ED-NOTE – Yes, but not just. Anyone who genuinely backs the Palestinian cause must not only support the right of return but also support Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia, in other words, the ONLY countries/groups of people who have been at the forefront in the battle field against the occupying entity, who have been our first and main line of defense against Judea, Inc, for decades and, in the case of Syria, since 1948.  The ‘Palestinian Cause’ comes in a package and we take it all or take none. And so anyone who ‘picks and chooses’, who claims to support the Palestinian cause while being anti-Iran or anti-Syria or anti-Russia is either an imbecile who has not understood a single thing to what really is at stake here or is willing gentile disinfo agent or is a Jew.



There are some Israeli movements and individuals who show support for the Palestinians, but hide the fact that they are Zionist. There are also international activists that genuinely believe in these groups and support them because they are not aware of their real intentions. These groups, such as Breaking the Silence and others, do not recognise a clear definition of the two-state solution, one that is based on several UN resolutions – starting with Resolution 194, adopted in 1948, which stipulates the Right of Return for the Palestinian refugees.

These movements are trying to distance themselves from the UN resolutions. They do not want to recognize a two-state solution based on UN resolutions, including the Right of Return. Which means they support an idea of an unjust two-state solution, where a large part of Palestine is being used for the establishment of the Occupying State, and the State of Palestine is being turned into a large prison for the Palestinians.

The other tactic of these movements that exacerbates the conflict is that when they find Palestinians or pro-Palestinian groups who seek fame, they use them, giving them the opportunity to travel and raise money using the name of the resistance. These groups are Zionists, so they have the money, power and ability to pull strings and influence western governments, who prefer to deal with the flag of a radical, hostile Zionism. Their main aim is to deepen conflict and create a state of confusion among those who genuinely support and care about the Palestinian cause.

In the broader framework, it is clear that these Zionist movements seek to portray Israel as a democratic state, making people in the West confused about who are the real groups working for freedom and justice in Palestine. This image of a democratic Israeli state serves to boost the Occupation.

The fact of the matter is that Palestine was conquered by force. The Palestinian people were forcibly expelled, thousands upon thousands were savagely murdered, and thousands were arrested and thrown in a prison cell called the State Of Palestine.

The support of these movements is a crime against justice and it does an injustice to one of the most just causes in modern times, a cause which is exploited like a cow by some people.

These people and their movements of course are the names and groups you hear of in the media all the time, the ones you always hear about while the true activists and organizations work from the heart, under the radar, without public knowledge that they even exist, let alone all the front-line work that they do and all the time and energy they volunteer from their lives!

If you are truly and genuinely supporting the Palestinian cause from your heart, and not seeking money or fame, I ask you please, do not participate in campaigns that are full of misinformation. Please do not be complicit in the Zionist manipulation.

3 thoughts on “If you genuinely back the Palestinian cause, you must support the right of return”
  1. This article was a lot like alphabet soup… and in the end didn’t say who or what constituted a Zionist ‘manipulation’ (without naming the FED) please, who is this article speaking about or to?
    What it does is engender a fear of getting involved with Palestinian Justice/ Right of Return whatever…
    ONE STATE ~ Palestine

  2. lemme put the thinking cap on … the palestinian right of return is empty blather, completely unenforcable without the preceding right of booting the squatting parasites out.
    and the next link in this chain of reasoning is if palestinians have the right of booting (undeserving, viz, those who did not earn the right by dint of honest contribution) jews out, so does every other nation on earth.
    i see speculative opportunities for the next real estate bubbles in khazaria and birobidjan, insha’allah within the next 5-10 years.

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