Fox News hitches a ride with Trump?!? They see him as leading an “insurection”….

Maybe they’ll also try to please him by saying to Megan Kelly, “You’re fired!” 🙂

6 thoughts on “If You Can't Beat Trump, Join Him”
  1. Good lookin’ ‘ol broad! She’s tough! Wow! She ripped the GOP a new ass! LOL! What do they think of that? On Fox “News”. Interesting. Quite a soap opera going on here.
    “Disrespect Trump, disrespect the American people.” True. All this non-stop, 100% bad mouthing of Trump, by a herd of abject scum bags in their media only increases Trump’s popularity. It’s unprecedented someone has survived a black listing by the Jew media and virtually all the big Jews and their Shabbos goy. They’ve used their machine guns and mortars against Trump but have failed to stem the advance. Their bullets have only hit shadows. Their Generals are scrambling for a way to stop Trump. They’d like to assassinate him but are afraid, in this day of recognizing false flags and expecting them.
    The ability to bring down a plane with some sort of electronic wave or something apparently exists. Paul Wellston’s plane seems to have lost control…(I don’t remember the details, but you can check it out)
    Crashing his plane is a safe way to get rid of him. He better be careful flying.

  2. FOX has gone all out to beat Trump ,but has been under real pressure from their viewers it seems ?
    This has happened with slob Jew shill Alex Jones too.

  3. Not even Fox can stop some of its people from breaking rank.
    A: Sorry, I don’t buy that.

  4. Good rant by a woman I have usually dismissed in the past as Islamophobic par excellence and war monger because whenever I have seen her… “Bomb them” has been a frequent outburst.
    Interesting switcheroo by Faux in terms of Trump. “The people’s tv”? Trump is good for ratings…. There were 16.9 million people watching his last appearance in a Fox debate. That generates a lot of advertising at a relatively small cost.
    A: This rant of hers contributes to solidify Trump’s reputation as an Islamophobe. This seems to remain the main weapon against Trump: it makes him unacceptable for Muslim (and many fair-minded non-Muslim, non-Jewish voters, whether Christians or “agnostics”) and it makes the Jews who use this cudgel appear so very tolerant and humanity loving. I don’t believe for a moment that this woman talks out of school– it’s all part of a strategy. And no, it’s not that Murdoch is not “paying attention.”

  5. I saw an older video in which she interviewed Trump and she was nice. She might be a supporter of his. Then the key would be that they decided to have her do an interview with him at this time. The “Australian” Rupert Murdoch owns FOX News and it’s pro-Israel, pro-Jew, pro-Zionist wars positions fit with the ADL award winning Murdoch who denies he’s a Jew, despite his Jewish mother.
    Murdoch is known for being a “hands-on” media owner, taking a direct role in what his company will disseminate and that shows in how Fox has reported since it was started, but maybe he is not as involved as with some of the newspapers he runs.

  6. I don’t believe this woman. In other videos she talks about the Palestinians being the “Terrorists” and that we should stand for Israel. All this jazz is just a circus, Fox is owned by the Jews just like all the TV channels.

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