the 1st leg of the trip–flying from ‘The Land of the Free’ as someone considered a possible terrorist and flight risk, as designated by the infamous ‘SSSS’ stamp on my ticket–‘Special Secondary Security Screening’ which means being taken aside, frisked, photographed, hands tested for explosive residue, questioned and having my genitals fondled.
After arriving at Istanbul International, hearing the familiar voice and seeing the friendly face of Merlin Miller, film producer and candidate for US President.
Press Conference organized by Iranian filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh with as many as 20 journalists and reporters who want to understand better why an American journalist must travel halfway around the world in order to find freedom of speech.
Discussing the whole concept of ‘Crescent and Cross Solidarity’ with Nader in his office in downtown Tehran and why it is absolutely priority #1 that Christians and Muslims unite against their common enemy.
Fireworks were lit off every night during the festivities of Iran’s Independence Day celebrations.
Independence Day celebrations in downtown Tehran. These people will NEVER surrender, the primary reason why Israel and America are out to see them destroyed.
Inside the former U.S. Embassy, where the CIA–working in collusion with British Intelligence– plotted the overthrow of the democratically-elected Mossadegh government and replaced it with that of the Shah, responsible for the murder of thousands of Iranian citizens who opposed his autocratic rule.
Powder and paint time before a live television interview with Dr. Abbedini, whose program is watched by as many as 8 million Iranians around the country.
Midnight dinner at Nader’s home with Press TV’s Marzieh Hashemi, originally an American citizen now living in Iran and one of the most intelligent, beautiful, and sensitive persons I have known and had the pleasure of working with.
Mehdi, one of Nader’s assistants and the one who did most of the driving for me from point A to point Z during my stay there.
Hamed Ghashghavi, Nader’s assistant and someone of inexhaustible energy and intelligence who did all the translation work for me while I was there.
Ahvaz University, where yours truly was the featured speaker for several events discussing the American-Israeli relationship and why the West has become such a slave to Zionist interests.
If I had to choose one picture that best encapsulates the people of Iran, it is this one. They are the most gracious, giving, fun-loving, easy-going, generous people I have ever known, but at the same time, absolutely determined to maintain their independence and their dignity without compromise.
As I characterized them in the various speeches and interviews I gave, they have become the beating heart of the revolution against Zionism.
Ed note–There are many other pics to share, but unfortunately they are loading so slowly that at the moment I could only share these.
The one pic I wish I had taken but did not was of the 3 armed DHS agents waiting for yours truly once I deboarded the plane in LA, after which time I was taken away for extended ‘questioning’, my personal effects inspected and where my phone and computer were taken away and presumably scanned and robbed of any and all information contained therein.
The American Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves…
Thanks Mark for these pix; looks like a lot of women in the audience at the University (good sign!) sorry ’bout the delays ~ maybe DHS will be a thing of the past next time on your way to Iran ~
ed note–that is a BIG ‘maybe’ Sir William.
I’m so glad you’re able to go there and represent those of us who do not hate Iran and do not wish to see it destroyed. I only wish more Americans knew the truth. Alas, all they know is the slander and lies told to them by our Zionist media. Mention “Iran” and most people convulse in fear and loathing. It’s tragic.
This was really nice to see, Ma sha Allah.
A rich culture few Americans realize along with Iraq and Syria. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful essay. Very well presented. Much appreciated. I think this is the only post at T.U.T. in which I nor only tarried for quite a while on each image, but went back and looked at each image again and, again, trying to imagine myself in Iran alongside MG.
One observation: MG writes…
“The people of Iran are the most gracious, giving, fun-loving, easy-going, generous people I have ever known, but at the same time, absolutely determined to maintain their independence and their dignity without compromise.”
Yes, but based on my understanding, this mainly applies to the middle and lower classes. In their neighborhoods can be seen images of the late Ayatolah Ruhollah Moosavi Khomeini, plus the current supreme leader, Ali Khamenei. Both are great men. Both oppose imperialism and the Zionist plague.
However it is a different story among the rich. Based on my readings, rich Iranians are the same as rich people everywhere. They tend to despise the lower classes, and their opinions tend to align with globalists and imperialists. They have little or no problem with Israel, and they think spiritually is for the peasants. All they care about is continually widening the gap between themselves and the masses. It is they who participated in the failed “Green Revolution” of 2009 (sponsored by the CIA, along with Iranian oligarchs). They are identical to the rich kids in Venezuela who despise the lower classes, and who are always protesting against the government.
Indeed, as I have noted before, there can be no “color revolution” unless the imperialist USA has an ally in the upper class of the targeted nation. A “color revolution” consists of a simultaneous assault from within (by the rich) and without (by the CIA). A “color revolution” is not possible if a nation is truly united, with no enmity between the rich and the rest.
This is why Castro’s Cuba was never conquered until now. All the bad elements were encouraged the leave. The remaining people were comparatively united.
Anyway, it is my opinion that one cannot understand the dynamics between the USA and Iran unless one understands the dynamics between the socioeconomic classes inside Iran. The USA wants to squeeze the anti-imperialist elements (e.g. the Revolutionary Guard) without inconveniencing the upper classes and the oligarchs.
As for Israel, its blabbering is simply bluster by politicians, who have nothing to offer the Israeli masses except more economic hardship, plus “protection” from the (non-existent) “Iranian threat.”
It makes me smile with sincerity–that is a big deal–to see you achieve so much, and rightfully so. You are a real treasure for the REAL truth-movement, and we are all blessed to have you on our side, exposing the malefactors, and their machinations.
Would love to know what the DHS questions were and more about the interrogation. If/when I travel again, I’ll bring a giveaway netbook and no phone; I’ll get a cheap pay cell at my destination. Screw them.
Really enjoyed the photos. I think they’re more like Americans than Americans can imagine, but without the Zionism. Hard to believe Israel wants to destroy them. Sick.
Bravo MG!
But please, have these trips to Iran (especially this one) garnered any US independent media attention ‘vis-a-vis’ interview requests?
If not, shame on them.
#8, Tony! That suggestion truly made me laugh with a bit of good ole Murcan humour at such an idea!
Mark, this certainly puts that sourpuss Gareth Porter in his place! And so many others. The photos and some of the connections you mentioned in the last audio are good signs for us all.
I know we said we would never discuss gerbils again, but as I looked at these photos I also looked down to the left and saw an imaginary wire cage containing self involved little rodents chewing their legs off from frustration at still being so penned in.
Eating Iranian cake …. you done good! And gonna do better for us all.
ed note–dearest, when I said in my last program that it was not just me there, but us, I was serious. I may be something of a figurehead within this exercise, but it is a group effort and would not be near what it is without the contributions of so many people, including yourself.
Yes, let the little rodents nibble and gnaw. Where they are now is where they will be a year, 2 years, 5 years, ten years from now, etc, assuming of course that the world has not been reduced to ashes by then. They offer a seriously inferior product and the ‘sales’ prove it.
Thanks for sharing! : )
<3 🙂
Why no article on Marzieh Hashemi.
ed note–as anyone who follows this website knows, we try to engage in the kind of detailed analysis of political events that few others are willing to attempt. Marzieh is a personal friend of mine and of course I am concerned with what has happened to her, but the fact is that there is somewhere between a million and a billion articles now floating around that detail what happened to her, and adding one more is not going to do anything substantive. Besides, based upon what we know as of this moment, she was not ‘targeted’ but is merely being questioned as a witness in a grand jury investigation and is set to be released soon.
Thanks Mark for these pix; looks like a lot of women in the audience at the University (good sign!) sorry ’bout the delays ~ maybe DHS will be a thing of the past next time on your way to Iran ~
ed note–that is a BIG ‘maybe’ Sir William.
I’m so glad you’re able to go there and represent those of us who do not hate Iran and do not wish to see it destroyed. I only wish more Americans knew the truth. Alas, all they know is the slander and lies told to them by our Zionist media. Mention “Iran” and most people convulse in fear and loathing. It’s tragic.
This was really nice to see, Ma sha Allah.
A rich culture few Americans realize along with Iraq and Syria. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful essay. Very well presented. Much appreciated. I think this is the only post at T.U.T. in which I nor only tarried for quite a while on each image, but went back and looked at each image again and, again, trying to imagine myself in Iran alongside MG.
One observation: MG writes…
“The people of Iran are the most gracious, giving, fun-loving, easy-going, generous people I have ever known, but at the same time, absolutely determined to maintain their independence and their dignity without compromise.”
Yes, but based on my understanding, this mainly applies to the middle and lower classes. In their neighborhoods can be seen images of the late Ayatolah Ruhollah Moosavi Khomeini, plus the current supreme leader, Ali Khamenei. Both are great men. Both oppose imperialism and the Zionist plague.
However it is a different story among the rich. Based on my readings, rich Iranians are the same as rich people everywhere. They tend to despise the lower classes, and their opinions tend to align with globalists and imperialists. They have little or no problem with Israel, and they think spiritually is for the peasants. All they care about is continually widening the gap between themselves and the masses. It is they who participated in the failed “Green Revolution” of 2009 (sponsored by the CIA, along with Iranian oligarchs). They are identical to the rich kids in Venezuela who despise the lower classes, and who are always protesting against the government.
Indeed, as I have noted before, there can be no “color revolution” unless the imperialist USA has an ally in the upper class of the targeted nation. A “color revolution” consists of a simultaneous assault from within (by the rich) and without (by the CIA). A “color revolution” is not possible if a nation is truly united, with no enmity between the rich and the rest.
This is why Castro’s Cuba was never conquered until now. All the bad elements were encouraged the leave. The remaining people were comparatively united.
Anyway, it is my opinion that one cannot understand the dynamics between the USA and Iran unless one understands the dynamics between the socioeconomic classes inside Iran. The USA wants to squeeze the anti-imperialist elements (e.g. the Revolutionary Guard) without inconveniencing the upper classes and the oligarchs.
As for Israel, its blabbering is simply bluster by politicians, who have nothing to offer the Israeli masses except more economic hardship, plus “protection” from the (non-existent) “Iranian threat.”
It makes me smile with sincerity–that is a big deal–to see you achieve so much, and rightfully so. You are a real treasure for the REAL truth-movement, and we are all blessed to have you on our side, exposing the malefactors, and their machinations.
Would love to know what the DHS questions were and more about the interrogation. If/when I travel again, I’ll bring a giveaway netbook and no phone; I’ll get a cheap pay cell at my destination. Screw them.
Really enjoyed the photos. I think they’re more like Americans than Americans can imagine, but without the Zionism. Hard to believe Israel wants to destroy them. Sick.
Bravo MG!
But please, have these trips to Iran (especially this one) garnered any US independent media attention ‘vis-a-vis’ interview requests?
If not, shame on them.
#8, Tony! That suggestion truly made me laugh with a bit of good ole Murcan humour at such an idea!
Mark, this certainly puts that sourpuss Gareth Porter in his place! And so many others. The photos and some of the connections you mentioned in the last audio are good signs for us all.
I know we said we would never discuss gerbils again, but as I looked at these photos I also looked down to the left and saw an imaginary wire cage containing self involved little rodents chewing their legs off from frustration at still being so penned in.
Eating Iranian cake …. you done good! And gonna do better for us all.
ed note–dearest, when I said in my last program that it was not just me there, but us, I was serious. I may be something of a figurehead within this exercise, but it is a group effort and would not be near what it is without the contributions of so many people, including yourself.
Yes, let the little rodents nibble and gnaw. Where they are now is where they will be a year, 2 years, 5 years, ten years from now, etc, assuming of course that the world has not been reduced to ashes by then. They offer a seriously inferior product and the ‘sales’ prove it.
Thanks for sharing! : )
<3 🙂
Why no article on Marzieh Hashemi.
ed note–as anyone who follows this website knows, we try to engage in the kind of detailed analysis of political events that few others are willing to attempt. Marzieh is a personal friend of mine and of course I am concerned with what has happened to her, but the fact is that there is somewhere between a million and a billion articles now floating around that detail what happened to her, and adding one more is not going to do anything substantive. Besides, based upon what we know as of this moment, she was not ‘targeted’ but is merely being questioned as a witness in a grand jury investigation and is set to be released soon.