he doesn’t want anyone like that “to see a judge.”
Did anyone protest or critique these orders?
“The company seemed very bitter over the rules of engagement. The company commander almost apologized every time he forbade. So when he finally gave us permission to shoot an unarmed terrorist, most of the company was okay with that.”
It was only two weeks ago that Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich gave a similar order to Israeli Police in the wake of the vehicular attack in Sheikh Jarrah. Two days later police shot Kheir Hamdan to deathin Kafr Kanna.
The IDF Spokesperson has yet to respond to the above claims.
I could never understand how people can be so hateful and self destructive. They truly don’t know anything spiritual. Deep in my soul these people will perish by their own hands. They are desperately trying to hold on to an identity that is being wiped out. All the money in the world will not save them.
I often malign liberals, but that does not mean I am a “conservative.”
Everyone already knows that right-wing creeps are Jew-worshipping bastards.
My point is that most liberals are just as bad, since they too worship Jews. They claim to champion “sensitivity” and “tolerance,” yet they too serve the Dark Ones. They defend illegal aliens, persecuted minorities, homosexuals, and whatever – but when it comes to Jews, they are faithful servants. Senator Elizabeth Warren, for example, is a FLAMING Zionist.
Michael Moore dedicated his 2003 book Dude, “Where’s My Country?” to Rachel Corrie, who the Jews murdered on 16 March 2003. That sounds good, but look what Moore wrote inside…
“Of course many Israeli children have died too, at the hands of the Palestinians. You would think that would make every Israeli want to wipe out the Arab world, but the average Israeli does not have that response. Why? Because in their hearts, they know they are wrong, and they know they would be doing just what the Palestinians are doing if the sandal were on the other foot.”
Got that? Israelis are restrained by their moral conscience. :-)
The strongest statement that Moore ever made is that “Palestinians have been given a raw deal.”
I can understand if Moore prefers to be careful. If he tells too much truth, the Jews will make sure that Moore never makes another movie. But Moore doesn’t stop there. He championed the Axis of Evil’s destruction of Libya. He champions its ongoing war on Syria. He champions lies about “ISIS” (or “ISIL,” or whatever you want to call it).
Michael Moore is a liberal. As such, he is no more a man of the people than conservatives are.
(I myself am a National Socialist, but not a Neo-Nazi. The Neo-Nazis hate me as much as Jews do. I’ve been banned from numerous Neo-Nazi web sites and liberal web sites. I was always courteous and polite, not caustic like I am here, but they banned me anyway.)
Jewish talk show host Bill Maher calls himself a liberal.
On some topics, liberals can almost seduce you into thinking that maybe they’re not bad people, until — BOOM – out comes their Jew-worship.
Again, this does NOT mean I am a “conservative.”
I’m just pointing out hypocrisy.
Lasilencia they are being entrapped by their own sins and have been promised according to our traditions humiliation/disgrace in this world and destruction in the next.
I wanted to post a video about Kissinger’s info that 16 intelligence agencies saying that Israel would be no more in 10 years. For myself this is a religious fact but I chose the video by this guy because he was so excited about this news.
i’d love to see every Israeli choke themselves to death or go back to Europe where the came from.
Damn those bastards
So “fear of the jews” is a justifiable reason…