ed note–a nice, steaming cup of reality coffee to sip on for those lingering doubters concerning the aims and claims of Judah-ism and whether or not it is merely a ‘tangential matter’ involving a small group of people craving a small slice of land along the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, rather than a group of Messianic nutcases out for world domination and control.


Breaking Israel News


In the End of Days, all the nations of the world will study Hebrew to call out the name of God together in His holy language, explained Rabbi Tuly Weisz, founder of the Yeshiva for the Nations.


Speaking to Breaking Israel News, Rabbi Weisz said that the prophet Zephaniah describes how all the nations of the world will have “purity of speech” in the End of Days:


‘For then I will make the peoples pure of speech, so that they all invoke Hashem by name and serve Him with one accord…’ Zephaniah 3:9


Rabbi Weisz said Jewish tradition has always maintained that the pure language that Zephaniah promises is the language of Hebrew.


Today, students of all backgrounds have a chance to learn Hebrew in a new Yeshiva for the Nations course, “Introduction to the Hebrew Alphabet and Hebrew Reading.” Yeshiva for the Nations is a Jewish school for religious studies, designed for non-Jews. Registrants dip into the deep wells of Jewish knowledge by engaging with Jewish texts through the eyes of Jewish rabbis and teachers.


Rabbi Weisz said the language of creation was Hebrew and that God spoke Hebrew to the first people, Adam and Eve. He believes the whole world spoke Hebrew until right after Noah’s flood, at which time the people of Babel joined forces to build an impressive tower with evil intentions: to display the achievements of man without acknowledging the Creator above.


‘Come, let us build us a city, and a tower with its top in the sky, to make a name for ourselves; else we shall be scattered all over the world…’ Genesis 11:4


The punishment for the people’s sin of rebellion and failure to acknowledge God as creator was to be scattered across the earth, their language diversified so they could no longer communicate as one, explained Rabbi Weisz.


However, despite their dispersion, the Jews worked to maintain some use of the Hebrew language. With the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 and the ingathering of the exiles, the Jewish people miraculously revived Hebrew and made it, once again, their national language.


“Hebrew is one of the most beautiful languages,” said Sharon Niv, who teaches the Yeshiva for the Nations Hebrew course. She said that while in English there are more words than in Hebrew, the Hebrew language has greater depth.


“Every word has its own history because of the history of the Jewish people,” Niv expressed. “Every word can take you to a different time or place.”


As God gave the Torah to the Jewish people in Hebrew, Rabbi Weisz stressed the importance of learning the Bible in Hebrew to “understand all of its nuances…Reading in translation loses a lot of the meaning, nuance and spirit of the message.”


Niv said a person can learn Hebrew at any age, with any background. In her course, she starts slow, focusing on basic letter recognition and sound. She told Breaking Israel News that if a student lets the language flow within him or her, he or she will ultimately pick it up.



Introduction to Hebrew Alphabet and Reading


In recent years, there has been growing interest by Christian Zionists to learn Hebrew. Rabbi Weisz said this is likely a step toward the redemption described by Zephaniah.


“Unlike in the generation of Babel, nations are coming together to serve God through the language of purity,” said Rabbi Weisz. “With Jews and Christians reconciling for the first time in history, may our sense of unity not be for the glory of man, but may we study together the language of Hebrew to build a great tower to the One true God of Israel.”

7 thoughts on “In End of Days, Everyone Will Speak Hebrew”
  1. What a bunch of crap these demonic Jews speak; “Unlike in the generation of Babel, nations are coming together to serve God through the language of purity,” said Rabbi Weisz. “With Jews and Christians reconciling for the first time in history, may our sense of unity not be for the glory of man, but may we study together the language of Hebrew to build a great tower to the One true God of Israel.”
    This twaddle is the sort of hypnotic and deluding language that the Jews are using to bring in their JWO NWO. Maybe the Jew who wrote that quote could also discuss the Noahide Laws, about how all members of all so-called idolatrous religions are simply to be physically executed. The Jews would rather that you never thought about that.

  2. @ Kolo. And who should be turning on an electroconvulsive therapy box but yourself for usage on your OWN head?
    Why should anyone who reveals the truth about the actually hateful and lethal intent of the Jews towards all other peoples of the world need electroconvulsive therapy?
    I suppose you would say the same to any Gentiles who make more of the public aware of the fact that the penalty for any people that refuses to adopt the actually genocidal Noahide Laws in their nation, is that ALL the inhabitants of such a nation will simply be KILLED by the Jews, and recent validated rabbinical testimony exists stating exactly that, and they even say that NATO armies then under their control will be doing such killing. First they will kill just the males, and then, if any women do not follow the TORAH Noahide Laws, as surely, most will not, they too will simply be killed as well. These are not Jews who some might try to call fake Jews saying this either, they are Jews taking this from the TORAH.
    The above video does not show a rabbi mentioning using NATO armies, but there is another rabbi mentioning that on another YouTube video.
    I have seen on British television on two different occasions, British Jews speaking at two different venues on two different dates, black-suited Jews at rabbinical meetings stating the following, “Yes, it is true, we are going to destroy ALL other religions, because Judaism is the only true religion, because there is no truth in any of the other religions.” That is what the first guy said at one meeting, and the Jew in the second meeting who was speaking to the interviewer said pretty much the same thing.
    And that process will inevitably involve mass killings of literally billions of people in reality, by one means or another, by both direct and indirect means, as there are over 1 billion Indian Hindus, and the Christians and the Muslims are billions more, who will never give up their faiths, so they will simply be liquidated in a mass slaughter that will make the slaughter of 66 million Russian Christians following the 1917 Jewish Bolshevik terrorist takeover of Russia seem almost totally insignificant by way of comparison.

  3. Reblogged this on Mothman777's Blog and commented:
    @ Kolo. And who should be turning on an electroconvulsive therapy box but yourself for usage on your OWN head?
    Why should anyone who reveals the truth about the actually hateful and lethal intent of the Jews towards all other peoples of the world need electroconvulsive therapy?
    I suppose you would say the same to any Gentiles who make more of the public aware of the fact that the penalty for any people that refuses to adopt the actually genocidal Noahide Laws in their nation, is that ALL the inhabitants of such a nation will simply be KILLED by the Jews, and recent validated rabbinical testimony exists stating exactly that, and they even say that NATO armies then under their control will be doing such killing. First they will kill just the males, and then, if any women do not follow the TORAH Noahide Laws, as surely, most will not, they too will simply be killed as well. These are not Jews who some might try to call fake Jews saying this either, they are Jews taking this from the TORAH.
    The above video does not show a rabbi mentioning using NATO armies, but there is another rabbi mentioning that on another YouTube video.
    I have seen on British television on two different occasions, British Jews speaking at two different venues on two different dates, black-suited Jews at rabbinical meetings stating the following, “Yes, it is true, we are going to destroy ALL other religions, because Judaism is the only true religion, because there is no truth in any of the other religions.” That is what the first guy said at one meeting, and the Jew in the second meeting who was speaking to the interviewer said pretty much the same thing.
    And that process will inevitably involve mass killings of literally billions of people in reality, by one means or another, by both direct and indirect means, as there are over 1 billion Indian Hindus, and the Christians and the Muslims are billions more, who will never give up their faiths, so they will simply be liquidated in a mass slaughter that will make the slaughter of 66 million Russian Christians following the 1917 Jewish Bolshevik terrorist takeover of Russia seem almost totally insignificant by way of comparison.

  4. With respect mothman I was suggesting therapy for the chosenites to attempt to forcefully treat their mental crap

  5. @ Kolo The wording of your comment does not suggest that at all. Read it again yourself. It reads exactly like you are referring to the editor and/or myself. I would suggest that in future, you take just a little more time and state exactly what you mean and who exactly you are referring to.

  6. Well… why is their god would have spokent hebrew to Adam & Eve as it is known of all that the “first” language was NOT hebrew.
    And… all the entire world will speak hebrew? Nope thank you… they are very délusional if they think that. What a bunch!

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